Previous Studies Literature Review

adjacency pairs, and to discover the ways the characters do the dispreferred second turns of adjacency pairs. Yet, the previous research use sociolinguistic approach in analyzing the objectives; on the other hand, this research uses pragmatic approach.

B. Conceptual Framework

This research attempts to analyze a movie entitled Philomena by using pragmatic approach. Pragmatics is the study of the meaning of the utterances which are spoken by the speaker or written by the writer and also understood by the listener or the reader. There are some branches under this umbrella. One of the branches is conversation analysis, which tries to analyze natural occurring conversation as in the Philomena movie. Conversation is always performed by two or more people and they tend to cooperate in conversation. Turn taking is the example of how people always try to cooperate in conversation by trying to control the turn to speak. To select the next speaker, there is also a mechanism called adjacency pairs. Adjacency pair is a term to describe the pairs of exchanges which happens in language use that is actually linked or has a relationship to one another. It means that utterances are done based on some patterns. Adjacency pairs consist of two parts: first pair and second pair. The second part is a response of the first part and it is divided into two: preferred and dispreferred second turns. This structure is known as preference structure. Preferred second turn is an expected response of the first pair. Yet, the response of the first part is not always the same as the speaker‘s expectation. The unexpected response of the first part is called dispreferred second turn. Levinson 1983 makes a theory of preference structure and here are some types of the dispreferred second turns of adjacency pairs based on the theory which are used as the literature background in this research: 1 assessment – disagreement, 2 request – refusal, 3 question – no answerunexpected answer, 4 offer – rejection, 5 invitation – refusal, 6 blame – admission. There are also eleven ways which are used by people to perform the dispreferred second turns. Those are: 1. DelayHesitate : Pause,; erm; er; ah 2. Preface : Wee; oh 3. Express doubt : I‘m not sure; I don‘t know 4. Token Yes : That‘s great; I‘d love to 5. Apology : I‘m sorry; what a pity 6. Mention Obligation : I must do X; I‘m expected in Y 7. Appeal for Understanding : You see; you know 8. Make it Non-personal : Everybody else; out there 9. Give an account : Too much work; no time left 10. Use mitigators : Really; mostly; sort of; kinda 11. Hedge of negative : I guess not; not possible Then, the researcher makes an analytical construct based on the explanation above. The analytical construct is displayed in Figure 2.