A policy to prevent sexual harassment and other forms of violence against Growers and millers contribute to local sustainable development wherever No form of forced or trafficked labour are used

SUCOFINDO INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION SERVICES Sucofindo ICS FRM 14.05 Issue 00 Rev. 1 22of 34 Conclusion : conform 6.6.2 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 41 point 6.6.2 Conclusion : conform

6.7 Children are not employed or exploited. Work by children is acceptable on

family farms, under adult supervision, and when not interfering with education programmes. Children are not exposed to hazardous working conditions 6.7.1 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 41 point 6.7.1 Conclusion : conform

6.8 Any form of discrimination based on race, caste, national origin, religion,

disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership, political affiliation, or age, is prohibited 6.8.1 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 41 point 6.8.1 Conclusion : conform 6.8.2 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 41 point 6.8.2 Conclusion : conform 6.8.3 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 42 point 6.8.3 Conclusion : conform

6.9 A policy to prevent sexual harassment and other forms of violence against

women and to protect the reproductive rights is developed and applied 6.9.1 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 42 point 6.9.1 Conclusion : conform 6.9.2 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 42 point 6.9.2 Conclusion : conform SUCOFINDO INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION SERVICES Sucofindo ICS FRM 14.05 Issue 00 Rev. 1 23of 34 6.9.3 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 42 point 6.9.3 Conclusion : conform 6.10 Growers and mills deal fairly and transparently with smallholders and other local businesses. 6.10.1 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 42 point 6.10.1 Conclusion : conform 6.10.2 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 43 point 6.10.2 Conclusion : conform 6.10.3 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 43 point 6.10.3 Conclusion : conform 6.10.3 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 43 point 6.10.3 Conclusion : conform 6.10.4 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 43 point 6.10.4 Conclusion : conform

6.11 Growers and millers contribute to local sustainable development wherever

appropriate 6.11.1 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 43 point 6.11.1 Conclusion : conform 6.11.2 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 43 point 6.11.2 Conclusion : conform SUCOFINDO INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION SERVICES Sucofindo ICS FRM 14.05 Issue 00 Rev. 1 24of 34

6.12 No form of forced or trafficked labour are used

6.12.1 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 43 point 6.12.1 Conclusion : conform 6.12.2 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 43 point 6.12.2 Conclusion : conform 6.12.3 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 43 point 6.12.3 Conclusion : conform 6.13 Growers and millers respect human rights 6.13.1 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 44 point 6.13.1 Conclusion : conform 7 RESPONSIBLE DEVELOPMENT OF NEW PLANTINGS 7.1 A comprehensive and participatory independent social and environmental impact assessment is undertaken prior to establishing new plantings or operations, or expanding existing ones, and the results incorporated into planning, management and operations 7.1.1 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 44 point 7.1.1 Conclusion : conform 7.1.2 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 44 point 7.1.2 Conclusion : conform 7.1.3 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 44 point 7.1.3 Conclusion : conform Criterion 7.2 : Soil surveys and topographic information are used for site planning un the establishment of new planting and result are incorporated into plans and operations. SUCOFINDO INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION SERVICES Sucofindo ICS FRM 14.05 Issue 00 Rev. 1 25of 34 7.2.1 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 44 point 7.2.1 Conclusion : conform 7.2.2 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 45 point 7.2.2 Conclusion : conform Criterion 7.3: New planting since November 2005, have not replaced primary forest or any area required to maintain or enhance one or more High Conservation Value 7.3.1 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 45 point 7.3.1 Conclusion : conform 7.3.2 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 45 point 7.3.2 Conclusion : conform 7.3.3 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 45 point 7.3.3 Conclusion : conform 7.3.4 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 45 point 7.3.4 Conclusion : conform 7.3.5 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 45 point 7.3.5 Conclusion : conform Criterion 7.4: Extensive planting to be determined by SEIA in steep terrain, andor on marginal and fragile soils, including peat, is avoid. 7.4.1 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 45 point 7.4.1 Conclusion : conform 7.4.2 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 45 point 7.4.2 Conclusion : conform SUCOFINDO INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION SERVICES Sucofindo ICS FRM 14.05 Issue 00 Rev. 1 26of 34 Crite rion 7.5: No. New Planting are estabilished on local people’land where it can be demonstrated that there are egal, customary or user rights, without their free, prior and informed consent. This is dealt with through a documented system that enables these and other stakeholders to express their views through their own representative institutions. 7.5.1 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 46 point 7.5.1 Conclusion : conform Criterion 7.6: Local people are are compensated for any agree land acquisitions and relinquishment of rights, subject to their free, prior and informed consent and negotiated agreement 7.6.1 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 46 point 7.6.1 Conclusion : conform 7.6.2 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 46 point 7.6.2 Conclusion : conform 7.6.3 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 46 point 7.6.3 Conclusion : conform 7.6.4 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 46 point 7.6.4 Conclusion : conform 7.6.5 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 46 point 7.6.5 Conclusion : conform 7.6.6 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 46 point 7.6.6 Conclusion : conform Criterion 7.7: No use of fire the preparation of new plantings other than in specific situations, as identified in the ASEAN guidlines or other regional best practice. 7.7.1 SUCOFINDO INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION SERVICES Sucofindo ICS FRM 14.05 Issue 00 Rev. 1 27of 34 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 46 point 7.7.1 Conclusion : conform 7.7.2 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 47 point 7.7.2 Conclusion : conform Criterion 7.8: New Plantation developments are designed to minimaze net greenhouse gas emissions. 7.8.1 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 47 point 7.8.1 Conclusion : conform 7.8.2 See SGS report 3932 – ID – PT HSL – Paku Juang – GP 7003A page 47 point 7.8.2 Conclusion : conform 8 COMMITMENT TO CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT IN KEY AREAS OF ACTIVITY

8.1 Growers and millers regularly monitor and review their activities and develop