Characters Plot The Power Of The Mortal Cup In Cassandra Clare’s Novel “The Mortal Isntrument (City Of Bones)”

16 From the above statement, novel is a fictional long prose work that adopted from French and Italy to describe these works and differentiate them from middle century and classical romance as a something new.

2.2 Characters

The Characters in fiction novel maybe defined as a verbal representation of a human being. Through action, speech, description and commentary authors portray character that are worth caring about, rooting for, and even loving, although there are also characters you may laugh at, dislike , or even hate. The character is revealed by how character responds to conflict, by his or her dialogue and through descriptions. The character in a story are the characters involved from the beginning until the ending part of the story plot. Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs 1995 : 51 said that character is natural facsimile from the human with all good and bad characteristics. A story is usually related to big conflict of the character.It probable to involve interaction with another character in complicated situation, or with idea or ordinary condition. The character may win, lose, or relevant. He or she can learn and become better for experience or maybe lose point and no change. Furthermore, according to Roberts and Jacobs, character is the verbal realization from human, personality which determines thoughts, statements, also attitudes. The writer got interactions between character and environment through interview, action, and also comments 1988:64. From the above statement, character is any representation of an individual being presented in a dramatic or narrative work through extended dramatic or verbal Universitas Sumatera Utara 17 representation.Through action, speech, description, and commentary, authors portray characters who are worth caring about, rooting for, and even loving, although there are also charaters you may laugh at, dislike, or even hate.

2.3 Plot

Plot according to Roberts and Jacobs in their book Literature: AnIntroduction to Reading and Writing 1995:88 said that plot is all the actions or incidents, speeches, thoughts, and observations are linked together to make up an entirety, sometimes called an organic unity. The essence of this unity is the development and resolution of a conflict in hich protagonist, or central character. The plot is interactions of causes and effects as they develop sequentially or chronologically. Plot is stories are made up mostly of actions or incidents that follow each other sequentially. Finding a sequential or narrative order, however, is only the first step toward the more important consideration. The plot is the controls governing the development of the actions. In a well-plotted story, things precede or follow each other not simply because time ticks away, but more importantly because effects follow causes. From the above statement, plot is organized how actions, should be related in each other, how some events have relationship with other events and the plot is interactions of causes and effects as they develop sequentially or chronologically Universitas Sumatera Utara 18

2.4 Setting