86 language learning principles and language learning material. The following is a description of each stage which aims to give the reader a summary of the product.

1. Conceptual Stage

At this stage a cultural background is presented first. It discusses in brief some challenges in modern times that could encourage teachers to find strategies to reduce the negative effects of the modern age on education and to improve the present state of education so that they can promote, among other things, fairness, equity, and creativity. Next, the background discusses major principles of self-actualization education, such as creativity, learner-centeredness, empowerment, tolerance, locality, and freedom of expression. It also reminds the learning designerthe teacher that the most important point is hisher awareness of the major self-actualization principles. Being aware of the major principles, the designerthe teacher tries to apply them directly by writing indicators and learning activities to reflect a self-actualization principle, such as equity. In the activities the students are asked to become equal partners who each have the same opportunity to participate in the communication practice. Being aware of this, the designerthe teacher may also try to apply self- actualization principles indirectly by using communicative materials and activities. Students are encouraged to produce and speak the target language. They are asked to respect one another, for example, and this can be related to a learning principle identified by Brown 2001: Learners should be encouraged to initiate communication and their risky attempts to communicate should be positively responded. This is in line with self-actualization major principles, such as tolerance and freedom of expression. 87 The designerthe teacher should then be aware of this interrelationship between communication practice and having tolerance; hence, the indirect application of a self- actualization principle. In the last part of Conceptual Stage, how general self-actualization educational principles are applied in language education is summarized in self-actualization language learning statements. The topics include the demise of a method, the development of local material, the teacher and learners’ empowerment, English as an international lingua franca, language learning tasks, and the pragmatic teacher. The topics give the scope of the application of self-actualization principles to language education. They can be considered as examples of how self-actualization principles influence the concepts, learning objectives, techniques and activities, and assessment types of language learning-teaching practice without abandoning the established practice of language education.

2. Bridging Stage