Operating procedures are appropriately documented and consistently Practices maintain the quality and availability of surface and groundwater

SUCOFINDO INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION SERVICES Sucofindo ICS FRM 14.05 Issue 00 Rev. 1 11of 34 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 21 point 2.3.3 Conclusion : conform 2.3.4 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 21 point 2.3.4 Conclusion : conform 3 COMMITMENT TO LONG-TERM ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL VIABILITY 3.1 There is an implemented management plan that aims to achieve long-term economic and financial viability 3.1.1 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 21 point 3.1.1 Conclusion : conform 3.1.1 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 22 point 3.1.2 Conclusion : conform 4 USE OF APPROPRIATE BEST PRACTICES BY GROWERS AND MILLERS

4.1 Operating procedures are appropriately documented and consistently

implemented and monitored 4.1.1 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 22 point 4.1.1 Conclusion : conform 4.1.2 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 22 point 4.1.2 Conclusion : conform 4.1.3 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 23 point 4.1.3 Conclusion : conform 4.1.4 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 23 point 4.1.4 SUCOFINDO INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION SERVICES Sucofindo ICS FRM 14.05 Issue 00 Rev. 1 12of 34 Conclusion : conform 4.2 Practices maintain soil fertility at, or where possible improve soil fertility to a level that ensures optimal and sustained yield 4.2.1 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 23 point 4.2.1 Conclusion : conform 4.2.2 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 23 point 4.2.2 Conclusion : conform 4.2.3 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 23 point 4.2.3 Conclusion : conform 4.2.4 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 23 point 4.2.4 Conclusion : conform 4.3 Practices minimize and control erosion and degradation of soils. 4.3.1 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 24 point 4.3.1 Conclusion : conform 4.3.2 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 24 point 4.3.2 Conclusion : conform 4.3.3 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 24 point 4.3.3 Conclusion : conform 4.3.4 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 24 point 4.3.4 Conclusion : conform SUCOFINDO INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION SERVICES Sucofindo ICS FRM 14.05 Issue 00 Rev. 1 13of 34 4.3.5 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 24 point 4.3.5 Conclusion : conform 4.3.6 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 24 point 4.3.6 Conclusion : conform

4.4 Practices maintain the quality and availability of surface and groundwater

4.4.1 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 24 point 4.4.1 Conclusion : conform 4.4.2 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 24 point 4.4.2 Conclusion : conform 4.4.3 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 25 point 4.4.3 Conclusion : conform 4.4.4 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 25 point 4.4.4 Conclusion : conform 4.5 Pests, diseases, weeds and invasive introduced species are effectively managed using appropriate Integrated 4.5.1 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 25 point 4.5.1 Conclusion : conform 4.5.2 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 26 point 4.5.1 Conclusion : conform

4.6 Agrochemicals are used in a way that does not endanger health or the