Main Character Data Colection Data Selecting Data analyzing

1. Physical Physical level supplies such basic facts as age, size, sex, the posture. This is the easiest and simplest level of characterization because it only reveals external traits. 2. Social Social level of characterization can be seen through his or its economic status, occupation, religion, family, social relationship, education background and all factors which place a character in his environment. 3. Psychological This level of characterization reveals habitual responses, attitudes, desires, motivation, intellectual which led to action. Because feeling, thoughts and behavior define a character more fully than through two others level and because literary work usually arises from desires in conflict, the psychology level is the most essential part of characterization. 4. Moral Moral decisions more clearly differentiate characters than any other level of characterization. A moral decision usually causes a character to examine his own motives and values and in the process his true is revealed both to himself and to readers.

a. Main Character

In the novel, there are several characters present. And each of the character has a different role. Based on the role of characters in developing the plot, character are distinguished into main or major character. Main character is the important and special character, so it dominates the story. The main character can be make any problem in a story it is just the character with the lead role. As a rule of thumb, main characters usually have a lot to say and appear frequently throughout the play. Even in certain novels, a main character always presents in every event and can found in every page of novel concern. The main character in a novel can be more than one. Universitas Sumatera Utara

b. Peripheral Character

There are some characters that are presented only once or couple times in a story, and it may be in relative short narration. According to Nurgiantoro 1998: 177 stated that peripheral is the character that appears once or sometimes in the novel, it may exist relatively in short portion; and peripheral character usually appears only if there is any connection with the main character, directly or indirectly.

2.1.3 Extrinsic Element

. In addition, there are also external elements in short stories included. Voters are called extraneous. extrinsic factor is the outer part of the work of short stories which have no direct connection with the contents of the story. can work, however, to think about when and how the situation of the work is . Personality Personality comes from Latin Language is : Persona, and may word have

multiple meanings and personality is certainly no exception. Different people use the word personality in different ways. The general public often uses the term to represent a value judgment, if you like someone, it is because he or she as a good personality or lost of personality . A boring person has no personality . Personality Defenition in Lawrence A. Pervin s book Personality Teory and Research 2005: 6 personality refers to those characteristics of the person that account for consistent patterns of feeling, thingking, and behaving . Personality has been suggested here, others are possible. Alternative definitions should not be construed as right or wrong, rather, they may be more or less useful in directing us to importand areas of understanding. In the other defenition of personality is mention in mischael s book 2003: 3 is: Personality is the complex organization of cognitions, affecs, and behavior that gives direction and pattern coherence to the person s life. Like the body, personality consists of both structures and process and reflects both nature genes and nurture experience. In addition, personality includes the effects of the past, including memories of the past, as well as constructions of the present and future . Universitas Sumatera Utara It can be also said the personality patterns of behavior and to qualitiesinside the person that account for these regularitiest, as opposed, for example, to looking exclusively at qualities in the environment that account for such regularities. The regularities of interest to us include te thoughts, feeling, and overt behaviors of people. Of particular interest to one another, or cohere, to from the unique, distinctive individual. Addiction Behavior Many people make definition of addiction is different, so we define an addicton is related to drugs, addiction to use the drugs with compulsive and can not be control Diclemente: 2003. But nowadays there are the development of addiction that explain the definite behavior and have a potensial as a addiction behavior like, internet, pornografi, games, relationship and so on. Because of that the Oxford 1985, dalam Diclement, 2003 explain that addiction is definite behavior that repeatedly, compulsive, self-destructive, and very difficult to stoped and to changed it. Million of people suffer from compulsive behavior patterns that have an addictive quality there are smoking, dringking, gambling, drug abuse, overeating and until shopping. Often they give up the trouble some behavior for a period time, only to find that returns. Although many people claim a psycologycal basic for addictive behavior, two points are: 1. In some of these compulsive patterns, no true phsyological addiction exists. Yet a phsyological craving remains. Generally, periods of intense craving are associated with feeling of threat and anability to cope with events. 2. Many people are able to go through an extended period of abstinence, only to experience a relapse of overeating after weight loss, habitual smoking afterabstinance, and shopping addiction, and so on. In thesis of Hamanda with title Attachment Style pada wanita yang mengalami Shopping Addiction 2008: xvi that Peele 1985, in Thombs, 2006 explain about addiction is a methods maladaptive to take the problems and it s a challenge in this century.that s problem like to build a relationship, to learn for emotion control, far form your family and so on. That is to do as the avoid and Universitas Sumatera Utara waiting the problems. Addiction is pattern from the behavior that have bad consistency for the addict and his or her family.

2.2 Data Colection

The first step, the writer read the novel on and on to get full understanding about what is being told about and to find out the intrinsic and extrinsic elements that are contained in the novel. The writer don t read the English version only, but also the translation version. The primary source of the data is the text itself. The writer underlined and collected the important things from the novel such as the information about the characteristics of each character, the way the characters interact with others, and the ideas that the characters posses in facing an event in the novel.

2.3 Data Selecting

In t he second step is selecting the data. For all the information that had collected in the first step were being selected and only the very significant data or related data were used in the process of making the analysis of this thesis. The selection is based on the characters and psychological side is shopping addiction that are discussed, because the selected data is used to support the character that is being discussed.

2.4 Data analyzing

In writing this thesis, the writer use library and field research. In the library research, I collect and read some books and thesis which relate to this topic. In last step is analyzing the data. The writer use the descriptive method in analyzing the data. Descriptive method is a method of analysis by describing and analyzing the data and then giving interpretation and explanation. All the selected data were being analyzed to prove what are being written in the objective of this thesis and finally I can draw the conclusion for this thesis. Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPPTER III A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF SHOPPING ADDICTION

3.1 Shopping Addiction