English instructional listening materials using task-based instructions for the first semester of the tenth grade students of SMA Dominikus Wonosari.



Soge, Sophia Anggita Kiwang. 2011. English Instructional Listening Materials Using Task-Based Instructions for the First Semester of the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Dominikus Wonosari. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Among all English skills required by School-Based Curriculum, listening is the basic skill in learning English. The students have problems with listening since the teachers rarely speak English in class. Moreover, the teachers are accustomed to use the textbook or buku paket instead of using other sources of varied listening materials. The problem becomes more serious since listening becomes a part of the National Exam.

This study concerned with the designing of the new and varied English instructional listening materials using Task-Based Instructions for the first semester of the tenth grade students of SMA Dominikus Wonosari. The listening materials were designed based on the Task-Based Instructions which the main purpose was to help the students in improving their English skills, especially listening. The problem formulated in this study was: What does the design of the English instructional listening materials using Task-Based Instructions for the first semester of the tenth grade students of SMA Dominikus look like?

In order to answer the problem, the writer employed R & D (Research and Development) Method and adapted Kemp’s design. There were five steps applied in this study. The steps were: (1) Research and Information Collecting. This step aimed to obtain the students’ characteristics, needs, and interests. (2) Planning. This step included stating the competency standard, basic competences, and topics, and listing the indicators. (3) Development of Preliminary Form of Product. This step included listing subject content and selecting teaching-learning activities. (4) Preliminary Field Testing. In this step, the evaluation of the design of the materials was done by distributing the questionnaires to the English teachers of SMA Dominikus Wonosari, and the lecturers of the English Language Education of Sanata Dharma University. (5) Main Product Revision. The designed materials were revised based on the result of the Preliminary Field Testing. The result of the Preliminary Field Testing indicated that the designed materials were applicable and ready to use in school.

The design of the materials consisted of four units. Each unit in the design of the materials was divided into four sections, namely: (1) Get Ready!, (2) Your turn…, (3) Learn more about…, (4) What have you learnt today?. Therefore, the writer hopes that this design of the listening materials would be useful for the students and English teachers of SMA Dominikus Wonosari that would apply this design of English instructional listening materials.

keywords: English listening materials, task-based instructions, tenth grade, senior high school




Soge, Sophia Anggita Kiwang. 2011. English Instructional Listening Materials Using Task-Based Instructions for the First Semester of the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Dominikus Wonosari. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Di antara semua keterampilan berbahasa Inggris yang ada di dalam Kurikulum Satuan Tingkat Pembelajaran, mendengarkan adalah kemampuan yang paling dasar. Siswa-siswa memiliki permasalahan dengan kemampuan mendengarkan dikarenakan para guru jarang berbahasa Inggris di dalam kelas. Terlebih lagi, para guru terbiasa menggunakan buku paket dibandingkan dengan menggunakan materi listening yang beragam dari sumber lainnya. Masalah menjadi lebih berat karena mendengarkan merupakan salah satu keterampilan yang diujikan dalam Ujian Nasional.

Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menyusun materi yang baru dan bervariasi untuk pengajaran mendengarkan bahasa Inggris menggunakan Task-Based Instructions bagi siswa-siswa semester satu kelas sepuluh SMA Dominikus Wonosari. Materi pelajaran dikembangkan berdasarkan Task-Based Instructions yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris, khususnya keterampilan mendengarkan. Permasalahan yang dirumuskan dalam skripsi ini adalah bagaimanakah bentuk materi listening untuk siswa semester satu kelas sepuluh tersebut?

Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut, penulis menerapkan metode R & D (metode penilitian dan pengembangan) dan mengadaptasi rancangan dari Kemp. Ada lima tahap yang diterapkan dalam skripsi ini. Tahap-tahap tersebut adalah (1) Pengumpulan Penelitian dan Informasi. Tahap ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh karakteristik, kebutuhan dan minat siswa. (2) Perencanaan. Tahap ini meliputi penentuan standar kompetensi, kompetensi dasar, dan topic, serta merumuskan tujuan pembelajaran. (3) Pengembangan Bentuk Awal Produk. Tahap ini meliputi penentuan isi pokok dan pemilihan sumber dan kegiatan pembelajaran. (4) Pengujian Awal di Lapangan. Pada tahap ini, materi dievaluasi dengan cara membagikan kuesioner kepada guru bahasa Inggris SMA Dominikus Wonosari dan dosen Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Sanata Dharma. (5) Perbaikan Utama Produk Materi. Materi yang dirancang diperbaiki berdasarkan hasil dari Pengujian Awal di Lapangan. Hasil Pengujian Awal di Lapangan menunjukan bahwa materi yang dirancang dapat diterima dan siap untuk digunakan di sekolah.

Materi yang dirancang tersebut terdiri dari empat unit. Setiap unit terbagi menjadi empat bagian utama, yaitu: (1) Get Ready!, (2) Your turn…, (3) Learn more about…, (4) What have you learnt today?. Karena itu, penulis berharap materi ini dapat berguna untuk para siswa dan para guru bahasa Inggris di SMA Dominikus Wonosari yang akan menggunakan materi ini.




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Knowing is not enough; we must apply.

Willing is not enough; we must do.

-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe-

To climb steep hills requires a slow pace at first.

-William Shakespeare-

Success is the sum of small efforts,

repeated day in and day out.

-Robert Collier-

This thesis is dedicated to:

Jesus Christ

My beloved family: Papa, Mama, and Tata

My special gift from God: My Bee

My beloved big family, especially Mbah Uti in heaven

My beloved best friends




I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, September 19, 2011 The Writer

Sophia Anggita Kiwang Soge 051214014





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Sophia Anggita Kiwang Soge

Nomor Mahasiswa : 051214014

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:

English Instructional Listening Materials Using Task-Based Instructions for the First Semester of the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Dominikus Wonosari

beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal: 19 September 2011 Yang menyatakan



Soge, Sophia Anggita Kiwang. 2011. English Instructional Listening Materials Using Task-Based Instructions for the First Semester of the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Dominikus Wonosari. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Among all English skills required by School-Based Curriculum, listening is the basic skill in learning English. The students have problems with listening since the teachers rarely speak English in class. Moreover, the teachers are accustomed to use the textbook or buku paket instead of using other sources of varied listening materials. The problem becomes more serious since listening becomes a part of the National Exam.

This study concerned with the designing of the new and varied English instructional listening materials using Task-Based Instructions for the first semester of the tenth grade students of SMA Dominikus Wonosari. The listening materials were designed based on the Task-Based Instructions which the main purpose was to help the students in improving their English skills, especially listening. The problem formulated in this study was: What does the design of the English instructional listening materials using Task-Based Instructions for the first semester of the tenth grade students of SMA Dominikus look like?

In order to answer the problem, the writer employed R & D (Research and Development) Method and adapted Kemp’s design. There were five steps applied in this study. The steps were: (1) Research and Information Collecting. This step aimed to obtain the students’ characteristics, needs, and interests. (2) Planning. This step included stating the competency standard, basic competences, and topics, and listing the indicators. (3) Development of Preliminary Form of Product. This step included listing subject content and selecting teaching-learning activities. (4) Preliminary Field Testing. In this step, the evaluation of the design of the materials was done by distributing the questionnaires to the English teachers of SMA Dominikus Wonosari, and the lecturers of the English Language Education of Sanata Dharma University. (5) Main Product Revision. The designed materials were revised based on the result of the Preliminary Field Testing. The result of the Preliminary Field Testing indicated that the designed materials were applicable and ready to use in school.

