Review of Related Studies

Based on the consideration above, the researcher tries to improve students‟ writing skills by implementing the brainstorming technique. The implementation of the technique involves the researcher, the English teacher, the collaborator, and the Eighth grade students of SMP N 1 Nanggulan Kulonprogo. Then, the action step consists of planning, implementing, evaluating, and reflecting the actions, which are carried out to solve the problems. The students were given brainstorming technique in each meeting. It is expected that there will be some changes in the teaching learning of English at the Eighth grade students of SMP N 1 Nanggulan Kulonprogo after the technique is applied. In summary, it is expected that Brainstorming technique is able to improve the students‟ writing skill. The implementation of Brainstorming in the teaching and learning process is expected to overcome the writing problems encountered by the students of SMP N 1 Nanggulan Kulonprogo. 37


A. Research Design

Related to the goal of this research, namely to improve the students‟ writing skill by using process approach, this study is categorized as classroom action research. It aims at describing the process of the improvements of students‟ writing skill. According to Burns 2010:1, action research is part of a broad movement that has been going on in education. It is related to the ideas of reflective practice and the teacher as a researcher. Action research also involves taking a self-reflective, critical, and systematic approach to explore teaching context. This research is an action research since it essentially gives an emphasis on solving problems that obtained in the teaching and learning process. This is in line with Burns 2010:13 who says that action research is a reflective practice which is done by the teachers to bring about better results of their classes. It is also in line with Kemmis and McTaggart in McNiff 1991:24 who states that action research is: “A form of collective self-reflective enquiry undertaken by participant in social situation in order to improve the rationality and justice of their own social or educational practices, as well as their understanding of these practices and the stituation in which these practices are carried out.” Furthermore, Kemmis and McTaggart 1988 in Burns 2010 elaborate that action research occurs through a dynamic and complementary process, which consists of four steps: planning, action, observation and reflection. The researcher collaborated with the English teacher found the problems, formulated the possible