Tampilan Inputan Tampilan dan Kode Program .1 Tampilan Menu Utama


4.5.2 Tampilan Inputan

Untuk tampilan inputan yang terdiri dari data barang, kode rekening, data pegawai dan data pihak 3 diantaranya dapat dilihat pada gambar dibawah ini: Gambar 4.84 Tampilan Form Data Barang Tabel 4.35 Listing Program Input Data Barang Listing Program Keterangan Private Sub cmdControl1_Click simpan If rsDinas.State = 1 Then rsDinas.Close rsDinas.Open t_brg, conDinas, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic With rsDinas If txtKode.Text = Then MsgBox Maaf Kode belum terisi, ulangi isi form, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, error Else .AddNew .Fields0 = txtKode.Text .Fields1 = txtUrai.Text .Save End If MsgBox data entry successfuly, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, notification Form_Load End With txtkode1.Text = txtkode2.Text = txtkode3.Text = txtkode4.Text = txtkode5.Text = txtKode.Text = txtUrai.Text = End Sub Perintah untuk menyimpan Data Barang 138 Gambar 4.85 Tampilan Form Kode Rekening Tabel 4.36 Listing Program Inputan Kode Rekening Listing Program Keterangan ||--- save ---|| open_db rsDinas.Open t_akun, conDinas, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic With rsDinas If txtKode.Text = Then MsgBox Maaf KODE REKENING belum terisi, ulangi isi form, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, error Else .AddNew .Fields0 = txtKode.Text .Fields1 = txturaian.Text .Fields2 = txtKet.Text .Save End If MsgBox data entry successfuly, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, notification Form_Load End With txtKode.Text = -- kode rekening -- txturaian.Text = txtKet.Text = txtkode1.Text = -- txtkode2.Text = -- txtkode4.Text = txtkode5.Text = txtkode6.Text = txtkode7.Text = txtkode8.Text = End Sub Perintah untuk menyimpan Kode Rekening 139 Gambar 4.86 Tampilan Form Data Pegawai Tabel 4.37 Listing Program Inputan Data Pegawai Listing Program Keterangan Private Sub cmdControl9_Click ||-- Simpan --|| open_db rsDinas.Open t_pihak3, conDinas, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic With rsDinas If txtNPWP.Text = Then MsgBox Maaf NPWP belum terisi, ulangi isi form, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, error Else If bnt.Text = 1 Then .Fields0 = txtNPWP.Text .Fields1 = txtNIK.Text .Fields2 = txtNama.Text .Fields3 = txtNamaPT.Text .Fields4 = txtRmh1.Text txtRmh2.Text .Fields5 = txtHP.Text .Fields6 = txtKntr1.Text txtKntr2.Text .Fields7 = txtAlamat1.Text .Fields8 = txtAlamat2.Text .Fields9 = txtBank.Text .Fields10 = txtRek.Text .Update ElseIf bnt.Text = Then .AddNew .Fields0 = txtNPWP.Text .Fields1 = txtNIK.Text .Fields2 = txtNama.Text .Fields3 = txtNamaPT.Text .Fields4 = txtRmh1.Text txtRmh2.Text .Fields5 = txtHP.Text .Fields6 = txtKntr1.Text txtKntr2.Text .Fields7 = txtAlamat1.Text .Fields8 = txtAlamat2.Text .Fields9 = txtBank.Text .Fields10 = txtRek.Text .Save End If MsgBox Data berhasil masuk, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, notification Perintah untuk menyimpan anggran kerja rencana pemasaran 140 Tabel 4.38 Listing Program Inputan Data Pegawai lanjutan Listing Program Keterangan End If Form_Load End With With DATA_PIHAK3 .txtNPWP.Text = .txtNIK.Text = .txtNama.Text = .txtNamaPT.Text = .txtKntr1.Text = .txtKntr2.Text = .txtHP.Text = .txtRmh1.Text = .txtRmh2.Text = .txtAlamat1.Text = .txtAlamat2.Text = .txtBank.Text = .txtRek.Text = End With Label10.Visible = False txtCari.Visible = False End Sub Perintah untuk menyimpan data pihak 3

4.5.3 Tampilan Proses

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