Data from the interviews

words, the intensity of the authentic task principle applied is very high. As for the other principles: interaction, opportunities for exposure and language production, attention to learning process, atmosphere with an ideal stressanxiety level, and learner autonomy, the intensity of their application in the Sentence Writing class is considered high. In addition, the time and feedback principle has fair application intensity. Next, the CALL principle with the lowest score is the authentic audience. It also indicates that compared to the other principles applied in the Sentence Writing class, the intensity of the authentic audience principle is considered low. Further analysis of the results will be discussed in the second part of the section.

b. Data from the interviews

The data displayed here are the qualitative data collected from the interviews. The interviews were meant to get a more in-depth picture and clarification of the implementation of the web-based Sentence Writing class in relation to the CALL principles applied based on the interviewees‟ experience. Related to this, the questions for the interviews were also based on the application of the CALL principles in the Sentence Writing class. During the interview, moreover, the student interviewees might give opinions and clarifications regarding the implementation of the web-based Sentence Writing, including the use of ELTGallery . While the complete interviews can be seen in Appendix 3, Table 4.5 below shows the themes emerged, i.e. the factors of the Sentence Writing class that support the implementation of the CALL principles in the web- based writing class, wih only a few samples of the interviews. The complete samples of interview about CALL principles applied are presented in Appendix 6 Table 4.5. Samples of interview about CALL principles applied No. CALL Principles Themes Statements from the interviewees 1. Interaction Easy access to do interaction via online Within the online learning we can check each other‟s works we did in ELTGallery . We can know our friends‟ and own writing mistakes directly and then correct them right away. ... because the system is online, so we can do this faster and easier . MD3 Easy access to do face-to-face interaction ... moreover, after the face-to-face meeting, u sually the teacher opens a question- answer session , so for those who are still confused can ask the teacher directly. MD14 Peer comment Interactions occur more in giving comments to my friends’ sentences and passages . Apart from that, the interaction takes place less. LN2 Teacher‟s presence in the classroom That the face-to-face meeting is very helpful because we can know our writing mistakes. ... we can get explanations about writing, the sentence patterns from the teacher. MD9 2. Authentic audience Focus on the writing content Honestly, for passages, I see for the content SV16 ... I want to know more about the story ... I look at the grammar for my friends‟ sentences only ... I also concern with the grammar when dealing with passages, but not as focus as when I‟m with sentences. SV17 3. Authentic tasks Assignments and exercises to practice actual writing Yes, those the assignments and exercises are really helpful... because they make us to keep practicing writing . MD22 Assignments and exercises to help students function in real-world communications For example, it sentence writing can be used in reading course, structure course . So, not making mistakes when writing. In non-academic way, it can be used such as when writing on Twitter . It will be embarrassing if the grammar is wrong. MD34 4. Opportunities for exposure and language production Source of language input Hmmm.. the grammar explanation provided in the web helpful enough, but the in-class explanation by the teacher is much clearer t han reading the material. LN25 The assignments and exercises to write in the target language the assignments and exercises really give me the opportunity to write in English. I thus have more media like a social network to write in English. NP15 Comments and When working on “write sentences”, we corrections can know our sentence mistakes from our friends’ corrections. MD23 ... In passage writing our grammar is corrected ... the corrected passage is given “stars” by the teacher . MD24 5. Enough time and feedback Enough time to write I think the deadlines are appropriate with the number of assignments given. LN16 The time given to write passage Just enough, because we don‟t have to write in pages, right. NP36 .. the time for doing revisions is also enough NP37. Question-answer session ... moreover, after the face-to-face meeting, usually the teacher opens a question- answer session, so for those who are still confused can ask the teacher directly. MD14 Peer correction From my friends‟ comments and correction, my incorrect sentences can be corrected for I know what the mistakes are. MD42 Teacher correction Their teachers‟ corrections are general for the whole class... we can thus make our next exercises correctly based on the teachers‟ corrections. MD43 6. Attention to the learning process Grammar practice since we had to get at least 7 for the grammar practice before writing sentences we got motivated to understand the material. Because when we already understood the material, we can finish the grammar practice, and then complete the passage writing on time. LN35 Explanation on how to learn using the web I get the explanation of learning using ELTGallery from the teacher and by reading the instruction in the website MD47. ... The two sources of explanation are both clear MD49. ... All are clear, including what we are supposed to do and the deadlines MD50. Opportunities to improve scores and participation Yes, from that the opportunity to improve scores and participation by doing the grammar practices and writing as well as correcting sentences, the students must be active, visiting ELTGallery constantly, so that their writing skills improve MD53. ... Yes, I often visit ELTGallery and give comments, so that my score improves. MD54 7. Atmosphere with an ideal stressanxiety level Teacher It the in-class learning situation is so relaxing, but the materials are delivered well to the students LN6. ... The way the teacher teaches is not tense. LN7 Collaborative Yes, it is easy to ask for help in the learning classroom. ... when I ask my friends for help ... MD13 and when I ask the teacher. MD14 It is easy to have a discussion or ask questions with the classmates, they all are willing to share what they know. SV11 The ease of the media to write Hmmmm.. the online learning situation is so comfortable and relaxing because we can just type our work and then submit it. LN9 The flexibility of place to work We can be more flexible because we can have the access to learning as long as there is an Internet connection. NP3 Appropriate level of difficulty The topics for the passage writing are appropriate for the fresh students... the topics are common and not so complicated. MD26 The level of difficulty of the grammar practice is not so hard. Just average. LN23 Sufficient number of assignment and exercise It the number of the assignments and exercises is enough. I think the deadlines are appropriate with the number of assignments given. LN16 8. Learner autonomy Online assignments ... yes, the website supports learner autonomy, although sometimes we get confused with the material provided in the website MD55 ... also the assignments that the teacher assigns us to do using ELTGallery are for homework. So, we can work on them independently MD56. Online facilities ELTGallery facilitates the students to learn independently well enough ... almost all menus facilitates it, starting from the material explanation, grammar practice, sentence and passage writing, also including the comments. LN38 Control over pace Oh, yes, that‟s right. The “select topic” menu is important to know the deadlines and many more. LN44 From the results of the interview, the emerged themes as the factors of the Sentence Writing class that support the implementation of the interaction principle in the web-based writing class are the easy access to do interaction via online, easy access to do face-to- face interaction, peer comment, and teacher‟s presence in the classroom. In relation to authentic audience, the emerged theme of the Sentence Writing class is the students focus on the writing content. Next, about authentic tasks, the emerged themes are the assignments and exercises practice actual writing and help students function in real-world communications. Further, the emerged themes regarding the opportunities for exposure and language production are source of language input, the assignments and exercises to write in the target language, and comments and corrections. Besides that, the emerged themes related to the enough time and feedback principle are enough time to write, question-answer session, peer correction, and teacher correction. About attention to the learning process, the emerged themes are grammar practice, explanation on how to learn using the web, and opportunities to improve scores and participation. As for the atmosphere with an ideal stress level principle, the emerged themes are the teacher, collaborative learning, the ease of the media to write, the flexibility of place to work, the appropriate level of difficulty, and the sufficient number of assignment and exercise. Last, related to learner autonomy, the emerged themes are online assignments, online facilities, and control over pace. More discussions and analysis about the results will be explained further in the next section.

2. CALL Principles in Sentence Writing Class