75 To investigate whether the requests strategies employed by Medicine and Law students had significant different or not, the researcher refered to the Sig. 2-tailed coefficient resulted from the statistical test. The number showed by the Sig. 2- tailed helped the researcher to decide the relation between the two groups. Pallant 2011:242 notes: If the value of the Sig. 2-tailed column is equal or less than 0.05, meaning that there is significant difference between the two groups. Meanwhile, if the value is above 0.05, meaning that there is no significant different between the two groups. The accurate application of the statistical method supported the more satisfied and valid results of the research. At the same time, it also could possibly diminish the subjectivity and emphasized on the objectivity to avoid the bias. Therefore, to test the diversity of the two groups, t-test was benefited by the researcher in this thesis. Nevertheless, before conducting t-test, there were two pre- requisite tests: normality and homogeneity to be handled at first. The details of the t-test procedure and its test of assumptions validity which covered the assumption on normality and homogeneity as well as the t-test results are discussed further in chapter four on findings and discussions. In order to organize stage by stage the research methodology of this thesis, the researcher managed the preceding expounded steps into a flow chart as presented in figure 4. 76 yes yes no no yes Figure 4. Research Methodology Flow Chart DATA Coding the language structure based on the four requests strategy Describing the rules based on its lexical and syntactic elements Explaining the relations of each lexical and syntactic elements Checking whether each lexical and syntactic elements fulfill the require- ments Result Interpretation DCT Qualitative Quantitative T-test Hypothesis Testing Result Presentation no 77


This chapter four of the thesis presents key points of the findings on request acts strategies done by Medical and Law students. To investigate whether different fields of study contribute to the selection of certain strategies in making requests, here the results of the t-test along with its pre-requisite tests are explained. The section on the discussion elaborated in details on how the two groups employ each of request strategies in a different way. On the other hand, the potential factors that underlie the opting of different strategies are elaborated along with the examples in found in this study.


As a mean to share their demand and desire to the addressee, Medical and Law students is confirmed to apply different strategies and modifications in making request. The choice of its were in the case of the using of openers to begin the conversation, head acts modifications as a main request acts, besides they also made great use the internal and external modifications to diminish the force of the request that might be resulted. After analyzed the data on responses of the DCTs, the researcher found that students applied various strategies and modifications in making requests. It has been explained previously that this research employed mixed-methods approach. The researcher did the qualitative analysis in the first stage to be further 78 investigated through the quantitative approach of independent-sample t-test. Completing the four steps of the data analysis, the researcher discovered that non- English students of Batam University, both for Medical and Law students, fulfilled the four strategies of requests proposed by Rue and Zhang. Despite of this fact, it was also learned that they applied different strategies for different situations. The setting of the situational contexts, noticeably, affected the choice of certain strategies chosen by the Medicine and Law students. The previous table 17 and table 18 were shown the analysis results of all respondents which is summarized in a simpler display as seen in table 19 below. Table 19. Summary of Data Analysis Results of Request Acts Strategies Pattern of Medicine and Law Group No Strategies Medical Group Law Group Number of Occurrence Percentage Number of Occurrence Percentage 1 Openers 253 14.75 222 13.26 2 Head Acts 336 25.07 316 27.57 3 Internal Modifications 421 28.37 381 29.93 4 External Modifications 472 31.81 367 29.24 The above table illustrated the significant different of the four strategies practiced by Medicine and Law students in requesting. However, to prove whether the two groups of Medicine and Law of Batam University employed different strategies or not, the researcher tested the above result using independent-sample t- test which is discussed in the quantitative findings below. Further, the findings show that in doing mixed-methods analysis, after completing the qualitative one, the following analysis is using the quantitative method. The quantitative analysis was not as simple as doing qualitative one. In this