the Effectiveness of songs to increase students' vocabuloary at second grade students' of SMP Al Huda JAkarta




Nur Indah Rusydah






at the Second Grade Students of SMP Al Huda Jakarta), written by

Nur Indah

Rusydah, student's registration number: 1110014000116, was examined


the examination session


the Faculty


Tarbiya and Teachers' Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University on 13 October 2015- The "skripsi" has been accepted and declared to have fulfilled one of the requirements for the degree


S.Pd. (S-1)


English Language Education





English Education.

Jakarta, 13 October 2015





: Dr.



NIP: 19690912 200901 1 008 : Zaharil Anasv. M.Hum.

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Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers' Training

In a Partial Fultillment of the Requirements

Ferthe Degree of S.Pd (R1CbclDfof Art) 1n English Langlwge Teaching






M.Ed セオイ ludah Rusydah



NIM: Ill001411OHU6

セ|ーーイッB・、 By the Advisor:







Dr. Fsrida Hamid,.'\1.I'd



Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, N a m a : Nur Indah Rusydah Tempat/Tgl.Lahir : Jakarta, 10 Juli 1992 NIM : 1110014000116

Pemyataan ini dibuat sebagai salah satu syarat menempuh Ujian Munaqasah.

Nur Indah Rusydah NIM. 1110014000116 Jurusan / Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : The Effectiveness of Songs to increase Students' Vocabulary (A-Quasi Experimental Study at the Second Grade Students of . SMP Al Huda Jakarta)

DosenPembimbing :1. Dr. Farida Hamid, M.Pd 2. Yenny Rahmawati, M.Ed

Jakarta,6 Oktober 2015 Mahasiswa Ybs.


jイエjュセ⦅ャiゥュLN⦅ TGL ,0



dengan ini menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang saya buat benar-benar hasil karya sendiri

dan saya bertanggung jawab secata akademis atas apa yang saya tulis.



of SMP Al Huda Jakarta. A ‘Skripsi’ of English Education at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training of State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2015.

Advisors : Dr. Farida Hamid, M.Pd and Yenny Rahmawati, M.Ed Keywords : Vocabulary, Songs

The purpose of this study was to find out the effectiveness of using songs to increase students’ vocabulary in second grade of students at the SMP Al Huda Jakarta. The method in this research was a quasi-experimental study. The study was carried out into two classes of research, namely experimental class and control class. The sample of this study are consists of 20 students from VIII 6 class in the experimental group and 20 students from VIII 2 class in the controlled group. In this study the experimental class was taught by using songs as media in teaching Vocabulary, while control class was taught with conventional way. The instrument used in this study was pre-test and post-test. The technique used in collecting data was quantitative data with t-test. The result of this study showed that the use of media songs is effective to increase students’ vocabulary. It can be seen from the result of calculation that the students’ score in experimental class was higher than control class. Based on the statistical calculation with the significance level 5%, it showed that t observation (to = 1.896) is higher than t table (tt = 1.686). It means there is effectiveness of using songs to increase students’ vocabulary.



Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2015.

Dosen Pembimbing : Dr. Farida Hamid, M.Pd dan Yenny Rahmawati, M.Ed Kata Kunci : Vocabulary, Song

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan keefektifan media lagu untuk meningkatkan vocabulary siswa dalam descriptive text di SMP 17 Muhammadiyah Ciputat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuasi experimental studi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua kelas yaitu kelas eksperiment dan kelas kontrol. Sampel dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 20 siswa di kelas VIII 6 dalam grup eksperiment dan 20 siswa dikelas VIII 2 dalam grup kontrol. Penelitian di kelas experiment diajarkan menggunakan lagu dalam mengajarkan kosa kata baru, sedangkan dikelas kontrol diajarkan dengan cara konvensional. Instrument yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pre-test dan post-test. Teknik yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data ada data kuantitative dengan t-test. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengunakan lagu efektif dalam pengajaran kosa kata. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil perhitungan nilai siswa dikelas experiment lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelas kontrol. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan statistik dengan taraf signifikan 5%, bahwa t hitung (to = 1.896) lebih tinggi dari pada t tabel (tt = 1.686). hal ini berarti adanya keefektifan penggunaan lagu untuk meningkatkan kosa kata siswa.



All praises be to Allah, the Lord of the world, who has given mercy and blessing to the writer in finishing her ‘Skripsi’. The writer would like give thanks to Allah who has given her health, knowledge, easiness, patience, and strength so that the writer be able to finish this ‘Skripsi’ well. Peace and salutation be upon to the prophet Muhammad Peace be upon Him, his family, his companion, and his adherence.

This ‘Skripsi’ is written to fulfill one of the requirements for the degree of S.Pd. (Bachelor of Art) in the Department of English Education in the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

In this occasion, the writer would like to express her greatest appreciation honor and gratitude to her beloved parents, Ahmad Rosyidi, S.Pd and Nurlaila, S.Pd, and her brother Hafidzuddin Hasbi who have always been the happiness, always prayed for her in every time, understood, given support in moral and material and motivation in her life so that the writer be able to finish this ‘Skripsi’ well. There are no words that suitable for her to say except to thanks very much on the sacrifice and their love.

The writer would like to address her special thanks to her advisor Mrs. Dr. Farida Hamid, M.Pd and Mrs. Yenny Rahmawati, M.Ed, for their time, guidance, valuable help, correction, and suggestion during completing this ‘Skripsi’.

The writer realizes that she would had never completed writing her ‘Skripsi’ without the help of people around her; therefore the writer would like to give the deepest gratitude to:



during her study at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta. 4. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, MA. as the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and

Teachers’ Training UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

5. Mr. Muhamad Umar, M.Pd as the headmaster of SMP Al Huda and Mrs. Rehan, S.Pd as an English teacher at SMP Al Huda Jakarta for giving permission and helping the writer to do the research.

6. Nurul Milah, S.Pd who accompanied her to find out some references, taught her statistical calculation, and lent her some books so that this ‘Skripsi’ finished well.

7. Her best friends Hanisa Ratna Dewi, S.Pd, Nurul Alfiah, S.Pd, Wilda Shifa Fauziah, S.Pd, Wina Rahardian Putri, SE. Nurhalimah, Amd.Kom, Ervi Yulianti Dewi, SE. and Dita who always love her, giving support and sharing knowledge. Thanks for being her great friends.

8. All of her friends in English Education Department, especially C Class for academic year 2010 who also always sharing the knowledge each other, giving her support and motivation to finishing this ‘Skripsi’ on time. 9. To any other persons whose are named cannot be mentioned one by one

for their contribution to the writer during finishing her ‘Skripsi’.

Thanks so much for sharing their time, supporting, and being good friends. May Allah The Almighty bless them all, so be it. Finally the writer realizes that this “Skripsi” is far from being perfect. Therefore, the writer expects some suggestions and criticism for this “skripsi”. At last, the writer hopes that this “Skripsi” will give advantages for all.

