Background of the Study

The first Wendy’s is built in Columbus, Ohio. Wendy’s grows fast and now it is spread all over the world. There are over 6,500 outlets worldwide. As a fast-food brand, Wendy’s does not only work for increasing the profit or income but also concerns with helping people. In 1992, Wendy’s builds a charity foundation named Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption. The foundation is a means of helping children find their loving parents. Subsequently, Wendy’s creates several taglines to capture people‘s attentions. Wendy’s has created and used taglines since 1969. Wendy’s adopts some linguistic theories in the taglines, specifically about language. Wendy’s creates taglines, such as ―Quality is our recipe‖ and ―Juicy hamburgers and lots of napkins‖. To make catchy taglines, they also use some rhetorical devices, such as anaphora, alliteration, and rhyme. Wendy’s taglines become enticing to be analyzed since it might carry meanings or intensions beyond the words or clauses used. Indeed, understanding advertisements is not easy. Linguistics can be the means to analyze the taglines. Linguistics as the study of language has many branches, such as morphology and pragmatics. To apprehend the advertisements, the linguistic theory applied is stylistics. Stylistics is one of linguistic branches. Afterward, stylistics concerns with the style of language. Crystal 2008: 460 mentions that stylistics is a branch of linguistics which studies the features of situationally distinctive uses varieties of language, and tries to establish principles capable of accounting for the particular choices made by individual and social groups in their use of language. Stylistics is applied to reveal the style of words, clause, or sentences within the advertisements. In stylistics, there are rhetorical devices. To make advertisements interesting, the advertisers use a part of stylistics, rhetorical devices. People might not be aware of the use of rhetorical devices though it is often found in daily life, for example George H. W. Bush‘s campaign slogan ―Don‘t Worry, Be Happy‖. In the slogan, there is a repetition of the sound i at the end of the phrases which is rhyme.

B. Problem Formulation

The background above leads to formulate several questions to be analyzed further. The researcher formulates the questions as follows. 1. What kinds of rhetorical devices are used in Wendy’s taglines? 2. How do Wendy’s taglines impress the audiences?

C. Objectives of the Study

The researcher discusses Wendy’s taglines. The researcher identifies and categorizes the rhetorical devices used in Wendy’s taglines in years. Furthermore, the researcher reveals how Wendy’s taglines in recent years impress the audiences. Thus, by doing such analysis, the researcher can obtain knowledge about how an advertisement impresses the audiences. The main reason is that nowadays an advertisement becomes part of society in communication. The analysis also contributes some basic understanding about advertisements since some people are not aware of advertisement ‘s influences within their life. Besides, the current study helps English Letters students apprehend the use of rhetorical devices which are the tools to make an interesting writing.

D. Definition of Terms

The first term is tagline. Arens defines a tagline as ―slogan is a standard statement of an organization also called a tagline or a themeline for advertisements, salespeople, and company employees. Slogans have two basic purposes: to provide continuity for a campaign and to reduce a key theme or idea to a brief, memorable positioning statement ‖ 2006: IT19. Solely, a tagline or slogan is a text created to be memorable for the audiences aims to present the ideas of several companies or organizations. In the daily life, Prudential Company is taken as an example. Its tagline is ―Always Listening. Always Understanding‖. Moreover, since the current study is about identifying the kinds of rhetorical devices used within the taglines, it is essential to elaborate the definition of rhetorical devices. Corbett states that rhetorical devices is a technique to ―strike that happy balance between ‗the obvious and the obscure‘ and to present some ideas‖ Cui and Zhao, 2014: 59. Simply, rhetorical devices are various techniques applied by a writer show some ideas to the reader which its main purpose is special stylistic effects, such as persuading. One of the rhetorical devices is antithesis which shows contraries or antonyms and implies a dramatic nuance, for instance ―Evil men fear authority; good men cherish it‖. 6


A. Review of Related Studies

The first related study is taken from Tatjana Dubovičienė and Pavel Skorupa‘s 2014 entitled The Analysis of Some Stylistic Features of English Advertising Slogans . The approach used is stylistics. In the journal, they define and explain the meaning of advertising slogan and its characteristics. They also identify and analyze some stylistic features used within English advertising slogans of the world‘s famous brands. Afterward, they evaluate the frequency of the use of the stylistic features in slogans and identify the most common stylistic devices used in English advertising slogans. They take printed advertising as the object of the study which is observed from the linguistic perspective. The concern of the journal is the language and rhetorical devices used within the advertising, such as figurative languages, sound techniques, and also rhetorical devices. Afterward, they reach several findings. Firstly, they define the advertising slogan as a short catchy phrase related to a specific brand defines. It presents and helps the customers remember the key concepts of a brand or advertising campaign. Moreover, they also find out that most of the advertising slogans contain pun figurative languages, alliteration sound techniques, and repetition rhetorical devices. As the researcher reads the journal, there are similarities and differences between Dubovičienė and Skorupa‘s journal and the current study. Firstly, it is the