School - Based Curriculum KTSP

and Ladders game. However, the one that the researcher uses in this present study is different on the model and the rules. The explanation of the game will be presented in the next sub-chapter.

2.2 Review of the Theoretical Background

This sub-chapter discusses School-Based Curriculum or in Indonesian known as Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan KTSP, English grammar, simple past tense, past form of irregular verbs, reason for grammatical problem, teaching grammar, games as medium for teaching grammar, Snakes and Ladders game for teaching grammar, and action research.

2.2.1 School - Based Curriculum KTSP

According to The Guidance for Composing the School-Based Curriculum for the basic and intermediate educational level released by National Education Standard Council or known in Indonesian as BSNP Badan Standard National Pendidikan 2006, School- Based Curriculum is an operational curriculum which is arranged and applied in each educational unit. The development of this curriculum is based on the Content Standard or Standard Isi SI and standards of competence of graduates or Standard Kompetensi Lulusan SKL and they are oriented to the Guidance for Composing the School-Based Curriculum which is arranged by BNSP. According to the content standard of English lesson for junior high school students, English lesson in junior high school covers: 1. Literate ability that is an ability to comprehend and produce spoken or written texts which is realized in four language skills; they are listening, reading, speaking and writing. 2. The ability to comprehend and produce several short functional texts and monologues and essay in the forms of procedure, descriptive, recount, narrative and report texts. The gradation of the teaching materials appears in the use of vocabulary, grammar, and rhetorical steps. 3. Supporting components, they are linguistic competences the use of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and writing system, sociocultural competences the use of expressions and acts which are acceptable in several communication contexts, strategic competences solving the problems that happen in the communication process in several ways to make the communication keep going, and discourse competence. Based on the curriculum being applied now, KTSP, the students are expected to comprehend and produce some kinds of texts. Based on the Standard Isi, it can be concluded that the students need grammar to comprehend and produce texts. That is one of the reasons why the researcher conducted this study. This study focused on grammar which is the supporting competency, besides vocabulary, to master some kinds of texts. The explanation about the English grammar is presented in the next sub-chapter.

2.2.2 English Grammar