Jakarta, 6th October 2015






CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Limitation of the Study ... 3

C. Formulation of the Study ... 4

D. Objective of the Study ... 4

E. Significance of the Study... 4

F. Organization of Writing... 4

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. The General Concept of Vocabulary ... 6

1. The Kind of Vocabulary ... 6

B. Song and Its General Function ... 9

1. Meaning of Song ... 9

2. Kinds of Song ... 10

3. Teaching Vocabulary Through Song... 11

4. Teaching Vocabulary by Using Song ... 13

5. Advantage and The Effectiveness of Song in Teaching Learning Process ... 14

C. Thinking Framework ... 15

D. The Previous Study ... 16

E. The Research Hypothesis ... 17

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Place and Time of The Study ... 18

B. Population and Sample of The Study ... 18

C. Method of the Study ... 19

D. Procedure of Inventing ... 19

E. Technique of Data Collecting ... 21



B. Data Analysis ... 33

1. Normality Testing... 37

a. Data of Experimental Class ... 37

b. Data of Control Class ... 38

2. Homogenity Testing ... 39

a. Pre-Test Data ... 39

b. Post-Test Data ... 40

C. Interpretation of the Data ... 43


B. Suggesgtion ... 47




Table 4.2 The Students’ Pre-test and Post-Test Score in class VIII-6 (The

Experiment Class……….. 28

Table 4.3 The Students’ Pre-test Score in The Experiment and Controlled

Class……….. 26

Table 4.4 The Students’ Post-test Score in The Experiment and Controlled

Class……….. 32

Table 4.5 The Students’ Gained Score in Class VIII-6 (The Experiment

Class)……….. 34

Table 4.6 The Students’ Gained Score in Class VIII-2 (The Controlled

Class)……….. 35

Table 4.7 The Result of Normality test (Pre-Test) in Experimental Class.. 37 Table 4.8 The Result of Normality test (Post-Test) in Experimental Class.. 38 Table 4.9 The Result of Normality test (Pre-Test) in Control Class…….. 38 Table 4.10 The Result of Normality test (Post-Test) in Control Class….. 39 Table 4.11 The Result of Homogeneity Testing on Pre-Test Data In

Experimental and Control Class………. 40 Table 4.12 The Result of Homogeneity Testing on Post-Test Data In



4. Appendix 4 (Kisi-kisi soal Pre-Test & Post Test)………..72

5. Appendix 5 Frequency Distribution of Pre-Test Normality Testing……73

6. Appendix 6 Frequency Distribution of Post-Test Normality Testing……76

7. Appendix 7 Homogenity testing of Pre-test………..……79

8. Appendix 8 Homogenity testing of Pre-test………..……80

9. Appendix 9 (Figures of the Research)………...81

10.Appendix 10 (Surat Bimbingan Skripsi)………....82

11.Appendix 11 (Surat Permohonan Izin Penelitian)……….83





In this chapter, the writer would like to present background of the study, identification of the problems, limitation of the study, formulation of the problem, objective of the study, and significance of the study.

A. Background of the Study

Nowadays, English is well known as the most widely used and studied foreign language on the earth. According to Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers,” Latin was the most widely studied foreign language five hundred years ago. However, English has become the most widely studied foreign language today.”1 In this era of globalizaton, learning English seems to be obligation to be learned, especially for those who want to study or work aboard.

In learning foreign language, vocabulary plays an important role. It is one element that links the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing all together. In order to communicate well in a foreign language, students should acquire an adequate number of words and should know how to use them accurately. Vocabulary is one of the problems confronted by English language taeaching. As Jeremy Harmer said “One of the problems of vocabulary teaching is how to select the words to teach”.2

Teaching teens is different from teaching adult. Teacher must have extra innovations to teach in fun way, because the teens have certain characteristics and need more treatment.

1 Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approches and Method in Language Teaching, (New York: Cambridge University Press),1986, p.1.


Jeremy, Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (London: Longman Publiishing, 1991), p. 154.


In teaching English there are several problems faced by the teacher. After doing the observation, writer found some problems that faced in teaching learning process. Those are some students have difficulty in understanding reading text. They also felt hard in writing because they have limit stock of vocabulary. When the writer asked them to speak they also cannot speak English well because they did not know the words in English. In listening, they were hard to understand the dialog because the words they hear were not familiar.

There are several reasons for which the vocabulary component of a language course needs to be carefully planned. Firstly, because different vocabulary gives different returns for learning, it is important to make sure that the learners have good control of the high frequency words of the language before moving on the less frequent vocabulary. Secondly, most language teaching courses make vocabulary learning more difficult than it should be as a result of the way vocabulary in the course is sequenced. The last is vocabulary learning opportunities and the quality of vocabulary can be greatly increased through the careful design of both vocabulary and other skill activities.3 Based on the reasons above it can be concluded that students have difficulties in memorizing new words which they had just gotten. They forget the word which they have memorized. Thus, there should be fun way to help them in keeping vocabulary in their mind.

Up to now, many teachers have not used any teaching media as the aid in improving the students vocabulary mastery and as the variety of teachers techniques of teaching in classroom. Meanwhile, the effort to increase the students vocabulary by using playing media has not grown well. During PPKT process, the writer interviewed some teachers about media that they used in teaching learning process. From the interview above, the researcher found that quite a few teachers taught using song or other media during any of the lessons.

3 Paul Nation, New Ways in Teaching vocabulary, (USA:Teachers of English to speakers


But commonly and usually the way of teaching makes the students lazy and bored. The teacher needs something different to make students interested in learning English, especially young learners, they are easy to get bored in learning. Therefore, teacher needs something interesting which can motivate them. It is based on the characteristics and attitude of the young learners that they are curious and often seeks something that the teacher notices them and shows appreciation for what they are doing.

So, to motivate them in learning English, teacher needs something new that can stimulate their curiosity. One of activities that work well is songs with actions, total physical response activities, and tasks. moreover, learning English vocabulary using song has an important role for beginner level. Songs have become an important part of human’s life. Most of people like to listen to the songs because they are fun. Songs can be found anywhere, and people can listen them from television, radio, CD, or gadget through its MP3 feature. Listening to songs makes body and mind feel fresh and relax. Furthermore, according to Chris Brewer, "Music stabilizes mental, physical and emotional rhythms to attain a state of deep concentration and focus in which large amounts of content information can be processed and learned."4 Therefore, the more fun learning process, the easier students can retrieve the material. Teacher should continue looking for more effective and interesting technique in teaching English language especially for increase students’ vocabulary. It is done to make students feel more relax and easy to keep new vocabulary in their mind.

Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested in conducting a research on the effectiveness of song to increase students’ vocabulary.

B. Limitation of the Study

In this writing, the problem is the limited on effectiveness songs as the medium to increase students vocabulary. Based on the background above the

4 Retrieved from on


formulation of the problem is explained as follow: “is song effective to increase students’ vocabulary in the second grade of SMP Al Huda Jakarta?”. C. Formulation of the Problem

The formulation of problem studied in this research is “is song effective to increase students’ vocabulary at second grade students of SMP Al Huda?’. D. Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is to find out the empirical evidence whether songs is effective to increase students’ vocabulary at the second grade students of SMP AL Huda Jakarta.

E. Significance of the Study

It is expected that this writing can be useful for teachers in teaching vocabulary to their students. In other words, this writing can inspire teachers for more effective teaching technique. This writing is also supposed to help students increase their vocabulary in fun way.

In large scale, this writing is expected to improve people’s English knowledge. At least, this writing is supposed to bring many advantages for others in learning English.

F. Organization of writing

This skripsi will systematically be divided into four chapters. Chapter one deals with introduction, consisting background of the study, limitation of the study, formulation of the problem, objective of the study, significance of the study, and organization of writing.

Chapter two present the theoretical framework. It is consist of vocabulary is divided into definition of vocabulary, kind of vocabulary. Then, this chapter deals also with song and its general function, the meaning of song, kinds of song, teaching vocabulary through song, teaching vocabulary


by using songs, advantage and the effectiveness of song in teaching learning process. It also consists of thinking framework, the previous study, the research hypothesis.

Chapter three is research methodology. It discusses place and time of the study, subject and object of the study, method of study, procedure of inventing, technique of data collecting, technique of data analysis, and the statistical hypotheses.

Chapter four is research finding. It discusses about the description of data, data analysis, and interpretation of the data.



A. The General Concept of Vocabulary

In learning a language, vocabulary is one of important language aspects that should be learnt. Good mastery of vocabulary is important for everyone who learns the language, which is used in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. While the language sub-skills consists of pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. Sub-skills in learning English are also important in order to make the people easy in communicating or using the sentence in conversation.