The design of the materials consisted of four units. Each unit in the design of the materials was divided into four sections, namely: (1) Get Ready!, (2) Your turn…, (3) Learn more about…, (4) What have you learnt today?. Therefore, the writer hopes that this design of the listening materials would be useful for the students and English teachers of SMA Dominikus Wonosari that would apply this design of English instructional listening materials.

keywords: English listening materials, task-based instructions, tenth grade, senior high school




Soge, Sophia Anggita Kiwang. 2011. English Instructional Listening Materials Using Task-Based Instructions for the First Semester of the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Dominikus Wonosari. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Di antara semua keterampilan berbahasa Inggris yang ada di dalam Kurikulum Satuan Tingkat Pembelajaran, mendengarkan adalah kemampuan yang paling dasar. Siswa-siswa memiliki permasalahan dengan kemampuan mendengarkan dikarenakan para guru jarang berbahasa Inggris di dalam kelas. Terlebih lagi, para guru terbiasa menggunakan buku paket dibandingkan dengan menggunakan materi listening yang beragam dari sumber lainnya. Masalah menjadi lebih berat karena mendengarkan merupakan salah satu keterampilan yang diujikan dalam Ujian Nasional.

Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menyusun materi yang baru dan bervariasi untuk pengajaran mendengarkan bahasa Inggris menggunakan Task-Based Instructions bagi siswa-siswa semester satu kelas sepuluh SMA Dominikus Wonosari. Materi pelajaran dikembangkan berdasarkan Task-Based Instructions yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris, khususnya keterampilan mendengarkan. Permasalahan yang dirumuskan dalam skripsi ini adalah bagaimanakah bentuk materi listening untuk siswa semester satu kelas sepuluh tersebut?

Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut, penulis menerapkan metode R & D (metode penilitian dan pengembangan) dan mengadaptasi rancangan dari Kemp. Ada lima tahap yang diterapkan dalam skripsi ini. Tahap-tahap tersebut adalah (1) Pengumpulan Penelitian dan Informasi. Tahap ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh karakteristik, kebutuhan dan minat siswa. (2) Perencanaan. Tahap ini meliputi penentuan standar kompetensi, kompetensi dasar, dan topic, serta merumuskan tujuan pembelajaran. (3) Pengembangan Bentuk Awal Produk. Tahap ini meliputi penentuan isi pokok dan pemilihan sumber dan kegiatan pembelajaran. (4) Pengujian Awal di Lapangan. Pada tahap ini, materi dievaluasi dengan cara membagikan kuesioner kepada guru bahasa Inggris SMA Dominikus Wonosari dan dosen Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Sanata Dharma. (5) Perbaikan Utama Produk Materi. Materi yang dirancang diperbaiki berdasarkan hasil dari Pengujian Awal di Lapangan. Hasil Pengujian Awal di Lapangan menunjukan bahwa materi yang dirancang dapat diterima dan siap untuk digunakan di sekolah.

Materi yang dirancang tersebut terdiri dari empat unit. Setiap unit terbagi menjadi empat bagian utama, yaitu: (1) Get Ready!, (2) Your turn…, (3) Learn more about…, (4) What have you learnt today?. Karena itu, penulis berharap materi ini dapat berguna untuk para siswa dan para guru bahasa Inggris di SMA Dominikus Wonosari yang akan menggunakan materi ini.




First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my dear Jesus Christ who is always by my side especially in the hard times during my study and my thesis writing. My special gratitude goes to my thesis advisor Gregorius Punto Aji, S.Pd., M.Hum. for his time, patience, guidance, help, suggestions, and support in finishing my study. I am thankful to all the lecturers of English Language Study Program for guiding me during my study in Sanata Dharma University. I sincerely send my gratefulness to Ag. Hardi Prasetyo, S.Pd., M.A., my academic advisor for his guidance and motivation. I am also very grateful for all secretariat staffs of the English Language Education Study Program, especially MM. Pramudhani and Ch. Artilantari for always helping with the administrative matters.

My deep gratitude also goes to Sister Maria Krisanti Woro Palupi, Op., the headmaster of SMA Dominikus Wonosari for giving me permission to conduct the study in SMA Dominikus Wonosari. I would also like to give my gratitude to the English teachers of SMA Dominikus Wonosari: Dra. V. Ari Wijayanti, Agnes Margi Winarni, S.Pd., Agustinus Putiadi, S.Pd., and Matius Teguh Prasetyo, for their help and guidance during my research, and for their suggestions toward my design of the materials. Furthermore, I would like to express my gratitude to Caecilia Tutyandari,S.Pd., M.Pd. and Drs. Y. B. Gunawan, M.A. for their support and suggestions towards my design of the materials.

My special gratitude goes to my beloved parents, Drs. Yosef Emmanuel Soge and MP. Purwantiningsih. I thank them for their endless love, prayer,



understanding, and support, advice, patience and everything they have given to strengthen me. Thanks for teaching me not to give up in any situation. My gratitude also goes to my beloved brother, Franciscus Xaverius Kia Wisang Soge for his love, shoulder, and support during my hard time. Hopefully, this thesis would be my present for my family. I also send my special gratitude to Martinus Boby Novianto who always reminds me in his special way; I thank him for being never tired supporting me in finishing my thesis. I would also thank

mbakWisnu, Atri, Ossie, Getrud, bulbul Yayuk, and all my big familyfor their caring and support.

My gratitude goes to all my beloved best friends, Caecilia Devy, Stefani Adelita, Lia Ardiana, Ayuningtyas Lulu, Ignasius Sapta Waskita, and Alexy Ramano for their support, smile, laugh, friendship and all the moment we spent together. I am also grateful for my lovely friends Anastasia Paliran, Bety Kusumastuty, Rengganis Istikasari, Maria Anggraheni Linda, Ni Putu Nova, Bondan Rachmat, Andreas Jeffry, and Morias Dedy for sharing the beautiful moment of our friendship.

Last but not least, my gratitude also goes to all PBI 2005 students, for the wonderful moments during the study in Sanata Dharma University, and all the people whose names cannot be mentioned one by one here. May Lord be with us always, and may He grant us the best in our life.









