Teaching and Learning Process

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A. Teaching and Learning Process

Teaching is the most significant part in learning process, involving active communication and interaction between teacher and students. Similarly, Wright 1987 says “Teaching is essentially social activities, implying relationship between teacher and learner, learner and learner”. In teaching process students are able to take part in such interaction either interacting with teacher or their friends themselves, and receive considerable knowledge or skill desired. A good teacher can become a special motivator for their students. Meanwhile, learning is an activity, particularly experienced by the students during the process of learning in obtaining knowledge. Nana Sudjana 1996 states that “Learning is process signed with the presence of someone changes. The change as a result of study can be shown in various forms, such as change in knowledge, understanding, behavior and attitude, skill ability, and the other aspect of change that is studied by the learner”. Teaching and learning can be influenced by two factors: internal factors and externals factors. 1. Internal Factors a. Age 3 commit to user Language learning will be better started at eleven years old. At the 11 years old, children are considered quicker to master the language. Because they are good at the acquisition of morphology the smallest unit of language forms and syntax word order and sentence.Children begin to enter the formal operational period. In that period, children get the ability to think abstractly, reason logically, and draw conclusions from available information. b. Motivation Children need motivation to get success in English learning. Motivation to learn who is owned by a child is able to encourage, stimulate or move the children to learn something or engaged in activities to achieve their goals. Similarly, the childs motivation toward English learning to encourage them to learn the language more deeply. c. Intelligence The student’s intelligence shows whether the children are able to face the challenge or not. Childrens intelligence level is not formed and patterned from birth and is strongly influenced by environmental factors. Environment can increase or decrease the level of intelligence of children, especially in times of beginning of life. commit to user d. First Language Background The different concept of the first language will make students difficult to learn second language. Mastery of a language by a child first begins with the acquisition of language, often called the mother tongue L1. Language acquisition is a very long process since children do not know a language until fluent. Child’s mother tongue is occupied since the beginning of his life through interaction with fellow members of the community language, such as family and community environment. e. Experience The success or failure in the previous learning affects student’s expectation and attitudes. Failure in dealing with children often make a child not dare try. Thats because the child is afraid to fail again. 2. External Factors a. Language Environment Children can be supported by the environment around them in English learning, such as: calm situation and condition, family, commit to user and peer supports. A quiet classroom conditions can make children more easily understand the material that has been submitted by teachers. In addition to the school environment, family environment also plays a role in the learning process of children. b. Teacher The success of children’s learning is determined by the roles of the teachers in teaching activities. Ways in which teachers in giving lessons and coaching are often very large impact on students, in completing his studies. Teaching and learning is part of education systems. The effectiveness of teaching and learning depends on the teacher and the learners. The teacher gives the material of the subject that is learned, while the learners learn about the subject they are learning. Wright 1987 defines teaching and learning as essentially social activities, implying role relationship between the teacher and the learners, learners and learners. In teaching and learning, there is an interaction between the teachers and the learners in the teaching and learning process. Therefore, teaching and learning are one unity of studying activities which is related to transfer the knowledge and information to the learners in the education system. According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, the word of te aching is defined as “a process of giving instruction of knowledge, skill, subject, etc” 1995: 1225. Meanwhile Douglas Brown 1994 states teaching is showing commit to user or helping someone to do something, giving instruction, guiding in studying something. From the whole definition above, it can be concluded that the teaching and learning support each other. In teaching, the teachers can increase the progress of the learners by giving instruction and guiding to do something. Meanwhile, learning is the process of getting knowledge or skill through study. The learners can develop their skills, and understanding values through the instructions that is given by the teacher in studying.

B. Teaching English Vocabulary to Young Learners