The Discussion The Process of SBC Development for English Teaching in Elementary School

given on the interview and questionnaire investigated the teachers’ perception toward the use of SBC. a Interview Result For the interview, the researcher employed four main questions. First, the researcher investigated the respondents’ opinion toward the definition of perception. Question number two investigated the respondents’ perception toward SBC itself. Third, the respondents were asked about the reason why they used SBC. The fourth questions asked whether SBC, if it was compared to the previous curriculums, can meet the respondents’ expectation toward the good curriculum like they mentioned on the open-ended question. The following were the summary of the interview result and the analysis of it. The first interviewee, who has been teaching English for 5 years, said that perception was something related to the way people thought about something according to their own opinion. Then, her perception toward SBC stated that SBC was the curriculum which gives much freedom for the implementation according to the need of the students, teachers, and the region that was expected to achieve the maximum result. She remarked that SBC was the good curriculum since this curriculum was not centralized like the previous curriculum. It considered the students as an individual that is unique and different who also needed different treatment. Although she considered SBC to be good, she said that she used this curriculum because it was a must. She needed more preparation to conduct this curriculum. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Interviewee number two has been teaching English for seven years. According to her, perception was a view or a vision about something. Her view about SBC was that SBC give more authority for the teacher to create their instructional material based on the students’ need. But, the implementation was really different with the expectation. She remarked that the implementation of this curriculum was different to the definition. For instance, the test or evaluation still came from central. The reason why she used SBC was because the rule of the government required her to conduct this curriculum. According to the third interviewee, perception was the people opinion about something affected by many factors. Those factors came from those people itself or from the environment. Almost the same as the previous respondents, she said SBC gave much freedom for the teacher to develop the curriculum appropriate with the characteristic of the students. It was really different with the other curriculums that tend to instruct. It would be easier for the teacher to implement this curriculum and to conduct the teaching-learning activities because of the authority given. Although it was a must, she enjoyed to use this new curriculum. The last interviewee remarked perception as the view of someone toward something. Her perception toward SBC was the application of the curriculum on the school level based on the need of the school. She used SBC because it was the curriculum that was required by the government. She considered SBC as the good curriculum rather than the other curriculums because it could understand the students’ need to live in the real life. The instructional material was not developed based on the central needs but based on the students’ need. b Questionnaire Result For the questionnaires, the researcher summarized nineteen questions into six statements. Statement number 1 on the table represented statement number 1, 2, and 3 on the questionnaire result. Statement number 2 represented statement number 4, 5, 6, and 7 from the questionnaire. The third statement summarized the statement number 8 up to 13. Statement number four was the representative of statement number 14 and 15. The next statement was the representative of the sixteenth and seventeenth statements. The last statements represented statement number eighteen and nineteen. Table 4.3: The Result of the Respondents’ Responses on the Perception toward SBC No Statement Precentage SA A D SD Not Answer 1. SBC make you able to help the students to achieve the objective of English instructional at the elementary school level 37,04 51,85 7,41 0 3,7 2. The authority given in SBC facilitates the teacher in developing the curriculum, developing the syllabus, and making decision. 55,56 44,44 0 0 0 3. SBC can meet your need in facilitating the students to develop them based on their need. 31,48 62,96 5,56 0 0 4. Your school has the clear vision, mission, purpose, and facilities that help you to develop the curriculum 11,11 72,22 16,67 0 5. You work together with the school components in developing the curriculum 22,22 72,22 0 0 5,56 continued to page 48 continued from page 47 No Statement Percentage SA A DA SD Not Answer 6. You clearly understand the principles and the steps of syllabus development based on SBC 16,67 66,67 16,67 0 Table 4.3 showed the responses of the respondents on the perception towards SBC. The first statement investigated whether SBC make the teacher able to help the students to achieve the objective of English instructional at the elementary school level. The responses on that statement showed that 37,04 of the respondents chose strongly agree. The 51,85 of the respondents agreed with statement number one. The 7,41 of the respondents chose disagree with the statement. There was no respondent who strongly disagree. The rest of it or 3,7 of the respondents did not give the answer. This result indicated that most of the teacher thought that SBC made them able to help the students to achieve the objective of English instructional at the elementary school level The next statement focused on the authority given on SBC. It concerned with whether the authority given in SBC facilitated the teacher in developing the curriculum, developing the syllabus, and making decision related to the graduation. There result showed 44,44 of the respondents agreed with this statement. There was no respondents chose disagree and strongly disagree. There was also no respondent did not give the statement. Most of the respondents or 55,56 of the respondents strongly agreed that SBC facilitates the teacher in developing the curriculum, developing the syllabus, and making decision related to the graduation. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

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