Objective of The Study Benefits of The Study



This chapter focuses on the theoretical description and the theoretical framework of the study. The theoretical description provides theories which are related to the topic of the study. As stated in the statement of the problem that the study concerns about narrative instructional materials for grade X Senior High School students, the theories discuss about the Competency-Based Curriculum, Language Model, Language System., Literacy Approach Scaffolding, Spoken and Written Language and TeachingLearning Cycle, and Narrative. The theoretical framework presents the synthesis of the important concepts that are used as the basis for this study.

2. 1 Theoretical Description

The theoretical description presents the theories of the CBC, the Language Model, Literacy Approach Scaffolding, Spoken and Written Language, and TeachingLearning Cycle, and Narrative.

2.1.1 Competency-Based Curriculum

A new curriculum called Competency-Based Curriculum CBC has been implemented in Indonesia since 2004. The CBC is designed to help students to develop English communicative competence as life skills, the skills to make students survive in the modern communication where English is used Depdiknas, 2004: 43. Yuliasri 2006: 78 states, “The new curriculum is very much text-based. Students are expected to create spoken and written communication fluently and accurately in interactions andor monologues of different genres”. The Senior High School students are expected to communicate in such genres or text types as descriptive, narrative, news item, spoofrecount, procedure, and report Depdiknas, 2003: 7. To implement this curriculum, a teacher or a material developer should understand the theoretical foundation of the curriculum including communicative competence, language model, scaffolding, spoken and written language, and teaching learning cycle.

2.1.2 Communicative Competence

Since English is considered important for Indonesian students, the Depdiknas proposed the CBC which put communicative competence as the main point of English teaching learning at schools. A student needs to have good communicative competence in order to communicate in English well Depdiknas, 2004: 50. In other words, communicative competence is an ability to communicate a language in spoken and written contexts Depdiknas, 2004:50. One model of communicative competence that explicitly addresses language pedagogy is the one proposed by Celce-Murcia et al. 1995. The model, cited in Kurikulum 2004-Standar Kompetensi 2003: 2, is represented as follows: Figure 2.1 Schematic Representation of Communicative Competence Depdiknas, 2003:2