Descriptions of the Participants Data Presentation and Analysis

61 activities of the listening materials, the writer also determined the resources or the media of the design. In order to support the teachinglearning activities, the writer used audio and audiovisual media in the form of recordings and videos as the resources.

6. Evaluation of the Listening Materials

In order to evaluate the designed listening materials, the writer distributed the questionnaires to the participants. The writer gave the designed listening materials with the syllabus and the recording. By using the comments, opinions and the suggestions from the lecturers and the teacher, the writer revised the materials which had been developed. This part was divided into the description of the participants and the data presentation and analysis.

a. Descriptions of the Participants

The descriptions of the participants were obtained when the participants wrote their identities in the questionnaire. The identities consisted of name, sex, education background, and the length of the teaching experience in years. The description of the participants was presented in table 4.7. Table 4.7 The Descriptions of Research Participants Group of Participants Sex Educational background Teaching Experience in years F M S1 S2 S3 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 Lecturers 2 2 2 Teacher 2 2 1 1 Total 4 2 2 1 3 There were four participants to evaluate the designed listening materials. They were two English Education lecturers of Sanata Dharma University and two English teachers of SMP Negeri 2 Yogyakarta. All lecturers were the S2 graduates 62 and all teachers were the S1 graduates. Three participants have been teaching English for more than eleven years and one participant has been teaching English for more than six years.

b. Data Presentation and Analysis

This part would elaborate the analysis of the second and third part of the questionnaire. In the second part, the participants gave their opinions toward the design by choosing one of the degrees of agreement. The results of the participants’ questionnaires were presented in table 4.8. Table 4.8 The Results of the Preliminary Field Testing Questionnaire No Participants’ Opinions on ... Frequency of the Degree of Agreement Central tendency 1 2 3 4 N Mn 1. The indicators are well formulated. 1 3 4 2, 75 2. The listening materials match with the competencies and indicators. 1 2 1 4 3 3. The materials are relevant to the students’ knowledge and skill level. 3 1 4 3,25 4. The level of difficulty of the design is appropriate with what should be given to the students. 4 4 3 5. The materials are able to help the students develop their listening skill. 3 1 4 3,25 6. The tasks or activities in each unit are relevant to the topic in each unit. 3 1 4 3,25 7. The tasks or activities in each unit are relevant to daily life 4 4 3 8. The tasks or activities in each unit can facilitate the students to achieve the goals 1 3 4 2,75 63 No Participants’ Opinions on ... Frequency of the Degree of Agreement Central tendency 1 2 3 4 N Mn and objectives. 9. The instruction in each task or activity is clear enough to be understood by the students. 2 2 4 2,5 10. The tasks and activities in each part pre, main, post are interesting. 3 1 4 3,25 11. The tasks and the activities are various enough to motivate the students. 3 1 4 3,25 12. The recording and spoken texts are clear. 4 4 3 13. Generally, the pictures and layout provided can help the students to understand the lesson more. 1 2 1 4 3 14. Generally, the content of the design is well elaborated. 3 1 4 3,25 Based on the results of the questionnaires for the participants, the participants agreed with the design which had been created by the writer. The participants agreed that the design matched with the competencies and indicators, the materials were relevant to the students’ daily life, the materials helped the students to develop their listening skills, the tasks or the activities were relevant to the topic in each unit, interesting, and they could motivate the students. In addition, the participants also gave their comments, opinions, and criticism. The comments or opinions of the participants were described below. 1. The listening materials were well-designed, interesting, and useful to motivate the students to develop their listening skill. 64 2. The pictures and the layout were helpful so that the students can understand the lesson. 3. The videos in each unit could support the teachinglearning activities. 4. There were some indicators which were needed to be adjusted. The participants also found that the design had some weaknesses. Therefore, the participants presented the weaknesses as follows. 1. The design contained many superficial errors, such as minimum requirement punctuation and mechanism and grammar that could have been avoided. 2. The design contained too many colorful fonts which distracted the readers. 3. The activities in listening materials could be more varied. 4. The pictures were not relevant. Considering the weaknesses of the design, the participants gave suggestions which were useful to revise the design. The suggestions of the participants are as follows. 1. It would be better to check the punctuation and the formulation of the indicators. 2. It would be better to change the color of the font so that the readers would not be distracted. 3. It would be better to give speaking activities besides writing so that the students can practice their pronunciation. 4. It would be better to change some pictures so that they became more relevant to the topic. 65

7. Revision of the Listening Materials