ABSTRACT ... vii

ABSTRAK ... viii







A. Research Background ... 1

B. Problem Formulation ... 4

C. Problem Limitation ... 5

D. Research Objective ... 5

E. Research Benefits ... 5

F. Definition of Terms ... 6


A. Theoretical Description ... 9

1. Instructional Design Model ... 9

2. School-Based Curriculum ... 13

3. Communicative Language Teaching ... 15

4. Task-Based Instructions ... 21



B. Theoretical Framework ... 35

1. Identifying Students’ Characteristics ... 36

2. Stating the Competency Standards, Topics, and Basic Competences 36 3. Listing the Indicators ... 36

4. Listing the Subject Content ... 37

5. Selecting some Teaching-Learning Activities and Resources ... 37

6. Designing the Materials ... 37

7. Evaluating the Design of the Materials ... 38

8. Revising the Design of the Materials ... 38


A. Research Method ... 39

B. Research Setting ... 44

C. Research Participants ... 44

D. Instrument and Data Gathering Technique ... 45

E. Data Analysis Techniques ... 48

F. Research Procedure ... 49


A. Students’ Characteristics ... 51

B. Competency Standard, Basic Competences, and Topics ... 56

C. Indicators ... 59

D. Subject Content ... 61

E. Teaching-Learning Activities ... 64

F. Evaluation on the Design of the Materials ... 71

G. Revision on the Design of the Materials ... 76


A. Conclusions ... 78








3.1 The Description of the Research Participant (blank) ... 45

3.2 Types of Data ... 47

3.3 The Result of the Questionnaire (blank) ... 49

4.1 Data of the Students ... 52

4.2 The Result of Students’ Questionnaire Part A Item Number 1 to 6 ... 52

4.3 The Result of Students’ Questionnaire Part B Item Number 1 and 3 .... 53

4.4 The Result of Teachers’ Questionnaire Part A Item Number 1 to 5 ... 54

4.5 The Result of Teachers’ Questionnaire Part B Item Number 1 ... 54

4.6 The Topics and Titles in the Design of the Materials ... 57

4.7 The Competency Standards, Basic Competence, Topics, and Titles ... 57

4.8 The Indicators ... 60

4.9 The Subject Content ... 61

4.10 The Result of Students’ Questionnaire Part A Item Number 7 to 10 .... 64

4.11 The Result of Students’ Questionnaire Part B Item Number 2 and 4 .... 64

4.12 The Result of Teachers’ Questionnaire Part A Item Number 6 to 10 .... 65

4.13 The Result of Teachers’ Questionnaire Part B Item Number 2 to 7 ... 66

4.14 Teaching-Learning Activities ... 68

4.15 The Description of the Participants ... 72





2.1 Kemp’s Diagram ... 13

2.2 A Framework for Analyzing Communicative Tasks ... 20

2.3 The Components of Task-Based Instructions ... 28

2.4 The Theoretical Framework ... 36





Letter of Permission to the Headmaster of SMA Dominikus Wonosari ... 85

Letter of Official Statement from SMA Dominikus Wonosari ... 86


Questionnaire in Research and Information Collecting for Teachers ... 88

Questionnaire in Research and Information Collecting for Students ... 91

Questionnaire in Preliminary Field Testing for Teachers and Lecturers ... 93


Syllabus ... 97

Lesson Plans ... 106

General Description ... 119




In this chapter, the writer would like to present six sections which are: research background, problem formulation, problem limitation, research objectives, research benefits, and the definition of terms.

A. Research Background

Since 2006, the government applies the newest curriculum called School-based Curriculum (SBC) or Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pembelajaran (KTSP). In this kind of curriculum, every school has its own right to develop the syllabus, which means the schools are to develop the components of the curriculum itself. School-based Curriculum (SBC) of the English Subject for Senior High Schools expects the students to be able to understand and express information, thoughts, and feelings, and develop knowledge, technology, and culture (Diknas, 2006). Those expectations, which are called communicative competences, are realized through the four English skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Although according to Diknas (2006) that the students are to have the ability in producing spoken and written language, the writer believes that the student’s abilities in listening and reading are also demanded.

Goh (2002: 1) states that “Listening takes up as much as 50% of our everyday communication time.” It means that we cannot pass a day without listening in our life. In learning English, listening can be the most important one



as clarifies by Brownell (1996: 6) that listening is learnt first before speaking, reading, and writing. Listening skill is the first skill that we receive or train before when we can speak or even before we are born. According to Krashen and Terell (1983), as cited by Celce Murcia (2001: 87), listening is very important and is viewed as the basic skill that will allow speaking, reading, and writing to develop spontaneously over time, given the right conditions. Here, the listening activities hold big role in helping the students to be more accustomed to English. Therefore, the more the students have the listening practice, the more they become familiar with English language.

Listening is a fundamental language skill but it is often ignored by foreign and second language teachers. In many instances or schools, listening is treated like a stepchild. Generally, the students lack of listening skill because the listening exercise are not maximally conducted. In addition, the teachers themselves rarely speak English in class; the teachers focus more on the other three skills instead of listening. Also, the teachers are accustomed to use the textbook or buku paket decided by the school. Here, the listening materials are not provided so that the teacher should find the listening materials themselves. As a result, the students are not accustomed to the listening activity in their English lesson.

SMA Dominikus is located in Wonosari, one of the sub districts in Yogyakarta. The writer selected SMA Dominikus Wonosari for her study since it was found that there were some difficulties faced in learning English lesson especially in the listening activities in classroom. While in fact, many students were happy and interested at the listening activities, but the materials and the way



the teachers conveyed the materials were often monotonous so that they were easy to get bored during the class. Therefore, seeing those facts above, the writer would design the suitable listening materials which would attract the students to be more interested at listening. The use of pictures, vocabulary building, games, sounds and music would be used in the materials designed. The listening materials would be recorded in the form of mp3 files burned CD so that it can be used easier. Since the purpose of School-Based Curriculum in English Lesson is to help the students to improve their communicative competence, the writer tried to provide the new and varied listening materials referred to the School-Based Curriculum to help the students achieving the purpose. Also, it is to help the teachers in developing the listening materials.

Listening plays a big role in second language classrooms because of its crucial role to generate other skills in English learning. As it is stated by Nunan (1999: 141-142) that listening exercises provide teachers with the means for drawing learner’s attention to new forms (vocabulary, grammar, new interaction patterns) in the language. This design is intended to provide the English listening materials based on the School-Based Curriculum, using Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Approach. The CLT is used since it underlines the process of communication rather than the mastery of the language forms (Nunan 1989: 79). Through CLT, students are to build their communication competence in English through this level along with the exercises given.

By designing the materials, the writer expects that the material would help the students to be accustomed to the listening practice in order to improve their



listening skill as well as to prepare the students to the next higher level and to the National Examination. As Rost (1994: 141-142) points out that listening is vital in language classroom because it provides input for the learner. Without understanding input at the right level, any learning simply cannot begin. Therefore, the lists of the materials are needed not only to prepare the students to pass the test, but also to help the students mastering English, especially listening skill.

As the method, the writer implements the TBI (Task-Based Instructions) principles since the TBI supports the implementation of Communicative Language Teaching. The TBI is used to support the tasks given in the classroom activities. It could specify the tasks carried out by the students to improve their listening skill. Furthermore, the writer expects that the design of the materials could help the students in improving their listening skill, especially to be more familiar with listening practice so that they could learn how to communicate in English as well as to prepare the National Examination.

B. Problem Formulation

The problem formulated in this study is: What does the design of the English instructional listening materials using Task-Based Instructions for the first semester of the tenth grade students of SMA Dominikus Wonosari look like?



C. Problem Limitation

The study is limited to design the English instructional listening materials using Task-Based Instructions for the first semester of the tenth grade students of senior high school, especially for those of SMA Dominikus Wonosari. The design of the materials were based on the needs of the school to provide more materials for their English learning, especially in listening class. The design of the materials referred to the School-based Curriculum using Communicative Language Teaching as the approach, and Task-Based Instruction as the method. This study focused on the designing of the English instructional listening material. The implementation to see its effectiveness was not conducted. The listening materials itself would be recorded in the form of mp3 files.

