Problem Formulation Objectives of the Research Definition of Terms

B. Problem Formulation

With the purpose of understanding the novel better, two problems were formulated as follows 1. What symbols are used in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician’s Nephew ? 2. How does C.S Lewis use symbol to express Christian Concepts, Stories, and Teaching in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician’s Nephew?

C. Objectives of the Research

The research is conducted with the purpose of finding about symbols used to express Christian concepts, ideas, and teaching in the first of seven books of The Chronicles of Narnia entitled The Magician’s Nephew. As a way to fulfill the purpose of the study, the writer will first try to examine each symbol used in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician’s Nephew. After the symbols used have been discovered, the writer wants to reveal how C.S Lewis express Christian concepts, stories, and teaching in the novel.

D. Definition of Terms

1. Symbol

Laurence Perrine defines symbol as “something that means more than what it suggests on the surface” Perrine, 1974:214. According to the definition, a symbol works by suggesting an abstract or imaginative idea; something beyond what is expressed in the literal meaning of particular words, phrases, or even sentences.

2. Expression

In this research, the term expression is used in context indicating the role of literary work as the media of the expression of the author. This refers to the theories by Abram in his book entitled The Mirror and The Lamp that a literary work is actually “the overflow, utterance, or projection of the thought and feeling of the author” 1953:21-22.

3. Christian

Webster’s New World Dictionary defines Christian as “a person professing belief in Jesus as the Christ, or in the religion based on the teaching of Jesus, professing the religion based on those teachings, or having the qualities demonstrated and taught by Jesus Christ, as love, kindness, humility, etc. Guralnik, 1970:235

4. Christian Concept

Regarding the definition of concept, Webster’s New Explorer Encyclopedic Dictionary defines it as “an abstract or generic idea generalized from particular instances” 2006:372. Therefore, Christian concept is related with idea conceived in the mind generalized from Christian teaching such as love, kindness, humility, etc.

5. Christian Teaching

Then, Webster also has the definition of teaching as “something taught; especially doctrine” 2006:1894. In this case, Christian Teaching can be defined as something taught from Christian doctrine system in relation with Christian concept such as love, kindness, humility, etc. 8