Fictional Finalism RESEARCH METHOD

Mr.Perryfield : Because God has chosen you, the strongest, the wisest, the smartest, to receive the honor. Tyler : Wow Mr Perryfield : Okay, good. Now, where was I? Tyler : I’m a warrior. Mr Perryfield : Ah, yes, you are God’s warrior, which means you can ride forth victoriously in truth, humility, and righteousness. Even though you’re sick, when people see how strong and brave you are, why, it makes them take a look at their own lives. And so, maybe that’s why they make fun of you like Alex. But, Tyler, there is a glorious truth. God is truth. And it’s your job, Tyler, to point them toward Him. And if they turn to Him, they find the truth. Wouldn’t that be a wonderful victory? Tyler, do you understand? Tyler : I think so. LTG script, 00: 40: 26 The Fictional Finalism which showed Tyler’s dream was when he was sitting with his elder brother in the house terrace. Tyler asked his older brother to write a letter to God. He believed that by that letter, God could help his family life. Both illustrations show that Tyler who suffered from cancer wanted to recover from his illness. He fought against his illness with a spirit that could be strong, wise and clever when tested by the God with such condition. He wanted to feel the excitement as a normal human being like his friends.

4. Style of Life

One of efforts of someone to get success is how they choose style in their own life; they have different ways in showing their life style. According to Adler Feist, 2006:78 “style of life refer to the fl avor of person’s life. It includes not only the person’s goal, but also self concept, feeling toward others, and attitude toward the world. It is the product of the interaction of heredity, environment, goal of success, social interest, and creative power”. The style of life of Tyler in Letters to God movie belong to the socially useful type, because Tyler always spirit to go through his live, he has a good relationship with Braddy the local postman who delivered his letters to God. Tyler is a kind person who all of people know him, he always optimist in his life and useful for his environment. Dear God, I feel yucky today. But Sam really wants to climb trees. I already threw up three times this morning. Sam’s gonna need another friend, you know. And, God... please help me to tell Ben that I broke his guitar string. I didn’t want to tell him, but I think he knows. Help Ben forgive me. He’s the best brother in the whole world. God, do You think You can find somebody for Mom? She’s been so lonely since Dad went to heaven. Could You send someone that could make her happy? I know it must be hard on Mrs. Baker, because babies cry a lot. She misses her husband, too.But she still finds time to make us stuff. Don’t tell Mom, but Mrs. Baker’s fried chicken is way better. I think I’ll be seeing You soon. I’m not feeling better like I used to. Before I die, can You help my friend Mr. Brady? He’s so cool, and he has a boy.But I don’t think they see each other. Could You tell Mr. Brady’s heart it’s going to be okay? LTG script, 01: 26: 07 This letter means that Tyler cares to other around him, he always prays for their kindness. Tyler believes that God will answer his pray to create the solution in their life.

5. Social Interest

From birth, people were endowed to interacting with others, they cannot live without others. They have to make such kind of clan to get a certain purpose to continuing their life, its begin in the family environment, parent educate to their child how to make a good interaction with other people. God creates human as social creatures who live in society where many other people live. Adler says “Social interest can be defined as an attitude of relatedness with humanity in general, as well as empathy for each member of human race ” Feist, 2006: 34-35.