Research Design Object of the Study Type of Data Method of Collecting Data



In the third chapter, the writer presents the research design, object of the study, type of data, and procedure of analyzing data.

3.1 Research Design

According to Nunan 1992:2, “Research is to collect and analyze the data in a specific filed with the purpose of proving your theory.” Based on the approach analysis, research can be divided into two types, they are: 1 quantitative analysis, and 2 qualitative analysis. In this study, I used a qualitative research. Nunan 1992:3 points out that qualitative study assumes that all knowledge is relative, that there is a subjective element to all knowledge and research, and that holistic, ungeneralisable studies are justifiable and ungeneralisable study is one in which the insight and outcomes generated by the research cannot be applied to contexts or situations beyond those in which the data were collected. It means that the result of qualitative research is subjective and relative. The result of the research depends on the researcher’s opinion. 33

3.2 Object of the Study

The object of the study was the forty items of English summative test. Since the test items for each regency in Indonesia were different, I chose the test items used of SMP in Batang Regency which held in the second semester for VIII grade students. Because I was started my final project in the beginning of second semester. The investigation was emphasized on the construction of the multiple- choice items of the test.

3.3 Type of Data

There were two kinds of data in this study. The first one, the main data is the English summative test items for VIII grade students of SMP in Batang and options printed on the test papers. The second one, the secondary data were taken from books and dictionary which related to the topic in this writing.

3.4 Method of Collecting Data

In collecting the data, I used two methods of collecting data. They were library research and documentary research. The library research means I used library facility, read some books to get the information, data, and ideas related to the subject matter of this study. The documentary research means I tried to analyze the data gathered, based on the Gronlund’s guidelines, whether or not the subject meets the requirement of the expert’s rules. 34

3.5 Procedure of Analyzing Data