The Relationship in SMP Maria Immaculata

34 anak kita, yang bukan hanya sebagai anak didik kita, tapi juga langsung sebagai anak-anak kita. Kita harus kontrol sikap kita pada anak-anak kita sehingga apa yang diterim a anak baik dan diterima orang tua baik… Wawancara 3 All of them agreed that the aggression cases were not worrying for them in doing their teaching. The second teacher gave a further view that as long as the teacher stayed on the right track, the teacher should not be afraid. The second teacher emphasized that the teacher must be responsible in educating the students. Personally, I do not feel worry as long as I stay on the right track. It means that how I guide the children in the class because I will be responsible to the parents too… Interview 2 Saya pribadi tidak merasa khawatir sejauh saya berjalan pada rel yang sebenarnya. Artinya, bagaimana saya mendampingi anak-anak di kelas karena memang pertan ggungjawabannya pada orang tua… Wawancara 2

b. The Relationship in SMP Maria Immaculata

According to the researcher’s perspective and also the interviewed teachers’ perspective, it was true that the relationship between teachers, students, the parents in SMP Maria Immaculata was good. All of the teachers agreed that it could happen because of good communication. This communication was not just with the parents, but also with the students themselves. In this era, the students’ model was different. The teacher could not just scold them. The teacher must talk to them and make them think about their action and why it was wrong. The teacher must guide the students and give them understanding so that the students’ emotion can be controlled. According to the teachers, the parents also wanted to build a good communication with the teachers. The example was that the parents asked the teachers’ telephone number so that they could communicate by using instant messenger. The teachers believed that their relationship was like family. The intensity and the frequency of 35 communication became the important factor in making the good communication happened. This good communication eased the teachers in managing the class. By having good communication, the teachers can know their students’ characters by having a chat with the parents. In doing so, the teachers can adjust their classroom management accordingly. It also made the teachers more comfortable in managing the class as they were trusted by the parents. By keeping the good communication between the teachers and the parents, the parents were informed that the things that the teacher did was for the goodness of their children. Therefore, the parents supported the teachers, and the teachers could focus on teaching and learning activities. In strengthening the relation with the students, the second teacher believed that it was started with a very simple thing. That thing was acknowledging the students. The te achers must try to memorize the students’ name. By doing so, the students would feel that they were appreciated by the teachers and they would do positive things. With the students, at least the teacher must know their name, when their name is remembered, they will feel acknowledged...When the students feel appreciated, they will act positively, our hope is like that… Interview 2 Dengan murid paling tidak hapal nama, ketika mereka dihapal namanya, mereka merasa tercatat …Ketika anak dihargai itu kan mereka juga akan berperilaku yang positif, harapannya seperti itu … Wawancara 2 The first teacher agreed with the second teacher. The first teacher wanted a friendly relationship with the students. The teacher wanted the students to think that 36 they were equal with the teacher. A relaxed atmosphere between the teachers and the students must be built. I want to treat them as friends so that we can feel comfortable and that we do not have distant…I want to be honest, close, and I want to be myself, just like a friend for them… Interview 1 Saya inginnya menganggap mereka sebagai teman agar nyaman dan tidak berjarak …Saya mau jujur, dekat, dan menjadi diri sendiri, yang seperti teman … Wawancara 1 The third teacher also agreed to this. The teacher said that the key was about caring. As long as the teachers respected the students, they would also respect the teachers. “I care about you, you care about me,” was what the teacher said. In strengthening the relation with the parents, the first teacher said that if the teacher had the parents’ contact, the teacher would share about the children’s development in the school. It would be better and comfortable when the teacher became friend with the parent. The second teacher would communicate about the children’s development when the parents picked up their children or took their children’s report card. The third teacher prioritized in telling the parents about how the teacher educated the students to avoid complains. Those were the ways that the teacher did to strengthen their relationship with the parents.

c. Classroom Management Strategies