Understanding the sub-skills of vocabulary is also needed for everyone in learning language, because when we want to use the language, we also need the words or the vocabulary. As a part of teaching-learning as foreign language, vocabulary cannot be simply defined as a group of words. Some experts have interpreted the mening of vocabulary in different points of view. The definitions have similarities and differences to each other. It is good to look at some definitions that have been described as vocabulary.

According to Thomas “vocabulary is the focus of language. It is in word that sound and meaning interlock to allow us to communicate with one another, and it is word that we arrange together to make sentences, conversations, and discourse of all kinds."1 Besides, Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown give their ideas about the definition of vocabulary. According to them, vocabulary refers to a list or set of words that everyone uses for a particular

1 Thomas Pyles and John Algeo, English an Introduction to Language, (New York:


language or list or set of words that everyone uses for a particular language or a list or set of words that individual speakers of language might use.2

In addition according to Keith S. Folse, vocabulary is a count noun that can be much more than just a single unit word.3 Meanwhile, as Cyril Connolly stated that the vocabulary of a writer is her currency, but it is a paper currency and its value depends on the reserves of mind and heart which back it. A vast wordshoard is valueless unless the owner’s assets are readily negotiable and intelligently spent.4 Another definition comes from Kridalaksana as stated in Zaenuri’s book that vocabulary is a component of language that contains all of information meaning and using word in language.5

Based on the definition above, it can be stated that vocabulary is a list of words or stock of words used by person in language containing meaning, and the usage that she can find in the dictionary or specialized glossary.

1. The Kind of Vocabulary

People have attempted to learn second language from the time of the romans, and perhaps before. In this period of more than two thousand years, there have been numerous different approaches to language learning, each with a different perspective on vocabulary. At times, vocabulary is given pride of place teaching methodologies, and other time neglected. In order to help understand the current state of vocabulary studies as discussed in subsequent chapters, this time will first briefly review the kinds of vocabulary.

2 Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown, Vocabulary, Semantics, and Language Education,

(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995),p.1

3 Keith S. Folse, Vocabulary Myths,(Florida: The University of Michigan Press,2004),p.2 4 Marvin S. Zuckerman, Words,Words,Words,(Glencoe Publishing CO., INC.Encino,


5 A.M. Zainuri, Vocabulary I, (Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam


According to Fries, there are two kinds of vocabulary:

a. The function words are a closed class. We cannot add the preposition, auxiliaries, modals, or any structure words of the language. Function words in English conclude prepositions (at, in,

of, and between), pronouns (he, they, she), determiners (the, much,

more, either, neither), conjunctions (that, when, while, and

although), auxiliary (verbs be: is, am, are, have) and particles (not,

not, nor, as).

b. The content words or lexical words are words that carry the content or the meaning of the sentence. It can be called as open-class words. Open classes accept the addition of new morphemes such process as compounding, derivation, inflection, coining and borrowing. It can be added to any times as new scientific advances make new words and communication about new inventions necessary.6

The content words can be divided into general classes::

1). Words meaning things, ideas, entities, that we might call them noun

2). Words naming action called verbs

3). Words used to describe the qualities of those things or actions adjectives and adverbs.7

Another kinds of vocabulary comes from Jo Ann Aebersold that was stated by A.M. Zainuri in his book. He says that there are two kinds of

6Charles C. Fries, Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language, (Michigan:

University of Michigan Press, 1945), p.44.


A.M. Zainuri, Vocabulary I, (Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Jakarta: UIN Jakarta), p. 2.


vocabulary, namely active vocabulary and passive vocabulary.8 Below are the brief description about active vocabulary and passive vocabulary.

a. Active vocabulary

Active vocabulary refers to items which the students can use appropriately in speaking or writing. Active vocabulary can be also called as a

productive vocabulary. It means the student has to know how to pronounce it

well and the student has to know how pronounce it well and students has to know and be able to use grammar of the target language. In productive vocabulary, the student has to know about collocation and the student has to understand the connotation meaning of the word.

Martin Manser notes that an active vocabulary consists of the word that people use frequently and confidently. If someone asks them to make up a sentence containing a word, they can do it for conversation or writing.9

b. Passive vocabulary refers to language items that can be recognized and understood in the context of reading and listening. It is also called as receptive vocabulary.

As states by Martin Manser, A passive vocabulary consists of the words whose meanings people know so that they do not have to look the words up in a dictionary but which they would not necessarily use in ordinary conversation or writing.10

B. Song and Its General Function

Songs play an important role in human life. It is inseparable to any elements of people from children to adults. They like listening and singing songs whenever and wherever they want to. As Guglimenio in Reasons for

8Ibid, p. 1. 9

Retrieved from on October 20, 2015 at 01.52 a.m.


Using Songs in the ESL/EFL Classroom by Kevin Schoepp stated, ”adults sing at religious services, bars, in the shower, and listening to the car radio."11

Meanwhile, Kevin said that “Songs have become an integral part of our language experience, and if used in coordination with language lesson they can be great value.”12 It is then concluded that songs can be useful as medium of learning language if they are used appropriately. It is because songs create an enjoyable and non threatening situation in classroom. They can also break the class routine which might be boring for students. As Lo and Li stated in the internet TESL journal, they stated that songs could provide a break from classroom routine and that learning English through songs could also develop a non-threatening classroom atmosphere in which the four language skills can be enhanced. Thus, by providing fun situation in the classroom, students can retrieve the materials easily.13

1. Meaning of Song

There are some definitions of song that can be found through some references.

According to Yukiko Song is rhythmic and melodic content, and represent forms of communication in a lingustics sense.14

In addition, John stated that Songs may be employed to enhance the listening skill, improve pronunciation, acquire vocabulary, provide example of grammatical structures, practice reading and writing, and sensitize the students to cultural facets.15

11 Kevin Schoepp, Reasons for Using Songs in the ESL/EFL Classroom, 2001, Retrieved

from on September 4, 2014 at 09.25 p.m.

12 ibid

13 Mohamad Jafre Zainal Abidin, et. Al, Theory and Practie in Language Studies, Vol. I,

2011, p. 1490.


Yukiko, S. Jolly, The Modern Language Journal, Vol. 59, 1975, p. 11.



Beside that, Winter stated that Songs often set words to musical melodies and make use of language features, such as rhyme, repetition and alliteration, to communicate a thought, feeling or story. 16

Furthermore some experts defined as stated in Winter as Cruz-Cruz and Lake defined that Songs can help stimulate memory and learning. Allan also discovered that song vocals served as an effective stimulus for attention and memory. Using songs with lyrics (versus only instrumentals) resulted in greater brand recall. 17

Resuming all the definition above song is a piece of music that consist of words and people can sing it anyway, anytime and it can be part of expression of feeling which can help stimulate memory and learning.

2. Kinds of Song

For the purposes of the average secondary classroom it is probably sufficient two established two principal categories of song, they are:

a. Folk Songs

Folk songs are defined as traditional songs that have emerged from the culture and continue to be sung generation after generation, often to mark special occasion such as birthdays or holidays. They are what Griffin defined as stated in Purcell as, “musical expression of deep culture”.18

b. Popular Songs

Popular songs are songs that have been written to disseminate popularly, either through a musical score, live performance, or recorded.19

16 Winter, N.D. Sing, Sing a Song: How using songs affect productive vocabulary, 2010.



Ibid, p. 16


John, M. Purcell, Hispenia, Vol. 75, 1992, p. 194


For classroom purpose, both folk and popular songs can be used as medium for teaching learning process. The folk songs expressed musical that represent a way of life and traditions. While popular songs demonstrate melodies with the large segments of culture. Both of songs have been part of culture for long enough time.

3. Teaching Vocabulary Through Song

Music or Song is modern trend society. Most of students want to learn English in different style. They like to learn with fun activity such as singing and listening to music. Songs are already very familiar to students. By using English songs as medium in learning English they can increase their knowledge especially in vocabulary. These songs provide the material of English that they want to understand. They can sing that songs and also understand what the songs tell about.