D. Research Objective

The study is aimed to design and present the English instructional listening materials using Task-Based Instructions for the first semester of the tenth grade students of SMA Dominikus Wonosari.

E. Research Benefits

1. For the English Teachers of SMA Dominikus Wonosari

This study will be useful for the teachers who are in charge of teaching English subject for the first semester of the tenth grade students in SMA Dominikus Wonosari. The writer hopes that the design of the materials could become the example for the English teachers in selecting the appropriate listening



materials for the following English listening teaching-learning activities. Here, the English teachers are expected to motivate the students to be more familiar with English especially with the listening activities by using the design of the materials. Furthermore, the design of the materials is to motivate the teachers to develop their own listening materials using their own creativity.

2. For the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Dominikus Wonosari

This study is to provide a set of English listening materials using Task-Based Instructions for the first semester of the tenth grade students of SMA Dominikus Wonosari. By applying this set of English instructional listening materials, hopefully, the students will be easier to improve their English skills especially listening skill.

F. Definition of Terms

There are some terms need to be clarified in order to avoid misunderstanding. Those terms are Listening, Instructional Materials, the tenth grade students, SMA Dominikus Wonosari, School-Based Curriculum, and Task-Based Instructions.

1. Listening

Rost (2002) defines listening as a process of receiving what the speaker actually says, constructing and representing meaning, negotiation meaning with the speaker and responding and creating meaning through involvement, imagination and empathy. In this study, listening is defined as an active and



purposeful process of listening, receiving, and responding the information the students obtained from the listening activities they have done.

2. Instructional Materials

Gagne & Briggs (1979: 3) state that Instruction is a set of events, which affect learners in such a way that learning is facilitated. It also includes events that are generated by a pager of print, by a picture, by a television programs, or by a combination of physical objects, among other things. In other words, the materials must be chosen carefully or must be suited with the students’ need so that the teaching-learning process can run smoothly. According to Briggs (1977: 19), instruction is the chosen solution to the educational program. In this study, instructional materials can be simply means all of materials that are used to facilitate the students in learning.

3. The Tenth Grade Students

There were 45 students of the tenth grade. They were divided in two classes. Their listening ability was considered as poor or still in beginner level. 4. SMADominikus Wonosari

SMA Dominikus is a Private Senior High School which is located in Wonosari. It has two classes of the tenth grade. The English lesson for the tenth grade in this school was conducted twice a week. The English teachers conducted the listening practice only every two weeks. The students’ listening ability in this school was considered as poor or still in a beginner level.Seeing this reason, the writer is sure that her design of the materials will be very useful for SMA Dominikus Wonosari.



5. School-Based Curriculum

In this study, School-Based Curriculum is defined as the curriculum which is used by the school; where the indicators should be achieved through communicative activities in the classroom.

6. Task-Based Instructions

Tasks are always activities where the target language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose (goal) in order to achieve an outcome (Willis, 1996: 23). In this study, Task-Based Instructions was the method used as the basis in formulating the listening activities.





This chapter is intended to review some theories related to the study and to formulate the theoretical framework of the study. Therefore, the writer divides this chapter into two major sections; they are Theoretical Description and Theoretical Framework. The Theoretical Description provides the theoretical issues related to the problem, while the Theoretical Framework explains the thread of the theories to formulate the orientation of the study.

A. Theoretical Description

This section presents five major points referring to the related theories used in this study. They are Instructional Design Model, School-Based Curriculum, Communicative Language Teaching, Task-Based Instructions, and Listening.

1. Instructional Design Model

Developing a set of listening materials needs a system of instructional program design to be followed. In this study, the writer referred to Kemp’s model as the main instructional model for the design of the materials.

Kemp’s Model

Kemp states that in building a successful program, there must be an approach called the systems approach that involves the development of an overall



plan incorporating parts of a process in a sequential pattern (Kemp, 1977: 6). There are three essential elements of instructional technology stated by Kemp (1977: 8) which are, objectives (what to be learned), method (what procedures and resources will work best to reach the learning levels), and evaluation (how will we know the learning we prepared to occur).

In order to maintain those three essential elements, there are eight steps that must be accomplished in the designed plan (Kemp, 1977: 8), they are:

1. Determining goals, topic, and general purposes for teaching eachtopic In determining the instructional design, a designer should decide the goals of the system, choose what topics to be taught, and list the general purposes of each topic. Topics are usually sequenced according to a logical organization; therefore, the topics should be arranged from the simple to the complex level. 2. Enumerating learners’ characteristic

The designer should obtain the information about the learners’ capabilities, needs, and interests. This step is important because learners’ characteristics will affect the emphases in instructional planning including the selection of topics and the level at which topics are introduced, the choice and sequencing of objectives, the depth of treatment, and the variety of learning activities.

3. Specifying learning objectives

In this step, the designer should decide what learning objectives to be achieved in terms of measurable student behavioral outcomes. Also, the objectives should be unambiguous so that the students are able to reach the objectives.



4. Listing the subject content

Subject content supports each objective and must closely relate to the objectives and to the students’ needs. Subject content includes the organization of the content and task analysis. By doing task analysis, the designer can make sure that all elements of a procedure are considered in the planning and will therefore be treated properly during instruction.

5. Developing pre-assessment

This step is aimed to determine the student’s background and the present level of knowledge about the topic. Pre-assessment has two kinds of tests; they are pre-requisite testing and pre-testing. A pre-requisite test is to determine whether the students have the appropriate background preparation for the topic. Pre-testing is to determine which of the objective students may have already achieved.

6. Selecting teaching/learning activities and instructional resources

The designer has her own skill and rights to select the activity and methods for the learning activities that will enable the students to master the objectives. Also, the designer is to know the strength and weaknesses of alternative methods and of various materials that suit to the students’ characteristic and needs.

7. Coordinating support services

The support services are budget, personnel, facilities, equipment, and schedule to carry out the instructional plan. If one element is missing, it will



affect the other elements. This shows that the designer should prepare each element in order to prevent any possible constraints in designing the plan. 8. Evaluating the students’ learning

The last is evaluating the students’ learning in terms of their accomplishment of objectives, with a consideration to revise and reevaluate any phases of the plan that need improvement. The evaluation is conducted to test whether the materials are successfully implemented for the students.

Kemp (1977: 9) states that the development process may start in any level and can move to other steps whenever the designer is ready. Therefore, the steps are independent elements they have a close relationship to another. The broken lines in the diagrams indicate revisions of elements made necessary by evaluation data gathered on students’ accomplishment of objectives.

Kemp offers a flexible model (Kemp, 1977: 9). This is the strength of Kemp’s model. The diagram in Figure 2.1 illustrates the relationship of each step in the plan to the other steps.

According to Soekamto (1993: 21-28), the strengths of Kemp’s models are first, in the process of designing and in the process of developing the instructional materials; second, this model focuses on the materials resources, goals, uses and the choice of learning resources; third, the model can be applied to all levels of education which can be used as the design system for a small unit and as a whole subject for university.



In this study, the writer conducted the steps of Kemp’s design in composing the design of the listening materials for the first semester of the tenth grade students of SMA Dominikus Wonosari.

Figure 2.1: Kemp’s Diagram (1977: 9)

2. School-Based Curriculum (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan)

School-Based Curriculum is the latest curriculum used in Indonesia’s education system. In this kind of curriculum, every school has their own right to develop the syllabus, which means the schools themselves should be able to develop the components of the curriculum itself.

