1. Chapter I is an introduction. It consists of the background of the research, the reason for choosing the topic, research questions, the objective of the study, limitation of the study, significance of the research, the outlines of the study, and the definition terms. 2. Chapter II is review of related literatures. It covers various theories, which support this research and give the overview of the framework forming bases of conducting this research. 3. Chapter III presents the methods 4. Chapter IV covers presentation of the analysis and its interpretation. 5. Chapter V presents the conclusions and pedagogical implications.


To avoid misinterpretation dealing with the topic discussed, I present the definition of each key word or phrase stated in the writing. 1.8.1 Scaffolding talk according to Richard et al 1992:321 are “the building up of target language structure over several turns in an interaction. In short, scaffolding is to make a hearer comprehend a speaker’s meaning, the speaker needs to express the meaning segment by segment and organize those segments in a linear fashion according to the socially acceptable structure. 1.8.2 Literacy in this study is the ability to communicate actively in a foreign language based on literacy principles such as interpretation, collaboration, convention, cultural knowledge, problem solving, reflection and self reflection, and language use. 1.8.3 Discourse is a text, either spoken or written in a certain context. The certain text consists of context of situation and context of culture. Context of situation is register and context of culture is genre Eggins 1994. 1.8.4 Discourse analysis according to Brown and Yule in Schriffrin 1994:31 is the analysis of language in use. Deep analysis of discourse is based on the kinds of linguistic features, such as conversational gambits, the use of discourse markers, mood modality, etc. Coulthard 1997. 1.8.5 Teacher’s talks in the classroom setting occur between the teacher and the students and usually the interaction take place not only in one - to one interactions but also in one - to many interactions depending on the number of students involved in the teaching and learning process. Agustien, 2000 . 1.8.6 Linguistic features. It is called linguistics as the forms employed in analyzing the teachers talk. The forms can be formulaic expressions, such as: gambits, pattern of speech functions, mood and modality, transitivity, discourse markers etc. 1.8.7 Speech functions. Four basic types of moves such as : statement, questions, offers and command are called speech functions Halliday 1994.Four basic types of moves interactants can make a piece of dialogue. The speech function in details can see speech function network in the appendix. 1.8.8 Discourse markers are expressions, which signal a sequential relationship between the current message and the previous discourse Fraser 1990:383. 1.8.9 ZPD stands for Zone of Proximal Development. It is the difference between the students’ actual development level determined by their capability to master the tasks independently and their potential development level determined by the capability to complete the tasks under the help of teachers or more capable peers. In the ZPD the teachers provide the students’ tasks beyond their actual development which only can be completed by the help of teachers or more capable peers. 1.8.10 Genre is a text type Martin J.R 1992 . In these study teachers’ scaffolding talks are spoken discourse so they belong to spoken text types. It can be said that the genre in this study is spoken. 1.8.11 Register is a set of vocabulary items, associated with discrete occupational or social group. Wardaugh 1998 : 48. 1.8.12 Teachers in this study are the English teachers of SMA Negeri 01 Losari- Brebes 19