Observing Analysis of Cycle 1

In the first meeting, all of the students attended the class. The theme of the material was recount text about vacation. After the researcher checked the students‟ attendance, she had a discussion with the students related to the materials. After she discussed the recount text, she and the students had a discussion about simple past tense. In this meeting, she used group work however, without classical problem solving. After the researcher explained about simple past tense, she gave the students some examples of sentences. Then, she explained to the students about the verbs that are used in the simple past tense. She explained about regular and irregular verbs. After that, she gave the students some other irregular verbs and their past form. After she finished explaining the materials, she started to give the students a game. The game was „Snakes and Ladders‟. Before the students start the game, the researcher divided the class into four big groups. Then, the students played the game. In the game, each group had to change the base form of the verbs in the sentences to the past form. Here, if the students could answer correctly, the researcher only told the correct answer to the group not to all of the groups. Moreover, she did not write the spelling of the verbs. She only used verbal communication without wrote the verbs in the whiteboard.

4.2.3 Observing

During the first treatment, the researcher observed the students‟ attitude by using an observation checklist. She observed the students‟ response, participation, attention and interest toward the activities that the researcher gave to them. The result of the observation checklist is presented below. Table 4.3 The Result of Cycle1 Observation Checklist Students‟ Code Indicators Students‟ Response Students‟ Attention Students‟ Participation Students‟ Interest S-1 3 3 3 3 S-2 3 2 3 4 … … … … … S-35 3 3 3 3 S-36 2 3 4 4 Total 106 100 106 111 Mean 2.94 2.77 2.94 3.08 Criterion Average Average Average Average The complete Cycle 1 Observation Checklist result is available in Appendix 25. When the researcher tried to introduce what they wanted to do, the students showed their interest and enthusiastic. T he mean score of the students‟ response was 2.94. It was classified into average since in cycle 1 treatment, when the researcher tried to build communication with the students, they could not give their response maximally. They were still trying to adapt themselves with the activities. Sometimes the researcher had difficulty in gaining their response. Then, t he mean score of the students‟ attention was 2.77. It was classified into average. At the first time the researcher explained the material and the activities that would be done in the first treatment; she had difficulty in gaining the students‟ attention. That was because the background of the students who were very noisy students. They often had their own conversation with some friends or sometimes they lose their attention and concentration. For participation, t he mean score of the students‟ participation was 2.85. It was categorized into average. It was because there were some students who could follow the activities maximally. Some students still had problem in memorizing the verbs so that they could not follow the game maximally. Although the students had an average level of response, participation and attention, they had a good interest with the game. It was proved by the mean score of the students ‟ interest was 3.08. It was categorized as good since during the game, the students showed their enthusiastic. They felt new atmosphere in learning English especially in mastering the past form of irregular verbs. 4.2.4 Reflecting After the students were given the first treatment, the researcher gave them a Post-test. Below is the summary of Cycle 1 Post- test‟s results which is presented in table 4.3 the complete scoring table is available in Appendix 20. Table 4.4 Students‟ Scores of Cycle 1 Post-test Students’ Code Score per Item Cycle 1 Post-test 1 2 … 14 15 Achieved Point Targeted Point Score Classical mean 1 1 … 1 1 S-1 1 1 … 0 1 14 15 93.33 79.26 S-2 1 … 1 1 11 15 73.33 S-3 … 0 … … … … S-8 1 … 1 1 6 15 40 … … S-20 1 1 8 15 53.33 … S-22 1 6 15 40 … S-25 1 1 1 1 5 15 33.33 S-26 1 6 15 40 … S-29 1 1 11 15 73.33 S-30 1 1 1 1 6 15 40 … S-32 1 1 1 1 11 15 73.33 S-35 1 1 1 1 15 15 100 S-36 1 1 1 12 15 80 Total 428 540 2853.29 Mean 79.26 After the first treatment was conducted, the researcher gave the Cycle 1 Post-test to the students. After being calculated, it was found that the mean score of the test was 79.26. This mean score was higher than that of Cycle 1 Pre-test 63.88. It showed that there is a significant improvement between the students‟ scores of Cycle 1 Pre-test and Cycle 1 Post-test. However, individually, there were 10 students who had not passed the minimum score of English 75. They were S-2, S-3, S-7, S-20, S-22, S-25, S-26, S-29, S-30, and S-32. Because of that, the researcher gave them an additional treatment. After the additional treatment was conducted, the researcher gave them a remedial test. It tested the materials that were used in Cycle 1 treatment. The comparison of the students‟ failed score of Cycle 1 Post-test and the remedial test was presented in the following table. Table 4.5 The Comparison between the Failed Students ‟ Scores in Cycle 1 Post-test and that of Remidial Test Students’ Code Achieved Point Targeted Point Score C1 Post- test Remidial Test C1 Post- test Remidial Test S-2 11 13 15 73.33 86.67 S-3 12 15 80 S-7 6 13 15 40 86.67 S-20 8 12 15 53.33 80 S-22 6 13 15 40 86.67 S-25 5 12 15 33.33 80 S-26 6 12 15 40 80 S-29 11 15 15 73.33 100 S-30 6 14 15 40 93.33 S-32 11 12 15 73.33 80 Total 466.65 853.44 Mean 46.66 85.33 The table above showed that there was an increase of the students‟ score from 46.66 to 85.33. The result of the remedial test became a consideration of the researcher to move to the next cycle since when we see the individual score; all of them had achieved the goal of the first treatment. The complete scoring table of the remedial test is available in Appendix 21.

4.3 Analysis of Cycle 2

The activities in Cycle 2 were the same as the Cycle 1‟s activities. Those activities are described one by one below.