Personal Finance CBB Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Compulsive Buying Behavior: The Effects of Pocket Money, Peer Acceptance, Money Retention And Its Impact On Borrowing Habit T2 912012034 BAB II


1.1. Personal Finance

Personal Finance refers to the financial management done by an individual or a family to obtain, allocate, save, and spend monetary resources over time. Tyson 2010 noted that personal finance covers several key concepts: spending, taxes, saving and investing, insurance, and planning for major goals like education, buying a home, and retirement. Based on the opinion above, personal finance is not simply about current financial management of an individual or a family, but also includes their long term financial management. People who can manage their monetary resources are the people with good personal finance. Specifically, CBB from this personal finance perspective can be seen as a part of personal spending. It is closely related to how an individual manage his spending. Good spending management will not lead people to do CBB, whereas with bad spending management there is a great chance for people to do CBB. In the other side, spending is done to make consumption possible, which consumption itself according to Seddon 2012 is also a part 7 of personal finance. Thereby it is clear that CBB can be seen as a part of personal finance, especially of individual personal finance.

1.2. CBB

Faber dan O‟Guinn 1988 defined CBB as a detrimental condition caused by an uncontrollable drive with the following definition: “a response to an uncontrollable drive or desire to obtain, use or experience a feeling, substance or activity that leads an individual to repetitively engage in a behavior that will ultimately cause harm to the individual andor to others.” This definition implies that CBB will not only cause harm to compulsive buyers, but to others as well. In more detail, Faber et al . 1987 have identified three characteristics of CBB: 1 the presence of a drive, impulse, or urge to engage in the behavior; 2 denial of the harmful consequences of engaging in the behavior, and c repeated failure in attempts to control or modify the behavior. CBB has been variously defined in previous studies, some of them were proposed by McElroy et al . 1994 and Solomon 2002. The definition of CBB according to McElroy et al . 1994 is a buying behavior that is uncontrollable and significantly distressing, time consuming, or resulting in social or financial difficulties. Solomon 2002 defined CBB as an unplanned purchase and consumers engaged in this behavior because they are very eager to obtain certain pleasures that done repetitively. The 8 definition used in this study is adopted from Black 2007 who defined CBB as excessive shopping cognitions and buying behavior that leads to distress or impairment.

1.3. Borrowing Habit

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