There are two reasons of suggesting music or songs as media in language instruction. The first is, it is an idiom familiar to a broad span of young learner in both academic and non academic setting.

The second reason that music or songs represent quite a different in life than do the other mass media is that the learning of song pushes to the top of priority list. One can utilize songs as presentation contexts, as reinforcement material as vehicles through which to teach all of the language skills and as a medium through pervade and modern life.20

Several techniques for presenting songs in the class: a. Choosing the songs

Before introducting the song in class, it is hoped to fulfill the criteria to choose the songs such as:

1) Songs should be popular with the students whenever possible


2) Songs should be clear and understandable

3) Songs should have an appropriate theme. There’s enough bad news, negativity and violence in the world already. Songs with any type of negative theme should be avoided.21

b. Presenting songs in the class

Whittaker and Gatti have developed techniques that have worked well for them in teaching the songs in the class.22 According to Whittaker there are four basic steps in presenting the songs in the class:

1) The teacher plays the songs while the students look at the words silently.

2) The students repeat the words without singing them.

3) The teachers points of vocabulary, idioms, grammar items, and gives pronunciation clues.

4) The teacher plays the song again, letting the students join in when they feel confident enough about singing alone.23

Furthermore Gatti Taylor devoted to learning songs over four days with several minutes each meeting:

1) The first day the students listen to the song without lyrics to grasp as much as they can. Students may list vocabulary they know, or advise them to make own summarize about the lyrics. 2) On the second day, the teacher distributes the lyrics and a work

sheet for students’ reaction to vocabulary, grammar, and the meaning of the lyrics. The students hear the song again or may be asked them to fill in the blank exercise.

3) The third day, the teacher sings with the students. 4) The fourth day, the students nearly memorize.24

21 Larry M. Lynch, Using Popular Songs to Improve Language Listening Comprehension Skill,

22 John, M. Purcell, Hispenia, Vol. 75, 1992, p. 195 23 Ibid


Based on the steps in presenting the songs, the writer believes that teaching vocabulary can be implemented by using songs, because songs provide entertainment as well as insight into language skills. By choosing appropriate songs for the lesson and presenting the songs effectively can help students to enrich their vocabulary. In this case, the writer combines both of the techniques above because it is more effective. Therefore, the writer believes that songs can be implemented in some activities based on the Indonesian students’ need. 4. Teaching Vocabulary by Using Songs

Teachers in their lesson plans are hoped to explain how the materials are taught step by step. Here are the procedures of teaching vocabulary by using songs:

The first step is pre-elementary study, the teacher opens the class by greeting the students and asking how they are doing. After that, the teacher emphasizes on the students that they are going to learn vocabulary for the next three meetings.

Before learning the new words, the teacher applies several fun activities such as asking the students’ favourite singer and song, guessing the title of song, and playing ‘crazy story’. The teacher gives different games in each meeting.

The second activity is core study. The teacher use songs to increase students’ vocabulary. In this case, the teacher has already designed the material before she teaches in the classroom. The teacher plays the song and gives them the lyrics of the song.

When the students get the lyrics, the teacher asks the students to understanding the meaning of the song. To build up their vocabulary the teacher asks them to find out the synonym or antonym of the words.


In the last activity, the teacher will appoint out some students to be an explainer then the teacher gives a task and they have to do the task. The others teaching plans will be explained by the writer in the lesson plan in appendix. 5. Advantage and The Effectiveness of Song in Teaching Learning Process

Music is a source of motivation, interest, and enjoyment, it is easier to imitate and remember language than words which are just spoken. Songs contain words and expressions of high frequency and offer repetition. Nothing can be as effective as music in learner language class. It has been said that learner have natural taste for music and because that of that English teacher around the world use such enjoyable and supportive means for children to improve language learning and acquisition.25

Music is an essential part of language learning. Young Learners really enjoy learning and singing songs, and older learners find working with current or well-known pop songs highly motivation. 26

Song and music in general to affect our emotion; people can move to tears, smiling, and other strong emotions after hearing the song whenever and wherever they do.

From the reasons above it can be seen that song has many advantages in teaching learning process, those are:

a) Songs or music can be used to relax and provide students’ enjoyable in the classroom atmosphere

b) Songs have much related to students’ interest

c) Songs and music as supplements: can be used to supplement a textbook or can serve as the text itself

d) Songs are especially good at introducing vocabulary because it provides a meaningful context for the vocabulary


Shaheen Ara, Use of songs, Rhymes and games in teaching learning, The Dhaka University Journal of Linguistics: Vol.2.p.168


In the use of song in classroom activities, the writer use laptop and speaker as the aid of learning process. When the students feeling relax in teaching learning process, it makes them easy to memorize the new words. It is hoped song can be an effective medium and students can receive the material well.

C. Thinking Framework

As it has been mentioned before, many students in junior high school have same problems in learning new vocabulary. Memorizing and understanding new vocabulary are the main problems which were faced by the second year students of junior high school. In this case, the student still did not understand the meaning of the song. They did not the meaning of the words that were provided in the lyrics of the song. It can be said that the students have limit vocabulary. The students often get bored when they did not find the meaning of certain word, because the teacher did not use any special technique in learning vocabulary, thus make them hard to memorize that new words.

The teachers must find out some solution to make their students feel easy in understanding and memorizing new words. The teacher should provide the media in teaching where the students can relax and easy to memorize new words. Songs can be a wonderful medium for natural language acquisition. Moreover songs contain words and expression of high frequency and offer repetition. In this teaching learning process, the teacher has to design the material before entering the classroom and the teacher has to observe the students’ ability when their students learn in the classroom.

Based on the statement above, the writer would like to assume that songs can increase students’ vocabulary at the second year students of SMP Al Huda Jakarta.

D. The Previous Study

A study entitled “Using English Songs in the Improvement of Students


done by Yoyoh, she conducted her research in 2006 and he also focus in increasing students’ vocabulary. She conducted the research in order to know the students’ mastery of vocabulary. That research almost similar to the writer’s research. But there are the differences; the writer only used test to collect the data, but Miss Yoyoh used three techniques to collecting the data they are observation, interview, and test. 27 She took the sample and made the students into experiment and controlled class. The research was proven that using song is effective to mastery of vocabulary at the second grade of senior high school. The researcher above used same media with the writer. She used song in order to improve students’ vocabulary. Another difference between Yoyoh’s research with the writer research are the subject of the study. She conducted the research in the second grade of senior high school while the writer conducted her research in the second grade of junior high school.

The research which also discussed about vocabulary had been conducted by Ahmad Subhan entitled “The Effectiveness of Teaching Verbs by Using

Cooperative Learning”(A Quasi Experimental Study at the second year Students

of SMPN 169 Jakarta). He conducted his research in 2014 and he focused on the verbs. He conducted his research in order to know the students’ mastery of verbs. The research was proven that cooperative learning is effective to mastery of verbs at the second year students of junior high school. The data shown that test > t-table or (3,69 higher than 1,99).28 In this term the writer has the same dependent variable but the researcher above only focused on the verb while the writer on the vocabulary. The writer used song as the media while Mr. Subhan used Jigsaw as the technique that was used in cooperative learning classroom.

From all the experiments that ever had, no one of them used Song as media to mastery vocabulary in second grade of junior high school. Thus, the

27Yoyoh, Using English Song in the Improvement of Students Vocabulary, Jakarta, 2006,



Ahmad Subhan, The Effectiveness of Teaching Verbs by Using Cooperative Learning, Jakarta, 2014, p.55


writer chose to conduct the new research with the title “The Effectiveness of Songs to Increase Students’ Vocabulary”.

E. The Research Hypothesis

The purpose of this study is to find out the empirical evidence for the students in learning vocabulary using songs is effective or not in building students’ mastery of vocabulary.

