Understanding of English Grammar

insight of the specific enhanced learning achievements experienced by the students in the web-based Sentence Writing class applying CALL principles. As presented in the previous subsection, the results of the open-ended questionnaire and interviews indicated that by experiencing the application of CALL principles in the web- based class, the students‟ achievements, i.e. their grammar knowledge, sentence writing skill, and passage writing skill, enhanced. Further, the discussions about each point of the achievements, the specific aspects of the Sentence Writing class that facilitated the achievement, as well as how the CALL principles enhanced the achievements will be explained more thoroughly in part a, b, and c in this subsection.

a. Understanding of English Grammar

By taking the Sentence Writing course, the students gained better understanding of English grammar. The results of the open-ended questionnaire revealed some aspects of the Sentence Writing class that helped the students to achieve this. The first aspect is grammar material. I think this web help me to improve my grammar. Because in this web we have some explanations about the material and we can practice with some tasks that has given. The students‟ understanding of grammar improved because they could learn from the grammar materials provided in the website. The interview responses also supported this. Oh, yes. After selecting a topic and submitting, there is a material summary before the check correctness. That is very important to understand the material and the examples of correct sentences in the material . LN43 The grammar materials were displayed in the website page every time after the students selected a topic from “Select Topic” menu. The grammar materials contained helpful explanations as they were presented clearly. Yes, i think so. so far ELTGallery helps me to understand grammar way much better because the explanation and examples before I do the grammatical challenges are good . Yes, this website helps me a lot. It gives more explanation with understandable words. So, it does not make confuse. With understandable words and examples, the grammar materials helped the students know more about grammar. Secondly, teacher‟s explanation about grammar in the class also contributed to the students‟ understanding of grammar. I can understand when the lecturer explained me more about it in the class I think the Web is really helping me to improve my ability. Like the comments which the lecturer has given, and the explanation about the materials which Mr. Calvin has told us in the beginning of the class . More supports were gained by the students to understand about grammar as the teacher also provided them with the material explanation during the in-class meeting. The third aspect that helped the students to achieve grammar understanding is grammar practice. It truly helps me, especially the grammatical practice. It helps me understa nd English Grammar better . Within the grammar practice, which required them to indicate the grammar and punctuation correctness of the sentences provided, the students could check their grammar accuracy as well as understanding. By doing such practice, the students could know more about grammar used in sentences. The contribution of grammar practice to better grammar understanding was also confirmed by the interview results as follows. About grammaticality check, we can be more confident and our grammar knowledge improves . MD63 In fact, the grammar practice aspect was even more supportive as the website provided the students with a number of grammar practices sufficiently. The web provide a lot of exercises about grammar so I can try to be more good in grammar with the exercises. Yes. It gives me a lot of practice and a large number of exercises which really build a diligent character but also a good way to learn English grammar. Still, theres a lot of room for improvement. The sufficient number of the grammar practice made the students experience grammar more, which thus helped the students gained better understanding of grammar. Moreover, the aspects above reflected how the application of CALL principles led to better grammar understanding achievement, especially the principles of opportunities for language exposure and attention to learning process. The aspects of grammar material, clear examples, teacher‟s grammar explanation in the class, and sufficient number of grammar exercises indicated how the students were really situated to experience English grammar through many sources, which thus provided them with more English input. As suggested by Spolsky 1989: 166, as cited in Egbert, Chao, Hanson- Smith 1999: 5, “the outcome of language learning depends in large measure on the amount and kind of exposure to the target language.” Thus, with the more English grammar input received, the students could gain grammar understanding outcome better. Besides, the students‟ responses above also signified how the students were aware of the grammar learning opportunities given through the grammar material, clear examples, teacher‟s grammar explanation in the class, and sufficient number of grammar exercises, and they advantaged these opportunities to get more understanding of grammar as well. This suggested how the attention to learning process was applied. In line with Egbert, Chao, and Hanson-Smith 1999, by consciously understanding and advantaging the guidance given to them, students are encouraged to be aware of their use of language and learning, which makes them be more effective in both. From here, as the Sentence Writing students were aware of their grammar learning and use, it supported them to gain better grammar understanding. Indeed, the principles of opportunities for language exposure and attention to learning process enhanced the students‟ achievement of better grammar understanding.

b. Sentence Writing Skill