Goa ls, Topics, a n d

Ge n e r a l Pu r pose s

Le a r n e r Ch a r a ct e r

-ist ics

Su bj e ct Con t e n t


Te a ch in g/ Le a r n in g Act iv it ie s, Re sou r ce s

Pr e - Asse ssm e n t


Le a r n in g Obj e ct iv e s Su ppor t

Se r v ice s


Ev a lu a t ion



According to Muslich (2007: 10), School-Based Curriculum (SBC), as the completing of the former curriculum used (2004 Curriculum), is an operational curriculum, which is arranged and implemented by each school. The arrangement of the SBC, which is trusted to each school, is almost the same as those principles of Competence-Based Curriculum (CBC) or Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi (KBK) implementation. The principles are implemented for each school in planning, conducting, running, and assess the learning, referred to their condition and objective.

School-Based Curriculum is developed based on these principles (Muslich, 2007: 11):

• It is focused on the potentials, developments, needs, and students’ importance and environment.

• It is various and integrated.

• It is concerned on knowledge, technology, and art.

• It is relevant to the life.

• It is total and continual.

• It is an unstopped learning.

• It is balance in national and local interest.

The School-Based Curriculum of the English Subject for Senior High School expects the students to be able to achieve certain literacy levels related to the English language learning. The literacy levels included performative, functional, informational, and epistemic. In performative level, people are able to read, write, listen, and speak with symbol used. In functional level, people are



able to use language to fulfill their needs such as reading newspaper, manuals, or procedures. In informational level, people are able to access knowledge or information with language ability, meanwhile in epistemic level; people are able to express knowledge in the target language (Wells, 1987) as cited in Diknas (2006). However, the aim of the English lesson in the School-Based Curriculum is to help the students obtain the informational level, which aim is to access knowledge with their ability in English language (Diknas: 2006). In short, after learning English language in the classroom, the students are expected to be able to communicate using English language.

3. Communicative Language Teaching

Teaching activities need an approach to be applied in classroom. Being a teacher also means being ready to provide the appropriate materials, teaching style, methods and strategies to conduct the teaching-learning process. In this study, the writer used the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Approach since it makes use of real-life situations that are needed in communication. The teacher sets a situation that students are likely to experience in real life.

a. Theory of Language

Richard & Rodgers (2001: 159) state that “The communicative approach in language teaching starts from the theory of language as communication.” In Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), it is obvious that theory of language teaching starts from a communicative model of language use and seeks to translate this into a design for an instructional material. CLT is considered “an



approach rather than a method,” as stated in Richard & Rodgers (2001: 172). As well, Littlewood (1981) in Richard & Rodgers (2001: 155) says that CLT pays systematic attention to functional as well as structural aspects of language, combining these into a more fully communicative view.

At level of language theory, CLT has a rich theoretical base. Some of the characteristic of this communicative view of language follow (Richard & Rodgers, 2001: 161):

1) Language is a system for the expression of meaning

2) The primary function of language is to allow interaction and communication.

3) The structure of language reflects its functional and communicative uses. 4) The primary units of language are not merely its grammatical and structural

features, but categories of functional and communicative meaning as exemplified in discourse.

In CLT, learning is the conscious representation of grammatical knowledge that has result from instruction and it cannot lead to acquisition. Acquisition refers to the unconscious development of the target language system as a result of using the language for real communication.

b. Theory of Learning

Johnson (1982) in Richard & Rodger (2001: 161) says three elements of an underlying learning theory that can be recognized in CLT. The first element is communicative principle which means activities that involve real communication that promotes learning. Second element is the task principle, which means



activities where language is used for carrying out meaningful tasks that promotes learning. The third element is the meaningfulness principle, which means that language which is meaningful for the learners that supports the learning process. c. Classroom Activities

The classroom activities and exercise types in CLT can be varied and unlimited. Those exercises and activities are set in communicative situation for the learner to be able to share information, negotiate meaning, and interact with others (Richard & Rodgers, 2001: 165). However, Littlewood (1981) in Richard & Rodgers (2001: 167) distinguishes communicative classroom activities between functional communication activities and social interaction activities of major types of activities in CLT.

The purpose of the functional communication activities is to direct the learners to use the language they know to communicate in which they have to get the meaning of the language as effectively as possible. Some example of the functional activities are comparing sets of pictures, recognizing similarities and differences, sequencing events in a set of pictures, discovering missing features in a map, giving and performing instruction how to do something, solving problems from shared clues. On the other hand, the purpose of the social interaction activities is to give the learners chance to use the target language in the social context. The activities include conversation and discussion, dialogues and role-plays, simulations, skits, improvisation, and debates.



d. Roles of Learners and Teacher

Since CLT underlines the process of communication rather than the mastery of the language forms, the roles of the learners and teachers are different from those in traditional classrooms. Role refers to the part that learners and teachers are expected to play in carrying out learning tasks as well as the social and interpersonal relationships between participants (Nunan, 1989: 79).

Breen and Candlin (1980) as cited in Richard and Rodgers (2001: 166) say that in CLT, the learners’ roles are as negotiator between the self, the learning process, and the object of learning. Learners should be responsible for their own learning, developing autonomy and skills in learning how to learn. Moreover, the learners are to be able to contribute as much as they gain and learn in independent way.

There are two roles of the teacher. The first is teacher as a facilitator in the communication process between all participants, and between these participants and the various activities and texts. The second role is teacher as an independent participant within the learning-teaching group (2001: 167).

e. Role of Instructional Materials

Richards and Rodgers (2001: 168) state that Communicative Language Teaching views materials as a way of influencing the quality of classroom interaction and language use. Many various materials can be applied in supporting communicative approaches to language teaching whose its primary role is to promote communicative language use. According to Richards and Rodgers (2001: 186), there are three kinds of materials currently used in CLT. The material used



1. Text-based Material

It can be taken from numerous textbooks which support the CLT approach, such as texts containing dialogues, drills, sentence patterns and uses visual cues, or which consist of a theme, task analysis for thematic development (2001: 169).

2. Task-based Materials

The task-based materials here mean variety games, role plays, simulations, and task-based communication activities. They are typically by the exercise handbooks, cue cards, and pair-communication practice materials (2001: 169).

3. Realia

Some materials required the use of “authentic”, “from-life” materials might be included in language-based realia. They can be found in signs, magazines, advertisements, newspaper and many other materials which are easy to find in the real life (2001: 170).

To sum up, the writer applied Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) as an approach of the study after considering the characteristics of CLT which are suitable to apply in the school of this study. However, it is crucial to select the method which supports the CLT approach in designing the materials. Therefore, the writer implemented Task-Based Instructions as the method in the design of the materials since it could support and reflect the implementation of CLT through the tasks and the classroom activities.



Communicative Task

Nunan (1989: 10) clarifies communicative task as “a piece of classroom work which involves learners in comprehending, manipulating, producing or interacting in the target language while their attention is principally focused on meaning rather than form.” It means that the students can learn and obtain the target language by the existence of communicative tasks. The students can express or give opinion towards what is happening in their surrounding so that they really learn and reach what they need to understand during the class, especially when it is really close to their real-life situation.

