Research Objectives Research Benefits

a. The Definition of SBC, Its Components and Curriculum Development Principles

Curriculum is a set of planning and arrangement about the purpose, the content, the instructional material and also the way which is used as the teaching learning activities guideline to achieve a certain education purpose. This specific purpose includes national education purpose and the conformity with the uniqueness, condition and regional potential, each education and learning participant. Based on those reasons, curriculum is designed by each education unit in order to adjust educational program to the regional need and potential. The word “school-based” literally implies that all curricular decisions are made at the school level Gopinathan and Deng, 2006:93 whereas in Indonesia, it is common called Kurikulum Tingkat satuan Pendidikan KTSP. SBC then implies the meaning as the operational curriculum, which is designed and done by each education unit. SBC is developed based on the content standard and the competence standard. Therefore, this curriculum still concerns with the certain competences in the implementation. It means the learning process still have the competence as the basic and competence standard as the purpose as socialized in CBC 2004. The development of SBC is entrusted to each education unit. This principle is implemented to empower the region and the school in planning, implementing, managing, and also evaluating the learning process appropriate with their condition and aspiration. As Skilbeck 1984 defined it, the development of SBC refers to the planning, designing, implementation and PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI evaluation of a program of students’ learning by the educational institution of which those students are members. The principle of SBC refers to “the unity of the policy and the variety of the implementation”. The unity of the policy means the schools use the same set of CBC document made by National Education Department. While the variety of the implementation means each school develop their own syllabus adjusted to their characteristic. By the existence of SBC Management, many people or institution will take a role and responsibility in implementing; they are school, the principle, the teacher, the city or regency education institution, the province education institution and National Education Department. By implementing SBC, the authority of each education unit to develop and manage the curriculum becomes bigger and bigger. The components of SBC are the education purpose on the level of education unit, structure and curriculum content on the level of education unit, education calendar, and syllabus. The first component, the purpose of basic education level, is to put the basic intelligence, knowledge, personality, morality, and skill to live independent and to prepare for the next education level. For the second component, based on the structure and curriculum content on the basic education level, English belongs to local content subject. The fourth component, the syllabus, is developed as the extension of competence standard and basic performance. The definition of local content subject and the syllabus will be discussed letter. The development of SBC refers to national education standard to guarantee the achievement of national education purpose. National education

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