Eleventh Grade Students of Vocational School


4. SMK Pius X Magelang

SMK Pius X is one of the vocational schools in Magelang, which has good quality and it is prepared to obtain the international standard based on the local government decision. There are two main departments in this school; they are Food Science and Clothing Science Departments. The Food Science Department is divided into two sub-major departments, namely, Patisserie and Food Processing.

5. 2006 School-Based Curriculum Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan

According to Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan, School-Based Curriculum for Vocational High School is the curriculum that includes the overall teaching competencies for all subjects applied in Vocational High Schools. The purpose of this curriculum is to facilitate students in order to communicate using English in real-life situation.

6. Task-Based Instruction

Tasks are activities that can stand alone as fundamental units and that require comprehending, producing, manipulating, or interacting in authentic language while attention is principally paid to meaning rather than form Nunan, 1989: 10. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 8


This chapter deals with theories concerning to the study, and it is divided into two major parts. The first section, review on related theories would discuss Instructional Design, School-Based Curriculum, the theory of teaching listening, Communicative Language Teaching, and Task-Based Instructions. The second section would discuss the theoretical framework used in this study.

A. Review of Related Theories

This section discusses the Instructional Design, School-Based Curriculum, and the theory of teaching listening.

1. Instructional Design

In this study, the writer employs Kemp’s design to follow in developing the listening instructional materials since this design provides the steps needed by the writer. Here is the explanation of Kemp’s design: Kemp’s Design Kemp offers a flexible design. It lies on the existence of the concept that design or development process may start form any step and move back and forth to the other step whenever the designer is ready. Therefore, the steps are independent elements they have a close relationship to one other. Kemp in Instructional Design: A Plan for