Analysis of Cycle 1 Pre-test

4.2 Analysis of Cycle 1

In this first Cycle, the researcher conducted four activities. They are planning, acting, observing and reflecting. All of them are presented below.

4.2.1 Planning

The planning of the study had been done before the researcher conducted the research. She chose SMP N 37 Semarang and the students in class IX D as the subjects. Firstly, she had an interview with the English teacher about the conditions of the class and the problems that the students experienced related the past form of irregular verbs. Then, the researcher asked for permission to the headmaster to conduct the research. after that, the researcher made a research outline and together with the English teacher arranged the schedule. The researcher adjusted the teaching materials with the school‟s curriculum. They are about recount texts. Besides the materials, the researcher also prepared some others things such as lesson plan, observation checklist, pre-test and post-test. Those can be seen in the appendices. To measure the students‟ initial ability towards the first materials, the researcher used Cycle 1 Pre-test. However, the test was not conducted. The researcher only took the half of the students‟ Initial Pre-test results but she recalculated them. Analysis of Cycle 1 Pre-test

Cycle 1 Pre-test was not tested to the students. The data of the Cycle 1 Pre-test was taken from the Initial Pre-test. The researcher used the half of the total materials. However, she recalculated the items of the test. Then, the scores of the students in this test was shown in the following table the complete table is available in Appendix 19. Table 4.2 Students‟ Scores of Cycle 1 Pre-test Students’ Code Score per Item Cycle 1 Pre-test 1 2 … 14 15 Achieved Point Targeted Point Score Classical Mean 1 1 … 1 1 S1 1 … 1 1 14 15 93.33 63.88 S2 … 1 1 2 15 13.33 S-3 1 … 0 0 1 15 6.67 … … … … … … … … … S35 1 … 1 1 13 15 86.67 S36 … 1 0 10 15 66.67 Total 345 540 2299.68 The Cycle 1 Pre- test result showed that the students‟ mastery of past form of the first fifteen verbs that appeared frequently was poor. It was proven by their mean score which was 63.88. This score was below the standard that set by the school that is 75. Because of that, the first treatment was needed to be given to the students. Based on the lesson plan that had been prepared before, the researcher gave the students the first treatment to help them improve their scores. In Cycle 1 the materials given to the students were the first fifteen verbs Appendix 6. 4.2.2 Acting In this stage, the researcher implementing the plan that she had prepared before. The lesson plan for this can be seen in Appendix 16. In the first meeting, all of the students attended the class. The theme of the material was recount text about vacation. After the researcher checked the students‟ attendance, she had a discussion with the students related to the materials. After she discussed the recount text, she and the students had a discussion about simple past tense. In this meeting, she used group work however, without classical problem solving. After the researcher explained about simple past tense, she gave the students some examples of sentences. Then, she explained to the students about the verbs that are used in the simple past tense. She explained about regular and irregular verbs. After that, she gave the students some other irregular verbs and their past form. After she finished explaining the materials, she started to give the students a game. The game was „Snakes and Ladders‟. Before the students start the game, the researcher divided the class into four big groups. Then, the students played the game. In the game, each group had to change the base form of the verbs in the sentences to the past form. Here, if the students could answer correctly, the researcher only told the correct answer to the group not to all of the groups. Moreover, she did not write the spelling of the verbs. She only used verbal communication without wrote the verbs in the whiteboard.

4.2.3 Observing