The Element of Speaking

learned in a subject and what specific abilities or skills have been developed. So, the term denotes to the performance of students, which is determined at the end of a course. Students’ achievement in this research refers to achievement in learning English. The achievement is reflected by students’ scores after following the lesson and through the test. However, students’ achievement was influenced by certain factors; one of them was students’ personality.

D. Thinking Framework

Many people think that some factors which initiate problem in the teaching or learning speaking skill are the students’ lake of practice to speak English. The teachers seldom expose them to speak English, and the method used by the teachers does no t build students’ interest. However, the problems are not only those things; there is also a factor whic h influences students’ performance in speaking. It is personality. Every student has different personality; as stated in previous chapter that the sanguine personality is dominating in speaking than the phlegmatic personality. This statement will prove that sanguine student will have better score in speaking than the phlegmatic one. Therefore, the writer is interested in analyzing whether the students who have sanguine and phlegmatic personality are influence their achievement in speaking skill score. The first step in doing this research is giving the personality test that consist of 40 numbers of traits list of personality in order to determine whether the students are sanguine or phlegmatic. After students have been classified into sanguine and phlegmatic, the next step is comparing the student speaking score with those two personalities. This aimed to answer the research question.

E. Review of Previous Study Related to Research

The writer found the similar research written by Nadiyah 2010 which the title is “Comparative Analysis on Choleric Students and Melancholic Students Concerning Their English Speaking Skill.” Nadiyah compared the students’ personality of the second grade students SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Pamulang with students’ achievement in speaking score. Based on her opinion, different personality of the student would make different result in students’ speaking ability. In her research showed that there are no significantly differences between students’ difference personality with their achievement in speaking score. The relationship between Nadiyah’s research with the writer’s research is the variable used. Nadiyah used choleric and melancholic students as variables. However, the writer in this “skripsi” has different focus. The writer focuses on two other types of personality, they are sanguine and phlegmatic personality and will do the research in seventh semester of English Education Department State Islamic University UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Another previous study related to research is from Lidya Catrunnada Ira Puspitawati with her paper research entitled “Prokrastinasi Task Differences on Thesis Introvert and Extrovert Personality”. The result of this quantitative research showed that personality differences have statistically different to the students’ prokratinasi on doing their thesis task. It was noted that, the students with extrovert personality have prokrastinasi more than the introvert one. The relationship between this research and the writer’s research is the use of dependent variable; however the writer used speaking as dependent variable, and the writer used sanguine and phlegmatic as independent variables. Sanguine is one of the categories of extrovert personality, and phlegmatic is one of categories of in introvert personality.

F. Theoretical Hypothesis

Based on the theories which were described above, it can be posed a theoretical hypothesis that the sanguine students have better score that the phlegmatic students in speaking skill. 17


This chapter consists of the location and time of the research, the method of the research, the population and sample, the technique of data collecting, the technique of data analysis, and the theoretical hypothesis.

A. Location and Time of the Research

The research was conducted at English Education Department State Islamic University UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta which is located on Jalan Ir. H. Juanda No.95 Ciputat. The research was successfully conducted on 20 th of November 2014.

B. Method of the Research

The method of this research is comparative analysis. It can be used to test hypotheses concerning about whether there is differences or not between variable tested. This is aimed to know whether the personality of students especially sanguine and phlegmatic students has difference achievement in speaking skill score. This research is quantitative non-experimental research which describe things that have occurred and examine relationship between things without any direct manipulation of condition. 1 The first step in doing this research was giving questionnaire to the students of the seventh semester to get the data about their personality, and then got their score from Department of English Education to compared students’ speaking score with their personality. 1 James H. McMillan and Sally Schummacher, Research in Education: Evidence-Based Inquiry, 6 th Ed.,, Boston: Person Education, Inc., 2006, p. 24.

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