There are some components in analyzing the communicative task in the classroom. They are teacher’s role, learner’s role, setting, activities, input, and goals. The components are described in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2: A Framework for Analyzing Communicative Tasks (Nunan, 1989: 11)

Those components will be used to determine the tasks that will be used in creating communicative exercises in the designed materials.

The communicative tasks are applied in this study since they could afford the components which have to exist in communicative exercises for the listening


TASK Input 

Activities  Settings 

Learner’s  role  Teacher’s 



materials for the first semester of the tenth grade students of SMA Dominikus Wonosari. Clarke and Silberstein (1977: 51), as cited in Nunan (1989: 59), state that “Classroom activities should be parallel the ‘real-world’ as closely as possible.” Since language is a tool of communication, both methods and materials should concentrate on the message. It is expected that the activities in the designed materials would be closely related to the real-world situation and help the students to be familiar with the language used in the real-life communication.

4. Task-Based Instructions

Willis (1996: 23) defines tasks as “activities where the target language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose (goal) in order to achieve an outcome. It means that tasks are carried out for the learners to use the target language in the classroom activities. Meanwhile, Richards and Rodgers (2001: 223) define Task-Based Instructions (TBI) as “an approach based on the use of tasks as the core unit of planning and instruction in language teaching.” In fact, Task-Based Instructions represents a particular realization of Communicative Language Teaching in which the approach is applied in this study.

Tasks…are activities which have meaning as their primary focus. Success in tasks is evaluated in terms of achievement of an outcome, and tasks generally bear some resemblance to real-life language use. So task-based instruction takes a fairly strong view of communicative language teaching. (Skehan 1996b, as cited in Richards and Rodgers, 2001: 224)

It is clearly stated that in TBI, learners need to participate in communicative tasks in English. It is important for the learners to have the communicative purpose which indicates that they use the language by means to



achieve an objective. Generally, basic pair-work and group work are often used to increase the students’ interaction and collaboration.

There are several characteristics of a task stated by Jack J. Richards (2005, 33-34). First, task is something that learners do or carry out using their existing language resources. The second is that when the learners are carrying out the task, the learning acquisition may occur. Furthermore, the task in Task-Based Instructions involves a focus on meaning, and it involves two or more learners to realize the communication strategies and interactional skills.

Based on the characteristics of tasks from the TBI point of view, there are two kinds of tasks in TBI (Nunan, 2004: 1); they are real-world tasks and pedagogical tasks. Real-world tasks refer to uses of language in the world beyond the classroom, while pedagogical tasks are usually designed for the classroom, which requires the use of specific interactional strategies and the use of specific types of language (skills, grammar, and vocabulary).

In TBI, the activities used are those that increase the learners’ activities, not the teachers’. The teachers themselves need to produce and supply different tasks which help the learners to experience the target language spontaneously, individually and originally (Willis, 1996: 25). It is expected that the learners would obtain new experience with the target language through the tasks given which is indicated by some errors during the communication practices.

a. Varieties of Tasks

Many of the activities in CLT could be described as tasks according to the understanding of the characteristic of the task itself. There are six types of tasks



proposed by Willis (1996: 26-27): 1) Listing

Listing tasks tend to generate a lot of talk as learners explain their ideas. It involves two stages, namely brainstorming and fact-finding. In brainstorming, the learners would draw their experiences and knowledge either in class or in group/pairs. Whereas in fact-finding the learners are required to find out things by asking each other or other people and referring to books and many others. 2) Ordering and Sorting

These tasks involve four main processes. First, the students are required to sequence items, events, or actions in a chronological order. Second is ranking items according to personal values or specified criteria. Third is categorizing items in groups, and the last is classifying items in different ways, where the categories themselves are not given.

3) Comparing

These tasks involve comparing information of similar nature but from different sources or versions in order to identify common points and/or differences. The processes involved in this task are matching to identify specific points and relate them to each other, finding similarities and things in common, and also finding the differences.

4) Problem solving

These tasks involve people’s intellectual and reasoning powers, and though challenging, they are engaging and often satisfying to solve. The process would depend on the type and complexity of the problem.



5) Sharing personal experiences

These tasks encourage learners to talk more freely about themselves and share their experiences with others. The process could be narrating, describing, exploring and explaining attitudes, opinion, and reactions. Since this task is not goal-oriented as in other tasks, it may be difficult to be carried out in the classroom.

6) Creative tasks

These are often called projects and involve pairs or groups of learners in some kind of freer creative work. These tasks tend to have more stages than other tasks, and could involve combinations of task types. The learners could be more creative using the target language they learn. The process could be brainstorming, fact-finding, ordering and sorting, comparing, problem sorting and many others.

These kinds of tasks involve different cognitive process and support the activities developed in the design. Some of the tasks would be combined and applied since they are appropriate for the needs in this study, and they could support the learners to have their listening activities in the classroom.

b. Learner Roles in Task-Based Instructions

Richards and Rodgers (2001: 235) propose several numbers of specific roles for learners, they are:

1) Group participant

It is very common for the learners to do the task in small groups or in pairs. The learners are expected to be accustomed to participating in small group



or in pairs, instead of to the whole-class and/or individual work. 2) Monitor

Since the purpose of the tasks given is to facilitating the learners, they have the opportunity to notice how language is used in communication which requires the learners not only to attend the message in task work but also to the form in which the message may emerge.

3) Risk-taker and innovator

In Task-Based Instructions, the learners would have more practice in restating, paraphrasing, using paralinguistic signals. They need to develop their skills of guessing from linguistic and contextual clues, asking for clarification, and consulting with other learners.

c. Teacher Roles in Task-Based Instructions

There are three roles of the teachers in Task-Based Instructions proposed by Willis (1996: 40-41). In the TBI, firstly, the teacher is generally a facilitator. Facilitating learning involves balancing the exposure and use of language, and ensuring the students are both of suitable quality. Secondly, the teacher also acts as a language guide who guides the students focusing on the language form. Last, teacher as a course guide who explains to the learners the objectives of the course and how the components of the tasks framework can achieve the objectives. d. The Components of Task-Based Instructions

Willis (1996: 38) states that the learning process in Task-Based Instructions consists of three phases: pre-task, task cycle, and language focus.



1) Pre-task

The point of introductory focus on topic and language is not to teach large amounts of new language, and certainly not to teach one particular grammatical structure, but to boost the students’ confidence in handling the task, and give them something to fall back on if necessary (Willis, 1996: 38). In this stage, the teacher should introduce the topic and the tasks to the students which are conducted through the brainstorming ideas, pictures, mime or personal experience to introduce the topic. It is important that the teacher should create attention and give the learners chance to prepare to do task on the topic given. This step means to ensure that the learners understand about the task, goal, and the result. Therefore, the clear explanation and detail instructions must be given.

2) Task-cycle a) Task

In this phase, the students are allowed to carry out the activities and task in pairs or in small group. The main focus of the task is to get on meaning or content rather than on the form of the target language. The emphasis is on spontaneous, explanatory talk and confidence building. Thus, it is necessary for the teacher to help the students formulate what they want to say without intervening to correct their error of form.

b) Planning

Planning is the essential part of task cycle because it prepares the next stage where the students are asked to report how they did the task and what the outcome was. In this part, the teacher may correct the errors that the



students made and give the suggestion to improve their language. c) Report

This part could be categorized as the conclusion of the task cycle stage. Learners are to report, compare findings or begin to survey what they have done in groups, whole class or in pairs.

