Subject – Predicate – Adjunct Data Analysis


4.2.3. Subject – Predicate – Adjunct

In the novel, there are also some intransitive sentences which consist of the pattern S – P – A as follows: 26 Tracy paused in front of the statue of the thinker. Sheldon, 1986:10 S P A The data 26 consists of noun subject, verb predicate and preposition phrase adjunct. The verb ‘paused’ in the sentence is an intransitive locational verb which needs an additional modifier or adverb in order to complete the meaning. The existence of the adjunct above is to give some more information to the reader. The meaning of data 26 is event since the subject has achieved the purpose or target. The verb ‘pause’ is a dynamic verb and the type of situation in the sentence is activities unbounded process. 27 They shopped at Head House Square. Sheldon, 1986:10 S P A The data 27 consists of pronoun subject, verb predicate and prepositional phrase adjunct. The verb ‘shopped’ as one of intransitive locational verbs, needs an adverb to complete the meaning the sentence. If the sentence only consists of the simplest pattern S – P “They shopped”, the reader will not get clear information from the sentence. Therefore, the existence of the adverb, as one type of adjunct, is pretty important in order to complete the meaning of the sentence. The data 27 contains an inherent activity. The kind of situation in the sentence is activities unbounded process situation. 28 Otto Schmidt stood in the doorway. Sheldon, 1986:22 S P A The data 28 consists of noun subject, verb predicate and prepositional phrase adjunct . The verb ’stood’ is an intransitive locational verb which needs additional Universitas Sumatera Utara 36 modifier or adverb in order to complete the meaning of the sentence. In this case, the verb needs an adverb or adjunct. The meaning of data 28 is event, since the subject has achieved the goal or target. The type of situation is activities unbounded process, since the verb ‘stood’ belongs to a verb which indicates an activity. 29 Work began at 6:00 A.M. Sheldon, 1986:77 S P A The data 29 consists of noun subject, verb predicate and prepositional phrase adjunct. Since the adjunct which appears in this sentence is an indicator to the time information, the adjunct cannot be omitted due to avoid meaningless of the sentence. The kind of adjunct in this sentence is adverb of time. The data 29 indicates an activity which is done immediately and fast. The type of the situation is achievement. There is also an inherent terminal point found in the verb ‘began’. Therefore, the type of the verb is telic. 30 Warden Branningan looked up from his newspaper. Sheldon. 1986:101 S P A The data 30 consists of noun subject, verb phrase predicate, and prepositional phrase adjunct . Attached to the predicator, there is a particle ‘up’ which has a function to clarify the verb. Without the particle ‘up’, the meaning of the sentence is not obvious enough, since the verb ‘looked’ has lots a difference meaning especially if it is attached to other particles, such as ‘on’, ‘at’ and ‘through’. The type of the verb in the sentence is dynamic verb, while the kind of situation is activities unbounded process. This data can also be classified into the dynamic. 31 It is snowing hard here. Sheldon, 1986:4 S P A Universitas Sumatera Utara 37 The data 31 consists of pronoun subject, verb phrase predicate and adverb adjunct. The adjunct ‘here’ has the function as to clarify that the activity is progressing in the certain place. In this case, the activity happens in New Orleans. The kind of the adjunct in this sentence is adverb of location. In data 31 the verb ‘snow’ is one of verbs of weather. After the verb ‘snow’, there is also an adverb ‘hard’ which has a function to modify the verb ‘snowing’. So, the data 30 can be classified into dynamic. 32 The guard glanced up at the clock on the wall. Sheldon, 1986:11 S P A The data 32 consists of noun phrase subject, verb phrase predicate and prepositional phrase adjunct. In the sentence, there is a particle ‘up’ which attached to the verb ‘glance’. The verb needs the particle in order to clarify the meaning and to complete the sentence. The kind of adjunct in this sentence is adverbs of location at the clock on the wall. The data 32 means an inherent activity which indicates an activity which is done immediately punctual. Therefore, the verb ‘glance’ is also called as semelfactive situation. The sentence can be classified into punctual. 33 Tracy looked around at the lovely old oak-paneled room. Sheldon, 1986:17 S P A The data 33 consists of noun subject, verb phrase predicate and prepositional phrase adjunct. There is also particle ‘around’ attached to the predicate ‘looked’ which has a function as an adverb to clarify the verb. Without the particle ‘around’, the activity in the sentence will not be obvious enough. It happens due to the complexity meaning of the verb ‘looked’. The data 32 means a progressing activity Universitas Sumatera Utara 38 for certain duration atelic. The verb ‘looked’ contains activities unbounded process situation. In addition the type of verb ‘looked’ is a dynamic verb. 34 Tracy had grown up in that house. Sheldon, 1986:22 S P A The structure of data 34 is noun subject, verb phrase predicate and prepositional phrase adjunct. There is also an auxiliary verb attached to the verb ‘grown up’ which has a function to indicate the tense. The types of the adjunct in this sentence is adverb of location. The existence of the adjunct gives much more information due to the happening of the activity. The data 34 indicates a process which had ended or indicates a permanent process. Therefore, the situation of the sentence is states and accomplishment bounded process. 35 She came out a few moments later. Sheldon, 1986:156 S P A The structure of the data 35 is pronoun subject, verb phrase predicate and adverb adjunct. The verb ‘came’ and the particle ‘out’ have become a unity which creates a single meaning. If the particle ‘out’ is omitted, the clear meaning of the verb will be missing. The kind of the adjunct is adverb of time. Although the addition of adjunct is sometimes optimal, the existence of adjunct in the novel is necessary to give some more information. The data 35 indicates an activity or process which will end in the certain time. The verb ‘came out’ is dynamic verb but it can still be classified into durative verb. 36 He worked in a carnival. Sheldon, 1986:198 S P A The structure of the data 36 is pronoun subject, verb predicate and prepositional phrase adjunct. The kind of the adjunct in the sentence is adverb of location. The existence of the adjunct is very necessary important in order to give more Universitas Sumatera Utara 39 information about the place where the subject works. Then, data 36 indicates an event. The verb ‘worked’ is dynamic verb. In the novel, the data 36 is used to give information about a certain character. The following is the complete sentence in the novel “for Christ’s Sake, Louise, he’s a nothing. He worked in a carnival. My god, you might as well be marrying a stable hand …Sheldon, 1986:198. The data 36 belongs to states situation, since the sentence is atelic no progress.

4.2.4. Subject – Predicate – Complement of the subject .