The History of Feminism

7 CHAPTER II REVIEW RERELATED LITERATURE This chapter is discussing about the review related literature which consists of three subchapters, they are feminism, capitalism and women. This review is underlying the topic of the study. Theories and references are used to support the investigation which is obtained from many deferent sources such as book, the website, and other scientific materials.

2.1 Feminism

2.1.1 The History of Feminism

The discrimination and inequality between men and women have occurred since long time ago. Bresser 1998:180 stated that the ancient Greeks thought about gender discrimination when Aristotle, one of the leading philosophers and teachers, asserted that male is superior by nature, and that female is inferior, the one rules and the other one is ruled. This paradigm became latent till now, and it cause feminist concern about women issues. Historically, according to Simone de Beauvoir Miriam Schneir, 1972: xii the beginning of women movement was in 15 th century as Christine de Pizan in that period wrote about the oppression of women. Then, in the beginning of 1800s women strived to get rights to vote. Gamble 2006:20 stated that in the 1850s was a major resurgence of feminist activity. It was perhaps the most important decade of the nineteenth century for Victorian women. In the early of 20 th century 1949, it moved 8 forward to attain what they have dreamed of. Then, it was the progressing in the 1960s though almost all sectors life, as stated by Ratna 2005:227 Furthermore, Mujianto 2010:100 generally mentioned that feminist movement was divided into three waves, whilst Ratna 2005:227 divided it into three phases. Firstly, in the first wave, the spirit of feminism could be seen in the 18 th century, definitely in the 1960s. She said that it was the first phase that called emancipation, from the Latin word that is emancipate, which means struggling for rights. The second wave is the next decade after the 1960s. In this term, feminism was getting advanced and got extraordinary responses from the society. It is the second phase which included gender issues. The struggle was related to the degradation of women that is caused by the structure of social and culture. Gamble 2006:94 one of the major issues of the second feminist movement of the 1970s was how women were represented negatively as stereotypes and objects of the male gaze in the visual conventions of both high art and popular culture. The last is one of the third waves Post Feminist. Gamble 2006:310 stated that the third wave feminism is characterizes by a desire to redress economic and racial inequality as well as women issues. It appeared with legalization and actualization that are getting into reality. In this period, the odds between men and women are gradually vanished.

2.1.2 Definition of Feminism