3) Language focus

This last stage of the TBI learning process continues the repot phase and provides an opportunity for explicit language instructions. The purpose is to highlight the specific language features from the materials used earlier in the task cycle. The focus is on the learners to the forms of the target language after processing the meaning.

This stage consists of two steps namely analysis and practice activities. The aim of the analysis activities is to get the students to identify particular features of language form and language use in their own time. On the other hand, practice activities could be naturally combined with analysis work and are useful for consolidation and modification. After identifying the language form and use, the learners have to practice it through some exercises like repetition, memory challenge, and dictionary exercise. The components of Task-Based Instruction are presented in Figure 2.3.



Figure 2.3: The Components of Task-Based Instructions (Willis, 1996: 114)

5. Listening

Since this study concerned with listening material for the tenth grade students, the writer would explain about the listening.

a. The Nature of Listening Comprehension

The nature of listening comprehension means that the learner should be encouraged to engage in active process of listening for meaning, using not only the linguistic cues but also nonlinguistic knowledge (Littlewood, 1981: 67). It means that in the process of listening, the learner used his background knowledge to process the language he wanted to use. Listening comprehension is to make the learners able to communicate.


Selecting, identifying and classifying common words and phrases

Practice of language and phrases in classroom Building personal dictionaries


Several sets of tasks followed by the teacher walks through of tasks Planning

Report Presentation PRE-TASK Introduction to topic and task



Michael Rost (2001: 7) states that the term listening is used in language teaching to refer to a complex process that allows us to understand spoken language. Listening, also, becomes the basic skills in learning foreign language. Listening is considered as supplement to the speaking skill. We cannot communicate face-to-face unless we use both skills: listening and speaking. Speaking is something we do after listening, rather than while you listen.

Anderson and Lynch (1988) in Nunan (1989: 23) underline the complexity of listening comprehension “by pointing out that the listener must simultaneously integrate the following skills”:

• identify spoken signals from the midst of surrounding sounds;

• segment the stream of speech into words;

• grasp the syntax of the utterance(s);

• formulate an appropriate response. b. Listening Process

In order to comprehend listening, there are two kinds of listening processes; bottom-up and top-down. The distinction is based on the way learners attempt to understand what they hear or what they read.

1) Bottom-up

According to Goh (2002: 5) bottom-up listening refers to a process by which sounds are used to build up increasingly larger units of information, such as words, phrases, clauses and sentences before the aural input is understood. Bottom-up processes includes the following (Richards (1987) in Nunan (1989: 25) :



• scanning the input to identify familiar lexical items,

• segmenting the stream of speech into constituents,

• using phonological cues to identify the information focus in an utterance,

• using grammatical cues to organize the input into constituents. 2) Top down

Top-down listening refers to the use of background knowledge (schema) to analyze, interprets, and store information for facilitating and enhancing comprehension (Goh, 2002: 6). Richards (1987) in Nunan (1989: 26) provides the following examples of Top-down Process:

• assigning an interaction to part of a particular event

• assigning places, persons or things to categories,

• inferring cause and effect relationships,

• anticipating outcomes,

• inferring the topic of a discourse,

• inferring the sequence between events,

• inferring missing details.

Listening does not only need top-down process but also bottom-up process because it can help the learners find the words’ meaning so that they have a good description of the circumstances. In short, listening requires bottom-up and top-down processing to comprehend the passage, as Eysenck (1993) in Goh (2002: 6), both top-down and bottom-up process occur at the same time in what is known as parallel process.



c. Listening Purpose

There are two listening purposes elaborated by Brown and Yule (1983) as quoted in Richards (1988: 63) which are interactional and transactional function. The first is interactional function which emphasizes the interaction of the participants to create comfortable and not threatening situation. Interactional purpose is listener oriented. The examples of interactional functions are greetings, small talk, jokes, complements, casual chat of the kind in which to use in past time with friends or to make encounters with strangers comfortable (Richards, 1988: 64).

The second purpose is the transactional functions of language. It is used for communicating information and it is usually called “message oriented.” This transactional function concerns with the interaction with other people related to the language, coherence, content, and clarity such as, taking notes or carrying out an instruction (Richards, 1988: 65). Both interactional and transactional functions are needed because interactional is used to interact with other people, while transactional is used to gain new information and skills (Richards, 1988: 66).

In this study, the writer will design a set of instructional listening materials using what have been explained in the listening process and purposes in order to help the students comprehend listening activities in the real-life situation.



d. Learners’ Problem

According to Brown and Yule (1983b) in Nunan (1991: 24) there are four major factors that can affect the difficulty of oral language tasks which related to:

the speaker; which included how many they are, how quickly they speak, and what kind of accent they have.

the listener; either they are participant or eavesdropper. Their level of response and individual interest also affect and oral language task.

the content; how complex the grammar, vocabulary, and information structure is, and what background knowledge is assumed;

support (whether there are pictures, diagrams or other visuals aids to support the text).

e. Types of Listening

According to Ur (1996: 113), there are four types of listening activities which were used in this study to give various activities to avoid boredom. Those four types of listening activities are stated as follows:

1) No Overt Response

The learners just listen to the listening materials without giving any responses. The activities are stories, songs, and entertainment.

2) Short Responses

The learners only give short answers or actions towards listening materials. The activities are obeying instructions, ticking off items, true/false, detecting mistakes, clozes, guessing definitions, skimming and scanning.



3) Longer Responses

The learners give longer answers or more actions. The activities are answering questions, note taking, paraphrasing, and translating, summarizing, and long gap filling.

4) Extended Responses

The listening only function is as a basic step before going to the extended speaking, reading, and writing. In other words, these are ‘combined skills’ activities. The activities are problem solving and interpretation.

f. Listening Materials and Media

Listening material according to Rivers (1980: 18) can be summarized as follows:

1) Fit to the level of students’ difficulties

2) Listening materials should be as natural as possible and fit to the real life of communication.

3) It is the teacher who should be crucial to think about the sounding of the speech, and it affects the students’ ability to comprehend the message. 4) The teacher should consider the length of the recorded materials that

presented to the students.

The materials used in classroom should consider the points above. To convey the materials to the students, the teacher needs media. Written text and reading passages are the common material presentation in the classroom. Teacher needs other media to give more exposure for the students, such as movie, song,



audio CD, and picture. The media available such as internet, VCD, tape player, OHP, and computer set as in the language lab.

In this study, the design of the listening materials would have several characteristics to differentiate it from other listening materials design. The writers apply CLT as the approach and Task-based Instruction as the method in developing the activities in the teaching learning process. The writer would also use some help corner in the materials, such as picture or images, songs and music, and list of vocabulary. Since there is no language laboratory yet in SMA Dominikus Wonosari, the writer would record the listening materials in the form of mp3. Moreover, the writer would apply understanding and prediction activities in which the students need to understand the certain pictures then select the best corresponds to the listening passage and to predict what is coming next in a lesson (Harmer, 2001: 135).

The use of music also takes part in this study since music is powerful stimulus for students and it could change the atmosphere in the classroom, or prepare students for new activities (Harmer, 2001: 242). Students could learn by completing the missing lyrics, since many students like to listen to music. In addition, another characteristic used is the vocabulary building. Pre-teaching vocabulary could reduce the language difficulty problem in the listening class. Besides, it could attract the students’ interest on the topic given.



