Novel The term novel comes from Italian word novella which means something


2.1 Research Methods

This thesis was being done by using library research. I use some books and many other sources as references that I think related to the subject matter that is being analyzed. Those books are the analyses such us; literature, novel, intrinsic and extrinsic unsure. That are written by many scholars and I also browse some opinions about the intrinsic element, extrinsic element, psychology approach shopping addiction from the internet to add my understanding. In this anlysis, the writer uses both of two unsure in literary work in analyzing the novel, that are intrinsic unsure and extrinsic unsure. The writer choose a character in the intrinsic unsure and choose the psychological approach in the extrinsic unsure, it;s talk about shopping addiction. Wellek and Warren explain a relation between literatures and psycology that there are of psychological approach in literary work namely author s mind, writing process, character s mind, and audiances mind. Istilah psokologi sastra mempunyai empat kemungkinan pengertian. Yang pertama adalah studi psikologi pengarang sebagai tipe atau sebagai pribadi. Yang kedua adalah studi proses kreatif. Yang ketiga studi tipe dan hukum hukum psikologi yang diterapkan pada karya sastra. Dan yang keempat mempelajari dampak sastra pembaca. Wellek warren, 1995: 90

2.1.1 Novel The term novel comes from Italian word novella which means something

new and small, a term applied to a newly story talking place a long time ago. Novel are gerally thought of as containing about forty-five thousand words or more, it means that it is to be read at a long time. Novel rises as something that people may undestood with the same principle in daily life. There are some defenitions of novel. According to william Harmon 1996: 350-352 in his book A Handbook to literature stated that Novel is used in its broadest sense to designate any extended fictional narrative almost always in prose. In practice, however, its use is customariy restricted to narrative in which Universitas Sumatera Utara the representation of character occurs either in a static condition or in the proces of development as the result of events or actions Richad Gill in his book martering english literature that 2006: 59 A novel is about the world. That is a very sweeping statement, so some qualificationa are necessary. The world about us is the world of human interactions. The way we engage with each other, what we want from each other, and what we hope and fear for each other is the stuff of the novel. Novels are social; they are about people. Yet they are not about people in the way in which, say, a televison documentary or an articel in a magazine is about people. People in novels are people, but they are not the same as the ones we meet every day. They are fictional; they have been made up. From that defenition so we know that a novel is a world made in word which has some links with the world we know outside literature. Because novels are veried, we can to know about the element of novel that explained from the book Richad Gill 2006: 7-8 we can to know the point to the following element:  It is a composition, usually in prose, concerned with the acts and speech of imagened characters.  A story is told; there is a teller of the tale.  It is a story in which the events are related in a particular order and for a particular reason.  The events are imagined as taking place in specific places.  The characters and events from a fictional world, which may be close to or remote from our everyday world.  The totality of characters and events adds up to something. We can find meanings in the work. From R.J. rees s book English Literature state that a novel is a fictious prose narrative of considerable length in which characters and actions representatives of real life are portrayed in a plot of more or less complexity. Novel is usually prose fiction, Roberts and Jacob 1983: 2 state that fiction meant anything made up, created or shaped but today the words refers to prose stories based in the author s imagination . Universitas Sumatera Utara Work of fiction usually focus on one or few main character who undergo a change of attitude or character as they interact with other characters and deal with a problem. 2.1.2 Intrinsic Element Character