Intrinsic Element .1 Character Research Methods

Work of fiction usually focus on one or few main character who undergo a change of attitude or character as they interact with other characters and deal with a problem. 2.1.2 Intrinsic Element Character As reader, we find we are drawn into the lives of characters: we listen to them, observe their actions, try to understand their thigking, feel for their plights, judge their motives, recoil from their attitudes, appreaciate their wit, and wonder at their insights. Character is the most important thing in a story. An existence of a character make every story becomes special and specific, because the characteristics of character can make differentiation in story. Such existence is presumed in the performance as audience, readers or the actors. Character exists not only in a human being form, but also in other form, for example animal, and also unliving thing as long as the living thing contribute important event that can create plot. A character occupies a strategic position to bring and convey massage, moral, or something that is purposely converged to the reader. Abrams 1985:21 says that Characters are the person presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say the dialogue, and by what they do the action . In studying a character is standing a trait. A trait is a quality of mind or habitual mode of behavior, such as never repaying borrowed money, or avoiding eye contact, or always thingking one self te center of attention. Sometimes the traits encounter are minor and therefore negligible. But often a trait maybe a person s primary characteristic not only in fiction but also in real life Characterization is the author s way of describing his characters in a literary work. Characters are closely related to plot because character means actions, while actions form the plot of a literary work. Author has some ways to tell and describe his characters. The first way is directly telling his readers the characters qualities. The second is by showing the character s action. This means that the authors show the characters deeds towards an event. The last is by using the others characters statement about the character who is being discussed. There are four level of characterization, they are as follow: Universitas Sumatera Utara 1. Physical Physical level supplies such basic facts as age, size, sex, the posture. This is the easiest and simplest level of characterization because it only reveals external traits. 2. Social Social level of characterization can be seen through his or its economic status, occupation, religion, family, social relationship, education background and all factors which place a character in his environment. 3. Psychological This level of characterization reveals habitual responses, attitudes, desires, motivation, intellectual which led to action. Because feeling, thoughts and behavior define a character more fully than through two others level and because literary work usually arises from desires in conflict, the psychology level is the most essential part of characterization. 4. Moral Moral decisions more clearly differentiate characters than any other level of characterization. A moral decision usually causes a character to examine his own motives and values and in the process his true is revealed both to himself and to readers.

a. Main Character