To get the answer of the hypothesis above, the writer proposes alternative hypothesis (Ha) and the null hypothesis (Ho) as follows:

1. Null Hypothesis (Ho)

There is no significant difference of students’ achievement between those who were taught by using songs in teaching vocabulary in experiment class and those who were taught without using songs in controlled class.

2. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

There is a significant difference of students’ achievement between those who were taught by using songs in teaching vocabulary in experiment class and those who were taught without using songs in controlled class.



This chapter is divided into several parts. They are place and time of the study, subject and object of the study, method of study, procedure of inventing, technique of data collecting, technique of data analysis, and the statistical hypotheses.

A. Place and Time of the Study

The research was conducted at SMP Al Huda, which is located at Jalan Utama, Cengkareng, West-Jakarta. Focus on second grade of Junior high school. The research was held during May 2015.

B. Population and Sample of the Study

In this research, the writer took the second grade of SMP AL Huda Jakarta as the population. The second grade of this school consists of six classes; namely VIII-1 until VIII-6. The amount of population in that school was about 192 students. The writer took one class to be experimental class and one class to be controlled class. In this term, the writer choose VIII-6 as the experiment class & VIII-2 as controlled class. The consideration of choosing those classes to be experimental and the controlled classes was based on purposive sampling. In purposive sampling, the researcher chooses the sample using his experience and knowledge of the group to be sampled.1 In this term, their English teacher knew their students’ English ability, and their English teacher judged that those two classes have the same ability. It was also supported by L.R Gay stated in his book that “purposive sampling, referred to as judgment sampling, is the process of selecting a sample that is believed to be representative of a given population”.2 Therefore, the English

1 L.R Gay, Geoffrey E. Mills and Peter AIrasian, Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and application, 9th Ed., (New Jersey: Pearson Edation, 2009), P. 134.


teacher of SMP AL Huda, Mrs Rehan suggested the writer to take those classes as the experiment class and controlled class based other judgment or assumptions in both of the two classes.

C. Method of the Study

In her research, the writer used a quantitative research design and she also used a quasi-experimental design for her research. The writer chose a quasi-experimental design because a quasi experimental designed to determine the cause and effect relationship and there is a direct manipulation of conditions.3

In a quasi experimental research has characteristic as stated by Nunan that “quasi-experiment research has both pre-test and post-test and has experiment class and controlled class, but no random assignment of subject”.4 It means that the writer took the sample from the existing class or the intact class to determine which group will be experiment class and which group will be controlled class without giving a random assignment for each student in two classes. Thus, there were two classes that the writer taught to increase vocabulary in different treatment. The group that received treatment was called the experiment class and the group that received a different treatment or is treated as usual was called controlled class. In experiment class the researcher used English songs as media and in control class the researcher didn’t use English Songs.

D. Procedure of Inventing

1. Teaching Vocabulary Through Songs

The teaching of vocabulary by using songs was done by the writer in five meetings. Below are the brief explanations about the teaching and learning process to mastery vocabulary by using song:

3James H, Mc. Millan and Sally Schumacer, Research in Education, (Boston: Pearson,

Education. Inc. , 2006), p.24.


David, Nunan, Research Method in Language Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992), p.41.


1) First meeting, the writer explained what she is going to do and emphasize on that students that they are going to mastery vocabulary by using song for the next three meetings. Then, the writer gave the pre-test to students in order to know the students’ competence in understanding the vocabulary based on the pre-test’s result.

2) Second meeting, the writer played the song by the tittle “Happy”. The writer played the song twice. At first played of the song the writer asked the students to heard and than mention the words that they had just heard. At the second time the writer gave them print out of song’s lyric and asked them to heard again. After hearing the song the writer and students discuss about what the song tell about. Than, the writer asked the students to make group that consist of 6 students and asked them to underline the verb and adjective that provided on the lyric. After that find out the synonym and antonym of the words.

3) Third meeting, before learning, the writer applied a fun activity which was called ‘Crazy Story’. In this game the writer asked the students to make a story using vocabulary that was learnt in previous meeting. In learning activity the writer gave the students missing lyric and asked them to fill in the blank based on the word that they had heard. The title of song that was played is “I Remember”. Next the writer asked students to make group that consist of five people each group, they asked to discuss what the song tell about and than presented it in front of the class. The last the writer gave excercises for students.

4) Fourth meeting, before begin the lesson the writer gave fun activity by asked them to guess the title’s song that was played. Than the writer gave print out lyric “You’re The One” that was miss some words and asked the students to fill in the blank based on the song that was played. Next the writer asked the students to discuss with


their friends about content of the song. After the students understand and know meaning of the word that was given. The writer asked the students to make a story using vocabulary that was learned.

5) Fifth meeting, the writer reviewed vocabularies that have been given. At the end of meeting, the wrier conducted a test called post test. The post test was designed to know how far students’ mastery in vocabulary that have been given and to know whether the use of Song as media in mastery vocabulary is effective or not.

2. Teaching Vocabulary without Songs

Besides teaching vocabulary using songs, the writer also taught vocabulary without songs in control class. The teaching of vocabulary without songs was done by the writer in five meetings. Below are the brief explanations about the teaching and learning process in control class:

1) First meeting, the writer explained what she is going to do and emphasize on that students that they are going to mastery vocabulary by using song for the next three meetings. Then, the writer gave the pre-test to students in order to know the students’ competence in understanding the vocabulary based on the pre-test’s result.

2) In second to forth meeting the writer introduced the songs and gave students hand-outs (song lyrics) but the songs read as read a book without with rhymes. The writer wrote the difficult words on the white board and asked students to translate into Indonesian language. The writer asked them to memorize the words.

3) In Fifth meeting, the writer reviewed vocabularies that have been given. At the end of meeting, the wrier conducted a test called post test. The post test was designed to know how far students’ mastery in vocabulary that have been given.


4) Technique of Data Collecting

the writer used the test to collect the data. The pre-test and post-test waas given in both of the two classes. The pre-test was given before the writer began the teaching and learning process in two classes. Meanwhile, the post-test was given in order to know the students’ improvement in mastery vocabulary.

The pre-test and post-test are multiple choice form and it was consists of 20 items. The teacher gave 30 minutes in both of the two classes for finishing pre-test and post-test.

5) Technique of Data Analysis

The writer has conducted the test; pre-test and post-test. The data is compared from the mean of the score from pre-test and post-test. After getting the data from the score, then the data was analyzed and processed by using statistic calculation of T-test formula with significance degree 5% and gained scores. T-test in this research used to test the average difference count, was there a significant difference or not between the experimental group and the control group. While the gained score is the difference between pre-test and post-test score of each class of the experimental and the control groups. Gain scores are used to determine the increase or decrease in scores and to determine the effectiveness of the media used. However, prior to the tests the hypothesis necessary analysis prerequisite tests first, namely the distribution normality test and homogeneity test.

1. Pre requisites Test Analysis a) Normality Test Population


Normality test data and research using chi squared using the following formula by Riduwan5

�2= (�� − ��)2 ��


X2= value of chi-squared

Fo= frequency obtained based on the data

Fe= the expected frequency (frequency theoretical)

Normality testing criteria:

If X2o X2t, so the data distribution are normal. If X2oX2t, so the data distribution are not normal.

b) Population Variance Homogeneity test

Homogeneity test is conducted to determine whether the both of groups have the same variant or not (homogeneous or not). According to Riduwan6 test in this research using Barlet test with significance level α = 0.01, with db1= (N1 -1) and db2 = (N2 -1).

�= �ℎ���������������


Terms Homogeneous:

If Fo ≤ Ft, then Hois accepted (homogeneous) and Ha rejected. If Fo ≥ Ft, then Ho is rejected (not homogeneous) and Ha accepted.


