Procedure of Experimental Research

3.4.3 Procedure of Experimental Research

Some steps that are done in a chronological order are always required in conducting an experiment. The following were taken by the writer when he worked on his experiment: First, the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Wanadadi were chosen as the population. Then, the two groups that consisted of 34 students for each group from the population were taken as the sample of the experiment. The first group became the experimental group and the other one became the control group. After that, the real experiment was conducted. The Activities of the Experimental Group The following are the activities of the experimental group. Pre-test The pre-test in the experimental group was given before doing the treatment. The writer came into the class and introduced herself. The students were explained about what they were going to do. Then the students were asked to do the pre-test. This test was to check the students ’ ability in writing narrative text. Activities in doing experiment Before doing the experiment, the material about writing narrative text was given. It was about the social function, the schematic structure, and the significant grammatical pattern of the narrative text. The experimental group students were asked to watch the animation movies and retell the story with their own words. Post-test The post-test was given after conducting all the activities above. The Activities of the Control Group The following are the activities of the control group. Pre-test The administration procedure of the pre-test for the control group was the same as the administration procedure of the experimental group. Activities in doing the experiment Before doing the experiment, the material about writing narrative text was given. It was about social function, the schematic structure, and the significant grammatical pattern of the narrative text. In this group, the students were given the opportunity to explore their imagination for writing a narrative short story. Post-test The post-test was given after conducting all the activities above.

3.5 Technique of Analyzing Data