The Effect of Pocket Money on CBB The Effect of Peer Acceptance on CBB

12 thrift, hoarding, and obssesive personality. Power prestige as the last domain of money attitude covers status, self interest, superiority, and acceptance. Accordingly, a person‟s money attitude can be assessed based on these three domains. This study focuses specifically on one domain of money attitude: money retention. Money retention wasn‟t defined explicitly by Yamauchi Templer, but they did make the questionnaires to measure it. In this study it is the definition by Furnham 1984 as well as Blaszczynski Nower 2008 that is used, they defined retention time really simple as being careful with money. People with high retention time are them who are carefully on using their money, vice versa .


1.7.1. The Effect of Pocket Money on CBB

To make purchases people need money, therefore the amount of money that people have will affect the purchases they make. Larger amount of money means more purchases. Similarly, when people have larger amount of money, they have bigger chance to make purchases than those who have limited amount of money. In fact, when people have a large amount of pocket money, they tend to spend more. 13 The effect of pocket money on buying behavior, especially to impulsive buying behavior was investigated by Lin Lin 2005. They found that this behavior tended to increase when there was an increasing of the amount of pocket money. As well as the effect on impulsive buying behavior, the effect of pocket money on compulsive buying behavior is also positive because it increases the chance to do both negative buying behaviors. H 1 : Pocket money has a positive and significant effect on CBB

1.7.2. The Effect of Peer Acceptance on CBB

People who are not accepted by their peers tend to do greater effort to be accepted than those who are already accepted by their peers. Those who aren‟t accepted in some cases will try to do whatever is required by their peers. They also will buy things that their peers already have to look the same as their peers. The study conducted by Guo Cai 2011 also found peers as one of several determinants of CBB. More clearly they explained the relationship beetween peer acceptance and CBB as follow: “in order to gain acceptance and support from their peers, both of complying with the expectations of others and buying products that are recognized and approved by others are key success factors to adolescents ”. 14 It is noted by this definition that peer acceptance is an important factor for people, that to gain such acceptance they can buy things only to impress their peers. H 2 : peer acceptance has a positive significant effect on CBB.

1.7.3. The Effect of Money Retention on CBB

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