Riduwan, Belajar Mudah penelitian unttuk Guru, Karyawan, dan Peneliti Pemula,

(Bandung: ALFABETA,2011), p.121.



c) T-test

According to Sudjiono that the formula is follows: 7

tₒ= M



M 1 : Mean of the Difference of Experiment Class M 2 : Mean of the Difference of Control Class SE M 1 : Standard of Error of Experiment Class SE M 2 : Standard of Error of Control Class

In order to get the calculation of T-test, there are several steps to be taken, there are as follows:

1) Determine mean of variable X with formula:

�1 = ∑ �


2) Determine mean of variable Y with formula:

�2 = ∑ �


3) Determine Standard deviation variable X with formula: SD1 = �∑�


4) Determine Standard deviation of variable Y with formula: SD2 = �∑ �


5) Determine Standard error of variable X with formula: SE M1 = ��1


6) Determine standard error of variable Y with formula: SE M2 = ��2




7) Determine standard error means of differences mean of variable X and variable Y, with formula:

SEM1-M2 = ����12+���22 8) Determining t0 with formula:

tₒ= M₁ −M₂ SEм1−м2

9) Determining t-table in significance level 5% with Degree

of Freedom (df):

df = (N1+N2) – 2 6) The Statistical Hypotheses

A hypothesis is a tentative statement about the relationship between two or more variables. This research is designed to find out whether there is a significant progress of cooperative learning specifically using songs in teaching vocabulary. In order to get the answer of that hypothesis, the writer proposed Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) and the Null Hypothesis (H0) which is described to the following statistical hypothesis:

a) If ttest (t0) > t-table (tt) in significant degree of 0,05, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected b) If ttest (t0) > t-table (tt) in significant degree of 0,05, the alternative

hypothesis (Ha) is rejected and the null hypothesis (H0) is accepted. Meanwhile, the degree of freedom (df) = (N1+N2)-2 = (20+20)-2 = 38. It must be calculated with t-table of df. If df is 38, the value of significance level 5% is 1,686.



This chapter describes research findings containing the description of data, data analysis, and interpretation of the data.

A. Data Description

In the data description, the writer described the data which had been collected from students’ pre-test and post-test scores of vocabulary. The pre-test was given before treatment to the experimental class and the controlled class. The post-test was given after the treatment was conducted. It was given into the experimental class by playing the song to the students while the post-test for the controlled class was by using conventional method.

Here are the table descriptions of pre-test and post-test scores: Table 4.1

The Students’ Pre-test and Post test Score in Class VIII-6 (The Experimental Class)

Number Students’ Pre-test Post-test

X1 X2

1 S1 45 65

2 S2 50 65

3 S3 45 65

4 S4 45 60

5 S5 55 60

6 S6 50 70

7 S7 55 70

8 S8 60 75


10 S10 55 75

11 S11 65 75

12 S12 55 75

13 S13 65 80

14 S14 65 80

15 S15 70 85

16 S16 70 85

17 S17 60 80

18 S18 70 85

19 S19 75 85

20 S20 60 80

Amount 20 1160 1485

Mean 58 74.25

Based on the table above it is showed that the score of the experimental class between pre-test and post-test were different. The mean of students’ score in the pre-test is 58 with the lowest score of pre-test is 45 and the highest score of pre-test is 70. Meanwhile, the mean of the students’ score in the post-test is 74.25 with the lowest score of post-test is 60 and the highest score of post-test is 85. Here is table of the frequency distribution of pre-test and post-test of controlled class.


Table 4.2

The Students’ Pre-test and Post -test Score in Class VIII-2 (The Controlled Class)

Number Students’ Pre-test Post-test

Y1 Y2

1 S1 45 55

2 S2 45 60

3 S3 45 55

4 S4 50 60

5 S5 50 55

6 S6 55 65

7 S7 55 60

8 S8 55 65

9 S9 60 70

10 S10 60 70

11 S11 60 65

12 S12 65 70

13 S13 65 75

14 S14 65 65

15 S15 65 70

16 S16 65 75

17 S17 70 80

18 S18 70 75

19 S19 70 80

20 S20 70 75

Amount 20 1185 1345


Based on the table above it is showed that the score of the control class between pre-test and post-test were different. The mean of students’ score in the pre-test is 59.25 with the lowest score of pre-test is 45 and the highest score of pre-test is 70. Meanwhile, the mean of the students’ score in the post-test is 67.25 with the lowest score of post-test is 55 and the highest score of post-test is 80.

1. Pre-test score

The writer has calculated the result of pre-test in both of the two classes and the description of pre-test scores of experiment class and controlled class will be explained in table 4.3.


Table 4.3

The Students Score of Pre-test in Experiment Class and Controlled Class

Number Students’ Experiment Class

Controlled Class

1 S1 45 45

2 S2 50 45

3 S3 45 45

4 S4 45 50

5 S5 55 50

6 S6 50 55

7 S7 55 55

8 S8 60 55

9 S9 45 60

10 S10 55 60

11 S11 65 60

12 S12 55 65

13 S13 65 65

14 S14 65 65

15 S15 70 65

16 S16 70 65

17 S17 60 70

18 S18 70 70

19 S19 75 70

20 S20 60 70

Amount 20 1160 1185


The table showed the pre-test score of experiment class and controlled class. The pre-test was given on the first meeting before giving the treatment class and based on the table 4.3, it can be seen that the average score of pre-test in experiment class was 58, the highest score of experiment class was 75 and the lowest score was 45.

Meanwhile, the average score of pre-test of controlled class was 59.25 with the highest score 70 and the lowest score was 45. Seeing the calculation on the table above, it can be concluded that the average score of pre-test in controlled class was higher than the average score of pre-test in experiment class.

2. The Post-test Score

The post test was given in both of the two classes after the writer explained the material on third meeting. The following table 4.4. showed the comparison of students’ post test on experiment and controlled class.


Table 4.4

The Students Score of Post-test in Experiment Class and Controlled Class

Number Students’ Experiment Class

Controlled Class

1 S1 65 55

2 S2 65 60

3 S3 65 55

4 S4 60 60

5 S5 60 55

6 S6 70 65

7 S7 70 60

8 S8 75 65

9 S9 70 70

10 S10 75 70

11 S11 75 65

12 S12 75 70

13 S13 80 75

14 S14 80 65

15 S15 85 70

16 S16 85 75

17 S17 80 80

18 S18 85 75

19 S19 85 80

20 S20 80 75

Amount 20 1485 1345


The table showed the post-test score of experiment class and controlled class. The pre-test was given on the first meeting before giving the treatment class and based on the table 4.4, it can be seen that the average score of post-test in experiment class was 74.25, the highest score of experiment class was 85 and the lowest score was 60.

Meanwhile, the average score of post-test of controlled class was 67.25 with the highest score 80 and the lowest score was 55. Seeing the calculation on the table above, it can be concluded that the average score of post-test in experiment class was higher than the average score of post-test in controlled class.

