20 language ” Kasper Rose, 2002. For more explanation, Blum-Kulka 1993 further explains that “ILP is defined as the study of nonnative speakers’ acquisition and the use of linguistic actions in target language ”, which in this matter is English. Finally, Kasper 1998:184 simplifies these two ideas by defining ILP as “how to do things with words in a second language”. On this behalf, Blum-Kulka emphasizes on three aspects of effective communication, which are: a culture and the formation of the intercultural trends as a result of different languages coming in contact; b the setting in which these trends emerge and the conditions leading to changes in these trends; and c the communicative effectiveness of these trends in fulfilling different functions. Otherwise, Llinares 2014 implies that one sort of speech acts that has been widely studied in second language acquisition and interlanguage pragmatics is request. Considering three points mentioned by Blum-Kulka previously, ILP has strong upshot in making requests. Request can be face-threatening for the hearer, thus, Ellis 1994:168 underlines that: There is also strong correlation with the respect that in formulating or producing appropriate requests based on certain situational contexts which also regards to the connection of power, social distance, and context calls for having a certain level of linguocultural awareness, expertise, and sensitivity on the part of the learners. However, in making appropriate requests, students need to consider and choose the most applicable acts since one situation could possibly require different choice of acts, moreover, they come as the non-English students in which they may not speak English as they daily basis of language to communicate or to share their means. ILP then possibly notices that different situational contexts for different PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 21 fields of study may influence the use of the linguistic units’ choices by the non- English students, particularly Medical and Law students of Batam University, when they do requests.

4. English for Medicine and Law

The non-English students of Batam University, especially Medical and Law students, take English as the compulsory subject where they have to complete both General English and English for Specific Purposes ESP to enhance their English skills. The General English covers English used for daily communication, meanwhile, the ESP focuses on the faculty or the major of the students. Both of these compulsory English subjects essentially focus on the same basic communicative competences which integrate students ’ skills in listening, reading, speaking and writing as well as grammar. Here the researcher tries to highlight the two ESP, namely the English for Medicine and the English for Law.

a. English for Medicine

Medical students are required to master English for Medicine as one of the special competence subjects. English for Medical Purposes or simply noted as English for Medicine or Medical English ME basically deals with teaching English for future doctors, midwives, nurses, and other medical personnel. ME is a subj ect specifically designed to develop students’ potential to understand and practice English through integrated skills including reading, listening, writing, and speaking, in accordance to their respective scope of study, predominantly medicine. 22 Completing the ME subject, it is aimed that the medical students are able to understand medical materials in English and how to properly communicate using English in any medical situation required. According to Glendinning and Holmstrom 2005, ME is a subject which aims to develop the speaking and listening skills primarily but attention is also given to the reading skill which particularly focus on the use of reference materials and journal articles, at the same time, ME also challenges Medical students to write referral letters and completing a range of the medical documents of the patients. In addition, Glendinning and Howard 2007 intensify that it is expected that students are capable of understanding and practicing ME which nowadays becomes the qualification standard to support and improve the professional demands on such accomplished medical skills, so they can respond to global challenges by having their perspective and knowledge about medicine in English enriched. There are some competencies learned in ME for Medical students of Batam University which concentrate on the area of the doctor-patient communication from history taking to the treatment. The ME starts English which are needed for consultations and continues with the examinations, but before coming to the examinations, the Medical students have to master the vocabularies related to medical contexts like parts of body, heath and illness, signs and symptoms, as well as vocabularies related to medical instruments and hospital surroundings. The following competence is the ability in history-taking of patients. In this stage, the medical students have to master the common abbreviations list used for medical documentations, such as BP for blood pressure, NAD for nothing abnormal PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI