Form, Context, and Source of Data Research Instrument

7. The researcher made data sheets, transferred and classified the data into it, and coded them. To help the researcher in classifying the data, data sheet are needed. The format of the data sheets could be seen in the following table. Table 3. The Form of Data Sheet N o Code Data Types Realizations Explanations A D R R Q N O R I R B A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 2 1. QN1 2 01:18 :52 Martin: What are you doing? Philomena: Wait here. √ √ This datum shows the dispreferred second turn of question which leads to unexpected answer. In this dialogue, Martin gives a question to Philomena what they want to do by going outside the car. Yet, instead of providing a reason or related answer, she responds it by changing the topic. She does it by asking Martin to wait in the car. Notes: No : Datum Number Code : TypeRealizationScene time hour:min:sec Bold Utterances : Second Part of the dispreferred second pairs Types: AD : Assessment- Disagreement RR : Request – Refusal QN : Question – No AnswerUnexpected Answer OR : Offer - Refusal IR : Invitation – Refusal BA : Blame – Admission Realizations: 1 : DelayHesitate 2 : Preface 3 : Express Doubt 4 : Token yes 5 : Apology 6 : Mention Obligation 7 : Appeal for Understanding 8 : Make it non-personal 9 : Give an account 10 : Use mitigators 11 : Hedge of Negative 12 : Other Types of Doing Dispreferred Second Turns

E. Technique of Data Analysis

Data analysis is conducted after the first data are collected and the first analysis should decide the focus and strategies which are used in the next data collection Vanderstoep and Johnston, 2009: 190-191. In line with the statement, after the data of this research were collected, the next step was categorizing and analyzing it. The researcher‘s steps in analyzing the data could be seen as follows: 1. First, each datum which was already classified in the data sheet was described and analyzed based on the theories which are explained in Chapter II. 2. Second, the researcher reanalyzed the data to check the suitability of the data with the theory. 3. Third, the researcher drew conclusion based on the findings and the analysis of the data.

F. Trustworthiness

To ensure the findings, the validity and reliability of the research must be gained, and triangulation was employed to enhance the degree of trustworthiness of the findings Vanderstoep and Johnston, 2009: 179. Similarly, Butcher also explains that triangulation is used in a research to increase the validity of the research 1994: 272. The research was conducted to make the future readers belief that this research is trustworthy. The triangulation of this research was done by involving some people to check out the accuracy of the data with the related theory. They were students majoring in linguistics. They also acted as peer