The Role of Feminism The Goal of Feminism

11 institution and violence, such as kinds of abuses to women, and such as beauty standards, and emotional harassment. 4. Socialist Feminism The social feminism is the combination between Marxian and radical feminism. This theory is focused on capitalist patriarchy and study the domination in a widely context, including race class and gender as stated Fargani 2000:370. Here, the socialist feminism offers a unitary theory, including racial, ethnic and individual differences.

2.1.4 The Role of Feminism

The golden age of feminism was occurred in the 1970s and lasted for twenty years. It moved from the political to the literary arena throughout the 1960s and 1970s. Since the 1970s, the feminists have made significant contributions to both political and theoretical ethnics. This theory has already enlightened human thought about sex and gender. A set of inequality of women caused feminist criticize these conditions. Mujianto 2010:109 stated that those feminists’ critics reveal as the reaction of phenomena in the society. In this modern era, feminism is not only related to terms of equality or human rights in vote, education and jobs solely, but also covers all women private life such as stereotypes, prejudices and assumption that denigrate them. Gamble 2006:94 sated that feminism is crucially concerned with the ways in which women’s bodied within patriarchal system. While at the same time, idealized 12 forms of their bodies are objectified by various means for male consumption and sexual delectation. Mujianto 2010:109 said that kind of underestimates to women can be seen symbolically women have been destroyed by media. By considering that they are inexistent, be cursed, and be underestimated. Women re nothing and they can de described in a form based on sex appeal. Due to these discriminations, there is not space for women to be free from the men paradigm which have already shackled them for years. Therefore, here feminism serves to bridge the gape between the way men and women though toward the existence of women themselves in every level of social life. Not as subordinate of man, but as an individual who is free from negative stereotypes that addressed them.

2.1.5 The Goal of Feminism

Bressler 1998:181 stated that in the late 1700s voice in the wildness of patriarchal dominance arose and began to be heard. It was the beginning of feminism when women strove to reject all the patriarchal system influences. They stand up their rights and try to be equal as men. Then, in the early 1900s was the progression of feminism era. The major roots of feminist criticism began growing during this time. Feminists declared that women must define themselves and assert their own voice in the arenas of politic, society, education, and arts. In the previous age, women were deemed to be ‘imperfect men’ and not having capability in many sectors of life. Gamble 2006:294 argued that sexism 13 in partial society at every level is affecting women’s access to get jobs and education. Now, underestimation is not only about whether they have capability or not, but also about their appearance. They become the victim of the male gazes for satisfaction. During Miss America beauty contest in the 1968, the feminist protestors criticized the system that measured female value by appearance. They considered that treatment was like an animal market that placed women as the sexual object. Based on that unfairness treatment, in this dominancy patriarchal system the feminists have goal-seeking to break women stigma from men gaze. By their movements, feminism can be a way to accommodate all women issues and bring enlightenment in the society. Its goal is to heal the wrong assumptions like people narrow-mindedness in seeing women in every level of life. As Bressler 1998:180 said that feminism is to change the degrading view of women. So that, unfair conservative thoughts like stereotypes and sexual objectification that shackled them for years can be vanished.

2.2 Capitalism