became the teacher who conducted the processes of English teaching and learning in order to know the success of the actions to improve students‟ writing skill and also the problems occured during the implementation process. The actions were implemented in two cycles. Cycle I was conducted in three meetings while Cycle II was also carried out in two meetings.

4. Reflecting

With regard to the implementation processes, the team members evaluated the result of the implementation. This was also useful to show the improvement of the actions conducted in the learning processes. In this step the reflection was done to measure whether the actions were successful or not. If the actions were considered successful, they would be continued to the next action. However, if the actions were unsuccessful, the next cycle would be implemented considering the previous reflection.

5. Developing new plan and cycle

After conducting the first cycle and evaluating the result, the researcher and the English teacher prepared some ideas as what to do next began to be clear. Then, researcher and the English teacher developed new plan and actions to be implemented in the next cycle, so that the changes can be noted systematically over periods.

C. Research Setting

The research was conducted from April to May 2016 which took place in SMP N 1 Nanggulan Kulonprogo. SMP N 1 Nanggulan Kulonprogo has 18 classrooms, one teacher room, one room for the headmistress, and one administration room. Beside those main rooms, it also has a counseling room, a music room, a catholic religion room, a hall, computer room, a cooperative room, a mosque, a library, two laboratories, a student‟s health unit room, a yard, a security post, toilets, canteens, and parking areas.

D. Subjects of the Research

The main subjects of this study were the eighth grade students of SMP N 1 Nanggulan Kulonprogo in the academic year of 20152016. Meanwhile, the other subjects were the English teacher of SMP N 1 Nanggulan Kulonprogo, a collaborator, and the researcher herself. In this research, the researcher decided to choose the students of class VIII F of SMP N 1 Nanggulan Kulonprogo based on the information from the English teacher, informing that grade VIII students especially VIII F students had the lowest average scores in almost all of English skills. The students were from class VIII F consisting of 12 male students and 20 female students. It is expected that the brainstorming technique could give contribution to their improvement in the speaking practice.