B. Data Analysis

Based on the data obtained, the writer analyzed the test score of the experimental class and controlled class by calculating the result into the formula t-test. Before using the formula of t-test, the students' score in the experimental and control class were tabulated to calculate the gained score of each class as follows:


Table 4.5

The Students’ Gained Score in Class VIII-6 (The Experimental Class)

Number Students’ Pre-test Post-test Gained

Score X


X1 X2

1 S1 45 65 20 400

2 S2 50 65 15 225

3 S3 45 65 20 400

4 S4 45 60 15 225

5 S5 55 60 5 25

6 S6 50 70 20 400

7 S7 55 70 15 225

8 S8 60 75 15 225

9 S9 45 70 25 625

10 S10 55 75 20 400

11 S11 65 75 10 100

12 S12 55 75 20 400

13 S13 65 80 15 225

14 S14 65 80 15 225

15 S15 70 85 15 225

16 S16 70 85 15 225

17 S17 60 80 20 400

18 S18 70 85 15 225

19 S19 75 85 10 100

20 S20 60 80 20 400

Amount ΣN1= 20 ΣX1= 1160 ΣX2= 1485 ΣX= 325 ΣX 2= 5675


ΣN1= The total students in the experimental class

ΣX1 = The total pre-test score of students in the experimental class

ΣX2 = The total post-test score of students in the experimental class

ΣX = The total gained score of students in the experimental class

ΣX2= The square of the total gained score of students in the experimental class Based on the table above, the writer got ΣX1= 1160, ΣX2= 1485, ΣX=325, and

ΣX2= 5675 . The result will be used to find out the t-test. Table 4.6

The Students’ Gained Score in Class VIII-2 (The Controlled Class)

Number Students’ Pre-test Post-test Gained

Score Y^2

Y1 Y2

1 S1 45 55 10 100

2 S2 45 60 15 225

3 S3 45 55 10 100

4 S4 50 60 10 100

5 S5 50 55 5 25

6 S6 55 65 10 100

7 S7 55 60 5 25

8 S8 55 65 10 100

9 S9 60 70 10 100

10 S10 60 70 10 100

11 S11 60 65 5 25

12 S12 65 70 5 25


14 S14 65 65 0 0

15 S15 65 70 5 25

16 S16 65 75 10 100

17 S17 70 80 10 100

18 S18 70 75 5 25

19 S19 70 80 10 100

20 S20 70 75 5 25

Amount ΣN2= 20 ΣY1= 1185 ΣY2= 1345 ΣY= 160 ΣY 2= 1500


59,25 67,25 8 75

ΣN2= The total students in the controlled class

ΣY1 = The total pre-test score of students in the controlled class

ΣY2 = The total post-test score of students in the controlled class

ΣY = The total gained score of students in the controlled class

ΣY2 = The square of the total gained score of students in the controlled class

Based on the table, the writer got ΣY1=1185, ΣY2=1345, ΣY=160 , and

ΣY2=1500. The result will be used to find out the t-test.

Before calculating the value of t-test to look at the difference of significant level, it is necessary to find out the value of normality and homogeneity of the data. The examination of normality is needed to know whether the data has been normally distributed. Then, after getting the normality, the next step is calculating the homogeneity of data. It is proposed to look at whether the data is homogeneous or not.


1. Normality Testing

The formula used normality test requirements are chi-square test and homogeneity test using the formula Fisher test with significance level of 5%.

a. Data of Experimental Class

The result of normality testing for pre-test before giving treatment that X2

o is 2.51 with a total sample of 20 students and the critical price table chi-square test with a significant level 5%, so it is obtained X2

t is 9.48 it means the data is distributed normally. From the data above it can be concluded that the result of data from pre-test at class VIII-6 of SMP Al Huda distributed normally.

Here the table from the data above: Table 4.7

The Result of Normality Test (Pre-test) in Experimental Class

� X2

o X2t Conclusion

5% 2.51 9.48 X2

o ≤ X2t (2.51 < 9.48) the data is distributed normally

The results calculation of semi-manual using Microsoft office can be seen in appendix.

While the result of normality testing for post-test after given treatment that X2

o is 6.71 with a total sample of 20 students and the critical price table chi-square test with a significant level 5%, so it is obtained X2

t is 9.48 it means the data is distributed normally. From the data above it can be concluded that the result of data from post-test at class VIII-2 of SMP Al Huda by using Song in teaching vocabulary is distributed normally.


Here the table from the data above:

Table 4.8

The Result of Normality Test (Post-test) in Experimental Class

� X2

o X2t Conclusion

5% 6.71 9.48 X2

o ≤ X2t (6.71< 9.48) the data is distributed normally

The results calculation of semi-manual using Microsoft office can be seen in appendix.

b. Data of Control Class

The result of normality testing for pre-test before giving treatment that X2

o is 6.65 with a total sample of 20 students and the critical price table chi-square test with a significant level 5%, so it is obtained X2

t is 9.48 it means the data is distributed normally. From the data above it can be concluded that the result of data from pre-test at class VIII-2 of SMP Al Huda is distributed normally.

Here the table from the data above:

Table 4.9

The Result of Normality Test (Pre-test) in Control Class

� X2

o X2t Conclusion

5% 6.65 9.48 X2

o ≤ X2t (6.65 < 9.48) the data is distributed normally

The results calculation of semi-manual using Microsoft office can be seen in appendix.

While the result of normality testing for post-test after given treatment that X2

o is 4.58 with a total sample of 20 students and the critical price table chi-square test with a significant level 5%, so it is obtained X2


9.48 it means the data is distributed normally. From the data above it can be concluded that the result of data from post-test at class VIII-2 of SMP Al Huda is distributed normally.

Here the table from the data above:

Table 4.10

The Result of Normality Test (Post-test) in Control Class

� X2

o X2t Conclusion

5% 4.58 9.48 X2

o ≤ X2t (4.58 < 9.48) the data is distributed normally

The results calculation of semi-manual using Microsoft office can be seen in appendix.

2. Homogeneity Testing

After conducted normality testing and known the data of pre-test and post-test in experimental and control class is distributed normality. So the next it is necessary homogeneity testing.

Homogeneity testing in this research is based on the equality of two variance test in both groups (experimental class and control class) by using the formula of Fisher's exact test with significance level of 0.05 (5%). The results are described as follows:

a. Pre-test Data

Based on the calculation of the homogeneity testing from the results of pre-test groups in learning using Song (experimental class) and teaching with conventional method (control class), obtained the biggest variant is 90.52 and 77.03 in order to obtain the smallest variant Fo (F observe) is


1.17 and the Ft (Ftable) with a significance level 5% (0.05), the obtained Ft is 2.15.

Based on these data, it can be seen that Fo (1.17) < Ft (2.15), it can be concluded that the data on the pre-test is homogeneous. The conclusion of homogeneity testing can be seen in the following table:

Tabel 4.11

The Result of Homogeneity Testing based on Pre-Test Data in Experimental and Control Class

The biggest varians

The smallest


Fo Ft Conclusion

90.52 77.03 1.17 2.15 Fo< Ft (1.17<2.15) Homogeneous sample


The results calculation of semi-manual using Microsoft office can be seen in appendix.

b. Post-test Data

Based on the calculation of the homogeneity testing from the results of post-test groups in learning using Song as media in the experimental class and teaching with conventional method in the control class, obtained the biggest variant is 80.19 and 64.40 in order to obtain the smallest variant Fo (F observe) is 1.24 and the Ft (F table) with a significance level5% (0.05), the obtained Ft is 2.15.


Based on these data, it can be seen that Fo (1.24) <Ft (2.15), it can be concluded that the data on the post-test is homogeneous. The conclusion of homogeneity testing can be seen in the following table:

Tabel 4.12

The Result of Homogeneity Testing based on Post-Test Data in Experimental and Control Class

The biggest varians

The smallest


Fo Ft Conclusion

80.19 64.40 1.24 2.15 Fo< Ft (1.24< 2.15) Homogeneous sample


The results calculation of semi-manual using Microsoft office can be seen in appendix.

After analyzing the data, the next procedure of this research is analyzing the data of students’ scores, from the result of pre-test and post-test of both experimental and control classes. The writer calculated the data by using t-test formula with significance level 5% in some steps as follows:

1) Determine mean of variable X with formula:

�1 = ∑�1


32520 = 16.25

2) Determine mean of variable Y with formula:

฀2 = ∑



160 20 = 80

3) Determine Standard deviation variable X with formula:

SD1 = �





4) Determine Standard deviation of variable Y with formula:

SD2 = �∑ �




20 =√75 = 8.66

5) Determine Standard error of variable X with formula: SE M1 = ฀฀1













6) Determine standard error of variable Y with formula: SE M2 = ฀฀2









8.66 4.35



7) Determine standard error means of differences mean of variable X and variable Y, with formula:

SEM1-M2 = �฀฀฀12+฀฀฀22

=�(3.87) 2+ (1.99)2


= √18.93= 4.35 8) Determining to with formula:

tₒ = M₁ −M₂


= 16.258




4.35= 1.896

9) Determining t-table in significance level 5% with Degree of

Freedom (df):

df = (N1+N2) – 2 = (20 + 20) – 2


= 40 – 2 = 38

The value of df is 38 at degrees of significance 5% or t-table is 1.686

The writer tested the hypothesis based on the statistical hypothesis as follows:

1. If to > tt: The null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. So, there is effectiveness of using Song in learning vocabulary at 8th grade students of SMP Al Huda.

