Method of Data Collection

The writer is an observer and a technician to record the data in the classroom during teaching learning process so that the data were not biased. Before recording the data, I observed several times to see the situation of the classroom as trial before I recorded the teaching learning in the classroom. The process of getting the data can be summarized as follows: I had to prepare for getting the data which are used for checking: 1. the instrument to record the data, 2. the classroom to get good recording, 3. the situation outside of the classroom, which makes too much distortion, 4. the position of the teachers and students in order to get good recording. I record teaching learning activity from opening until closing activity. During the process of recording, I observe seriously from the beginning until the end of the episode. Some activities last 45 minutes and some last 90 minutes. One day I only take one recording. It takes two weeks.


In this thesis the writer uses two types of methods namely method of data collection and method of data analysis. To make them clear the writer unfolds them as follows.

3.4.1 Method of Data Collection

1. Pre-observation In the academic year of 20022003 up to 20062007 the third year students of SMA Negeri 01 Losari-Brebes fail in the final exam caused by English. The failure is trigerred by the teachers’ English competence is rather poor and they do not help the students to reach the desired expressions optimally . Up to now, most of the students at the school are still passive English learners. They do not understand what their English teachers are talking about. They cannot speak and write in English well. It means that the level of the students’ literacy in English is still very low. In line with the statements above, most of teachers of English are conventional teachers. They rarely speak English so the students can not speak English. They never speak English because: 1 they worry about making mistakes; 2 they are lack of skill to speak; 3 they tend to speak Sundanese, Javanese, Indonesian, instead of English; 4 they are not patient in guiding them to speak; and 5 they tend to answer their own questions. Besides, the teachers of English there are reluctant to prepare teaching and learning process before teaching. Some of them almost never learn more to enhance their own competence after they graduated from their university. The ability to transform their speaking ability they got from the university to their students is still low too. Therefore, their students’ ability in speaking is also low. To solve that problem the teachers of English have to learn to speak and practice more and more until they can speak. They have to prepare well and willing to learn more. After they improve their competence they can give English exposures and learning experience to their students. When it happens, it will open the way to be successful. In order to be successful in making their students talk, the teachers should talk to their students. They have to use scaffolding talk as a bridge and help to achieve the main talk easily in their English class. As scaffolding talk is a good guide for teacher in constructing a text Anderson, 2003:52. A text here is a medium of expression either spoken or written. In brief a text is essentially a semantic unit Halliday, 1985:10. Teachers’ scaffolding talk will make students fully involved so at a certain time they will be automatically active without any pressure from their English teachers. The students feel relax but improve their ability in speaking because of their teachers guide in constructing oral discourse. As long as I am concerned, conducting research on the topic scaffolding talk is still rare in Brebes so to conduct it on teachers’ scaffolding talks at the school will be very useful for students, teachers of English either at the school or teachers of English in Brebes. The data were collected through pre observation to the three English teachers to know their background and the situation of the class and the students. I ignored what university they were from. I just recorded their talks during teaching and learning process 2. Recording The process of getting the data is by recording their talks during the lesson. The recording was done in the classroom. The data recorded are qualitative because they are in the form of words rather than numbers Bogdan et al. 1992:100, every teacher was recorded three times in different classes for the shake of this research report the writer took them randomly to get two classes in every level since the school has sixteen classes. Tenth grade has six classes, eleventh grade has five classes and twelfth grade has five classes: one natural science and others are social sciences.

3.4.2 Method of Data Analysis