The Effect of CBB on Borrowing Habit The Mediating Role of CBB on the Effect of Pocket Money to

17 The money that people usually borrow when they want to make purchases are not needed by these people. The first reason is because they have their saving to cover it so instead of borrowing money, they will take money from their saving. The second reason is that people with high retention time usually have their budget for everything so it‟s rarely happen that they need extra money. These people with high retention time who are called budget-minded individuals by Engelberg Sjoberg 2006 also found to have less favorable attitudes toward borrowing money on previous studies. H 6 : Money retention has a negative significant effect on borrowing habit.

1.7.7. The Effect of CBB on Borrowing Habit

Generally, compulsive buyers need more money than normal people do. The reason is because their willingness to buy can easily come whenever they feel unhappy, sad, or depressed. For these people, when the willingness to buy come they will try hard to make it happen. When they want to make purchases but in the same time they do not have money, these people will try to get the money. Borrowing money from friends or family is one easy way to get the money. The more often they want to make purchases when they don‟t have 18 enough money, the more they borrow. The more often they borrow, the worse their borrowing habit. In the end they usually have a lot of debt to be paid Joireman et al ., 2010 without having the ability to pay. This conclusion is also supported by Edwards 1993 who stated on his paper that many cases of excessive borrowing are resulted from compulsive spending. Workman 2010 even called the people who love to borrow money because of their compulsive buying behavior as compulsive debtor. The effect of CBB on borrowing habit can also be analyzed using the prospect theory by Kahneman Tversky 1979. Compulsive buyers are those who are in the „loss domain‟ since they tend to be risk takers and tend to take irrational actions, including borrowing money. Therefore they do not hesitate on making decision about borrowing money although they realize that borrowing money means more debt to pay, a bigger risk. H 7 : CBB has a positive significant effect on borrowing habit.

1.7.8. The Mediating Role of CBB on the Effect of Pocket Money to

Borrowing Habit To make purchases people need money, therefore the amount of money that people have will affect the purchases they make. Consumption is determined by the amount of pocket money, earnings from work, and the various additional sums of money that they are given Bonke, 2013. 19 Similarly, when people have larger amount of money, they have greater chance to make purchases than those who have limited amount of money. The effect of pocket money on buying behavior, especially to buying behavior has been investigated by Lin Lin 2005. The authors found that impulsive buying behavior tend to increase when there is an increasing of the amount of pocket money. As well as the effect on impulsive buying behavior, the effect of pocket money on CBB is also positive as found by Guo Cai 2011. By having large amount of money that will lead people to be compulsive buyers, these people will also suffer from their unmanageable debt because of their CBB. It is because compulsive buyers continually need to borrow money from family and friends, not only for shopping but to pay their credit card debt. H 8 : CBB plays mediating role between pocket money and borrowing habit

1.7.9. The Mediating Role of CBB on the Effect of Peer Acceptance

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