74 as Group 2, explored different strategies and modifications in making requests for different situations as settled in the DCTs. To identify whether the result was valid or not, the Pearson correlations 2-Tailed then led the researcher to draw a conclusion of the two groups. After the t-test result was achieved, to fortify the findings, the data were also verified and checked according to the four sequences of request strategies and modifications as proposed in the chapter 2 of this thesis.


After analyzing the data and the results were verified that data were valid, the next step needed by the researcher was hypotheses testing. In this stage, testing the hypotheses was done to see whether the facts support the hypothesis or they happened to be contrary Kothari, 2004:19. As to find whether there was significant different between the Medicine and Law groups, the hypotheses were examined using the t- test. Kothari 2004:196 adds “t-test is based on t-distribution and is considered an appropriate test for judging the significance of difference between two different samples”. In other words, the t-test result is in either it accept or reject the hypotheses of this research. Related to the requests acts used by the non-English students, here the researcher formulated two hypotheses, namely: H null hypothesis: There is no significant different between Medicine and Law faculty students in request acts strategies pattern in making requests. H 1 alternative hypothesis: There is significant different between Medicine and Law faculty students in request acts strategies pattern in making requests. 75 To investigate whether the requests strategies employed by Medicine and Law students had significant different or not, the researcher refered to the Sig. 2-tailed coefficient resulted from the statistical test. The number showed by the Sig. 2- tailed helped the researcher to decide the relation between the two groups. Pallant 2011:242 notes: If the value of the Sig. 2-tailed column is equal or less than 0.05, meaning that there is significant difference between the two groups. Meanwhile, if the value is above 0.05, meaning that there is no significant different between the two groups. The accurate application of the statistical method supported the more satisfied and valid results of the research. At the same time, it also could possibly diminish the subjectivity and emphasized on the objectivity to avoid the bias. Therefore, to test the diversity of the two groups, t-test was benefited by the researcher in this thesis. Nevertheless, before conducting t-test, there were two pre- requisite tests: normality and homogeneity to be handled at first. The details of the t-test procedure and its test of assumptions validity which covered the assumption on normality and homogeneity as well as the t-test results are discussed further in chapter four on findings and discussions. In order to organize stage by stage the research methodology of this thesis, the researcher managed the preceding expounded steps into a flow chart as presented in figure 4.