2. to < tt: The null hypothesis (Ho) is accepted and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected. So, there is no effectiveness of using Song in learning vocabulary at 8th grade students of SMP Al Huda.

10)The testing of hypothesis Ha = to>tt

= 1.896> 1.686

From the calculated above, the writer assumed a hypothesis of the research that “Media Song is effective in teaching Vocabulary.”

The result from calculating the data is to= 1.896 and tt= 1.686. It means, to is higher than tt in significant 5%. So, the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted.

C. Interpretation of the Data

Based on the data collected that was taken from 20 students in experimental class, it could be explained that the mean of pre-test before using


media song in vocabulary is 58 with the lowest score of pre-test is 45 and the highest score of pre-test is 75. Meanwhile the mean of post-test after giving treatments using song in learning vocabulary is 74.25 with the lowest score of post-test is 60 and the highest score of post-test is 85. So the writer got the mean of gained score is 16.25.

Meanwhile, the description of students’ score in control class that was taken from 20 students, it could be explained that the mean of pre-test is 59.25 with the lowest score of pre-test is 45 and the highest score of pre-test is 70. Meanwhile the mean of post-test after teaching vocabulary text with conventional method is 67.25 with the lowest score of post-test is 55 and the highest score of post-test is 80. So the writer got the mean of gained score is 8.

Based on the result of the mean score in each class (the experimental and the controlled class), it is obtained the t-observation (to) is 1.896, meanwhile the t-table(tt) of df is 38 in significance 5% is 1.686 It means t-observation (to) is higher than t-table (tt). So, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected because to>tt (1.896 > 1.686). So, there is significant difference between the students’ score in learning vocabulary by using song and the students’ score in learning vocabulary without using song at the eighthgrade students of SMP Al Huda. It means that the using Song in teaching vocabulary to the eighthgrade students of SMP Al Huda are effective.

Based on the data description, it can be observed that the scores of students who have been taught by using Song as media in mastery vocabulary is


higher than the scores of students who have been taught without song as media. It proves that song as media is effective in mastery vocabulary.

There are benefits of media Song in teaching learning process that is an as alternative media, that helps the students memorize new words. The fun activities which had been implemented in experiment class were successful to help students in increasing vocabulary. Furthermore, the students admitted that material that the teacher was made can help students to memorize new word easily. Thus, most of the students in experiment class increased in mastery vocabulary. It can be seen from their result in post test that most of the students in experimental class got the higher score in post-test than their score in the pre-test.

Based on this research, the writer can conclude that Song is simple, fun, and easy media in mastery vocabulary which gained students motivation in mastery vocabulary. It is also effective to increase students’ vocabulary at eighth grade students of SMP Al Huda Jakarta.



In this chapter, the writer present conclusion of the research and suggestion for teacher.

A. Conclusion

Teaching vocabulary using songs is one of the alternative solutions that the teacher can use to teach vocabulary to their students. It makes students more relax in learning new words, thus they can memorize them easily.

After conducted the research, the writer concluded that t0 is 1.896 ttable of degree of significance 5% is 1.686. It means that alternative hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected because the t0 is higher that tt ( t0 > tt ) or 1.896 > 1.686.

Therefore, it can be inferred that teaching vocabulary using songs is more effective than teaching vocabulary without using songs.

B. Suggestion

From the conclusion above, the writer could give some suggestions for the English teacher who wants to teach vocabulary:

a) The teacher should be well prepared, it means that before entering the classroom, the teacher should prepare the material that is going to be taught to the students.

b) The English teacher should be more creative in applying teaching and learning activities especially in learning new vocabulary.

c) The English teacher should be more understanding the condition of their pupils, if the pupils in the classroom are bored with the teacher’s technique, the teacher has to find out the appropriate method or the technique.


d) The teacher can selects songs in teaching vocabulary as the alternative ways in teaching, because using songs can motivate the students to mastery vocabulary. It has been proved by the technique that the writer used by using English songs in teaching vocabulary to improve students’ vocabulary.

e) For further research, the teacher also should well prepare in loudspeaker that will be used as tool to play the songs. Before teaching and learning process make sure the speaker can work well.



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li (batas bwh

kls) zi fz sz fe


59,5 -1,77383 0,038045

60 65 5 65,5 -1,05227 0,146337 0,108292 2,165833 3,708737 66 71 3 71,5 -0,33071 0,37043 0,224093 4,48186 0,489955 72 77 4 77,5 0,390844 0,652044 0,281614 5,632275 0,473045 78 83 4 83,5 1,112403 0,867018 0,214974 4,299474 0,020859 84 89 4 89,5 1,833962 0,96667 0,099653 1,993052 2,02094

Jumlah 20

Total Nilai 1485

rata-rata 74,25

Varians 69,14474

SD 8,315331



6,713536 χ2



Keputusan NORMAL

B. The Calculation of Frequency Distribution, Mean, Variance, and Standard Deviation of the Post-Test of the Controlled Class

1. The total of sample (n) = 20 2. Score distribution

55 55 55 60 60 60 65 65 65 65

70 70 70 70 75 75 75 75 80 80

3. Class Range (R) R = Xmax – Xmin

= 80 – 55 = 25



4. The Number of Class (K) Using Sturgess Rule K = 1 + 3.3* log (n)

= 1 + 3.3* log (20) = 1 + 3.3* (1.301) = 1 + 4.293 = 5.293  5

5. The Length of Interval (P) P = �

P = 25


= 5




li (batas bwh

kls) zi fz sz fe


54,5 -1,5887 0,056065

55 60 6 60,5 -0,84107 0,200153 0,144089 2,881773 3,374083 61 66 4 66,5 -0,09345 0,462772 0,262619 5,252375 0,298616 67 72 4 72,5 0,654169 0,743498 0,280726 5,614529 0,464278 73 78 4 78,5 1,40179 0,919511 0,176013 3,520252 0,065381 79 84 2 84,5 2,149411 0,984199 0,064688 1,293762 0,385521

Jumlah 20

Total Nilai 1345

rata-rata 67,25

varians 64,40789

SD 8,025453



4,58788 χ2






Number Experiment Control

1 45 45

2 45 45

3 45 45

4 45 50

5 50 50

6 50 55

7 55 55

8 55 55

9 55 60

10 55 60

11 60 60

12 60 65

13 60 65

14 65 65

15 65 65

16 65 65

17 70 70

18 70 70

19 70 70

20 75 70

Variance 90.52632 70.03947



F-TABEL 2.15





Number Experimental Control 1

60 55


60 55


60 55


60 60


65 60


65 60


65 65


70 65


70 65


70 65


75 70


75 70


75 70


80 70


80 75


80 75


80 75


85 75


85 80


85 80

Variance 80.19737 64.40789

F-HIT 1.245148

F-TABEL 2.15








I r .r- I Fl I I\




*oruciputar 1s412 tndon*ia


No. Dokumen




Terbit .

1 Maret 2013


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02 1t1 Hal


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:The Effectiveness of Song to Increase Students' Vocabulary adalah benar mahasiswa/i Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Jakarta yang sedang menyusun skripsi, dan akan mengadakan penelitian (riset)



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