Experimental Research The Experimental Design

3.4.1 Experimental Research

Arikunto 2006:3 states that “an experimental is the way in which a researcher creates a situation or an event which is then analyzed in order to find out the effect that it makes. ” In order words, experiment is the way to find casual relationship between two factors which are raised by the researcher in purpose by reducing or eliminating any distracting factors. While according to Christensen 2001:23 “an experimental research is a research that attempts to identify cause and affect relationship. ” In this study, the cause and effect relationship was the one implementation of the use of animation movies as a medium. There are some designs in experimental research, however, in this study the true experimental design was used which is discussed on the next part of this chapter.

3.4.2 The Experimental Design

An experimental research typically involves two groups. The two groups usually receive different treatment. The experimental group typically receives a new treatment, a treatment under investigation, while the control group either receives different treatment, or it is treated as usual. This study used pre-test post-test control group design. The design of the experiment can be described as follows: Table 3.1 Experimental Design Experimental Group E Pre-test O1 Treatment X Post-test O2 Control Group C Pre-test O3 Treatment Y Post-test O4 The design of the experiment can be described as the following: E 1 X 2 K 3 X 4 Arikunto, 2006:86 Where : E : experimental group, K : control group, 1 : pre-test for the experimental group, 2 : post-test for the experimental group, 3 : pre-test for the control group, 4 : post-test for the control group, X : treatment using animation movies for experimental group, X : treatment using traditional method for control group. The experimental group top line was taught by using animation movies, while the control group bottom line was taught by using traditional method. After two groups had received different treatments for a period time, the post-test was given to them. After that, the result of the post-test was analyzed. In the first meeting, the students of both groups were given the introduction of what they would have to do in this research. Then the students in both of groups did the pre-test in order to know their level of writing ability. In the second meeting, the material about what is narrative text was explained and a model of text related to the material was given for both of groups. The purpose of narrative text, the structure of narrative text and the significant grammatical pattern of narrative text also were explained clearly. On the control group, the students were asked to make a narrative text in form of short story and submitted it. On the experimental group, the students were asked to watch the first animation movie, entitled “Up”. In the third meeting, the previous assignment was reviewed. The students ’ writings were returned with some correction on the control group. And for the experimental group, the students were asked to make narrative text based on the previous movie that has been watched before. The students had to retell the story with their own words. In the fourth meeting, the experimental group students ’ writings were returned with some correction and then continued to watch the next movies, Shrek Forever After. On the control group group, the students were asked to make narrative text based on their own imagination. In the fifth meeting, the students in both of groups did the post-test in order to know the effect of the two treatments.

3.4.3 Procedure of Experimental Research