Teaching Vocabulary Through Song

In the last activity, the teacher will appoint out some students to be an explainer then the teacher gives a task and they have to do the task. The others teaching plans will be explained by the writer in the lesson plan in appendix.

5. Advantage and The Effectiveness of Song in Teaching Learning Process

Music is a source of motivation, interest, and enjoyment, it is easier to imitate and remember language than words which are just spoken. Songs contain words and expressions of high frequency and offer repetition. Nothing can be as effective as music in learner language class. It has been said that learner have natural taste for music and because that of that English teacher around the world use such enjoyable and supportive means for children to improve language learning and acquisition. 25 Music is an essential part of language learning. Young Learners really enjoy learning and singing songs, and older learners find working with current or well-known pop songs highly motivation. 26 Song and music in general to affect our emotion; people can move to tears, smiling, and other strong emotions after hearing the song whenever and wherever they do. From the reasons above it can be seen that song has many advantages in teaching learning process, those are: a Songs or music can be used to relax and provide students’ enjoyable in the classroom atmosphere b Songs have much related to students’ interest c Songs and music as supplements: can be used to supplement a textbook or can serve as the text itself d Songs are especially good at introducing vocabulary because it provides a meaningful context for the vocabulary 25 Shaheen Ara, Use of songs, Rhymes and games in teaching learning, The Dhaka University Journal of Linguistics: Vol.2.p.168 26 Sarah Phillips, Young Learners, Oxford University Press: 1993,p.94 In the use of song in classroom activities, the writer use laptop and speaker as the aid of learning process. When the students feeling relax in teaching learning process, it makes them easy to memorize the new words. It is hoped song can be an effective medium and students can receive the material well.

C. Thinking Framework

As it has been mentioned before, many students in junior high school have same problems in learning new vocabulary. Memorizing and understanding new vocabulary are the main problems which were faced by the second year students of junior high school. In this case, the student still did not understand the meaning of the song. They did not the meaning of the words that were provided in the lyrics of the song. It can be said that the students have limit vocabulary. The students often get bored when they did not find the meaning of certain word, because the teacher did not use any special technique in learning vocabulary, thus make them hard to memorize that new words. The teachers must find out some solution to make their students feel easy in understanding and memorizing new words. The teacher should provide the media in teaching where the students can relax and easy to memorize new words. Songs can be a wonderful medium for natural language acquisition. Moreover songs contain words and expression of high frequency and offer repetition. In this teaching learning process, the teacher has to design the material before entering the classroom and the teacher has to observe the students’ ability when their students learn in the classroom. Based on the statement above, the writer would like to assume that songs can increase students’ vocabulary at the second year students of SMP Al Huda Jakarta.

D. The Previous Study

A study entitled “Using English Songs in the Improvement of Students Vocabulary” A Case Study at Second Grade of MAN Parung, Bogor had been done by Yoyoh, she conducted her research in 2006 and he also focus in increasing students’ vocabulary. She conducted the research in order to know the students’ mastery of vocabulary. That research almost similar to the writer’s research. But there are the differences; the writer only used test to collect the data, but Miss Yoyoh used three techniques to collecting the data they are observation, interview, and test. 27 She took the sample and made the students into experiment and controlled class. The research was proven that using song is effective to mastery of vocabulary at the second grade of senior high school. The researcher above used same media with the writer. She used song in order to improve students’ vocabulary. Another difference between Yoyoh’s research with the writer research are the subject of the study. She conducted the research in the second grade of senior high school while the writer conducted her research in the second grade of junior high school. The research which also discussed about vocabulary had been conducted by Ahmad Subhan entitled “The Effectiveness of Teaching Verbs by Using Cooperative Learning”A Quasi Experimental Study at the second year Students of SMPN 169 Jakarta. He conducted his research in 2014 and he focused on the verbs. He conducted his research in order to know the students’ mastery of verbs. The research was proven that cooperative learning is effective to mastery of verbs at the second year students of junior high school. The data shown that t-test t- table or 3,69 higher than 1,99. 28 In this term the writer has the same dependent variable but the researcher above only focused on the verb while the writer on the vocabulary. The writer used song as the media while Mr. Subhan used Jigsaw as the technique that was used in cooperative learning classroom. From all the experiments that ever had, no one of them used Song as media to mastery vocabulary in second grade of junior high school. Thus, the 27 Yoyoh, Using English Song in the Improvement of Students Vocabulary, Jakarta, 2006, p.23 28 Ahmad Subhan, The Effectiveness of Teaching Verbs by Using Cooperative Learning, Jakarta, 2014, p.55