Hedge of Negative The Ways of Doing Dispreferred Second Turns Performed by the

1 Ignoring In this research, ignoring is considered as the realization which is mainly used by the characters in Philomena movie. It appears as the main way which is used to do the dispreferred second turn because the characters mostly lacks of enthusiast or interest of the topic which is discussed by the other characters before. Sometimes, it is also used when the participant does not want to continue the conversation. Ignoring is usually performed by a non-response or silence. Yule 1998: 80 states that non- response could mean that the speaker is not willing to do the preferred response. For example: Jane : Philomena : Mother? What is it? Are you alright? Silence . 6QN1200:07:31 The datum shows a dispreferred second turn of question which is followed by a silencenon- answer as the response. The dialogue takes place in Philomena‘s house after she gets home from the church to light a candle. Philomena sits in front of the TV, but she does not pay attention to it. Her eyes are empty because she thinks of another thing. Jane then comes and tells her mother that she is going out. Philomena gives her response towards her daughter statement at first, but then she remains silent. Jane, who does not get any response from Philomena, then thinks that something is wrong with her mother. After that, she talks to her again and asks her about her condition. Yet, Philomena still remains silent and then only gives Jane an old photo of a very young boy. The dispreferred second turn of this dialogue is performed by ignoring the question and remaining silent. Philomena also performs ignoring when she is being asked by Sister Hildergarde in Roscrea when she was still young. One of them is stated below. Sister Hildergarde : Young Philomena : Did you enjoy your sin? Did you take your knickers down? Silence . 5QN1200:05:58 The dispreferred second turn of question which is followed by a non-response is occurred in this dialogue. The non-response or non-answer is performed by ignoring the question. Young Philomena is asked by two nuns in Roscrea about the sex she did which made her pregnant. One of the nuns, Sister Hildergarde, gives her a question whether she took her pants down or not when she had the sex. Feeling too confused and frightened, Philomena then prefers not to answer the question by remaining silent. The other example of doing the dispreferred second turn by ignoring is performed by Martin. Philomena : Martin : I was going to ask you, Martin. If it would be possible not to use my real name when you write the story? Silence . 25RR1201:02:21 On their way to Roscrea, Philomena gives Martin a question and expects him to answer it. Yet, in this dialogue, instead of answering Philomena‘s question about the possibility of using a pseudonym when he writes the book about Philomena‘s life,