B. Theoretical Framework

Theoretical Framework is considered as the basis to clarify the framework of the study. In designing the English instructional listening materials using Task-Based Instructions for the first semester of the tenth grade students of SMA Dominikus Wonosari, some steps were applied in this study. The materials were designed based on School-Based Curriculum suited with the teachers’ and students’ needs. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) was chosen as the approach in this study. While the method applied to underline the implementation of CLT was Task-Based Instruction (TBI).

In order to produce the creative and varied materials, the classroom activities and tasks were developed based on Task-Based principles. Since the TBI underlines the materials development and reflects the characteristics of CLT, each term in the listening activities would refer to the Task-Based principles. The tasks conducted were focused on the teaching-learning process. Therefore, there would be four terms of activities in each unit of the design of the materials which contained Task-Based principles.

In designing the listening materials, the writer used Kemp’s as the main reference since it has already provided the steps needed by the writer. The steps used in developing the materials were adapted from Kemp’s suited with the R & D steps. The writer did not adapt the whole steps of Kemp’s but only some which were suited with the needs of this study. In this study, the part of the revision would be applied in several steps of designing the materials. The steps used by the writer in designing the listening materials are:



1. Identifying Students’ Characteristics

This step was aimed to seek out the students’ capabilities, needs and interests. Students’ characteristics determined the ability that the students had acquired before learning using the design of the materials. In order to obtain those kinds of data, the writer conducted need analysis from the students’ and teachers’ point of view by distributing the questionnaires.

2. Stating the Competency Standards, Basic Competences, and Topics This step is aimed to determine the goal of the design of the materials based on the students’ needs. Stating the Competency Standards and the Basic Competences were the starting points in designing the materials. In this study, the term competency standard was used rather than the term goal because in the School-Based Curriculum (SBC), competency standard was used to mention the performances that students obtain as the end of teaching learning process.

After listing the competency standard, the writer was to state the basic competences which referred to the SBC. In this study, the term basic competences was used instead of general purposes. Basic competence stated was to guide the teacher about the minimum competencies from the competency standard that must be done or performed by the students. It is also to help the teacher in deciding the activities during the lesson. The topics used in the design of the materials were taken from the basic competences stated in SBC.

3. Listing the Indicators

In this study, the indicators would present the learning objectives. Indicators are the specific ability that students must achieve at the end of the



course and serve as measurement of students’ achievement based on the Standard Competency and Basic Competence. These indicators help the teacher to measure the students’ specific measurable performances.

4. Listing the Subject Content

In this step, the writer listed the subject content which supported each indicator. The writer should make sure that all the elements of procedures were considered in the planning process. The content organizing and the task analysis should be considered.

5. Selecting Some Teaching-learning Activities and Resources

Before designing the listening materials, the writer selected some teaching-learning activities and resources which are appropriate with the theories used in this study and the students’ characteristics. The writer was to dig listening materials and resources as many as possible to create qualified, varied, and creative listening materials. The task and terms used in the activity would refer to the Task-Based principles. Since the design of the materials would be used for the first semester, the topics chosen suited with the curriculum for the first semester. This stage would influence the characteristics of the design of the materials later on.

6. Evaluating the Design of the Materials

After finished designing the listening materials, the writer conducted the evaluation for her overall design of the materials by giving questionnaire to the English teachers of SMA Dominikus Wonosari and lecturers of English Language



Study Program. Their feedbacks, opinions, comments, and suggestions would be the basis for the writer in revising the materials.

7. Revising the Design of the Materials

After evaluating the design of the materials, the writer would revise the instructions and the materials. The revision would depend on the evaluation from the previous step of this study that was evaluation. Since not the whole process in designing the materials could be revised, this step was shown by the feedback lines for the steps which could be revised.




In this chapter, the writer would like to present the methodology used in the study. This chapter discusses the research method, research setting, research participants, research instruments and data gathering technique, data analysis techniques, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

Since this study was aimed to present a set of instructional listening materials, the writer needed a method to be applied. In this part, the writer explains the method used in the study. The method used was Research and Development (R & D), which means the writer conducted the research and developed the design. According to Borg & Gall (1983: 772), R & D is a process used to develop and validate educational products. In this study, the term “product” referred to the instructional materials, in the specific is instructional listening materials based on Task-Based Instructions.

The writer decided to use R & D method because it facilitated the writer to create tested and applicable educational products for the subject of the study, which was SMA Dominikus Wonosari. R & D consists of a cycle where a product will be developed, field tested, and improved on the basis of field-test data. There were ten steps in R & D, which are (1) Research and Information Collecting, (2) Planning, (3) Develop Preliminary Form of Product, (4) Preliminary Field


Testing, (5) Main Product Revision, (6) Main Field Testing, (7) Operational Product Revision, (8) Operational Field testing, (9) Final Product Revision, and (10) Dissemination and Implementation (Borg & Gall, 1983: 775).

From the ten steps of R & D stated above, the writer would apply only five steps, which were:

1. Research and Information Collecting

Research and Information Collection was a starting step in this study and it was important for the writer to get the information and the basis of the design of the materials. In this step, the writer conducted two steps, which were literature review and classroom observation. Literature review was conducted in order to find some references which provided the information concerning the research topic. The writer focused on the theories related to instructional design, communicative language teaching, task-based instructions, and listening. Moreover, the writer reviewed some English textbooks for senior high school, books of exercise, and the curriculum used which is School-based Curriculum.

Classroom observation was conducted in order to gain the information of the subject. The writer distributed questionnaires to the tenth grade students of SMA Dominikus Wonosari and the English teachers of SMA Dominikus Wonosari. The information gained from the questionnaires would be used as the consideration for the writer to determine how the listening materials should be developed. This step 1 of R&D cycle was the same as (1) Identifying students’ characteristics in the writer’s model.


2. Planning

In this study, planning included defining skills, stating objectives, and determining course sequence which were developed referred to the curriculum used by SMA Dominikus Wonosari. The data gained from the Research and Information Collecting would be used to decide the suitable listening materials based on the students’ needs and interests. The data were presented in the form of syllabus and lesson plans.

Since the design would be developed based on the School-Based Curriculum which is applied in the school, the terms in the Planning were suited with the school’s syllabus. The most important aspect in Planning is stating the objectives, which should be achieved by the designed materials. Thus, the writer would firstly review the competency standard and the basic competence, and listed the topics of the design of the materials based on the syllabus of SMA Dominilus Wonosari. Then, the writer formulated the indicators for the students to achieve at the end of the lesson. This step included two steps of writer’s model which were (2) Stating competency standard, basic competences, and topics, and (3) Listing Indicators.

3. Development of Preliminary Form of Product

In this step, the writer prepared the design of the materials based on the data gained in the research and information collecting. Then, the writer listed the subject content and selected the teaching-learning activities and resources which would be used in the design. The activities chosen were referred to the Task-Based principles. This step included the fourth and fifth step of the writer’s which


were (4) Listing subject content, and (5) Selecting teaching-learning activities. 4. Preliminary Field Testing

The aim of this step was to obtain evaluation and comments as well as criticism toward the design of the materials. The design of the materials would be evaluated by two English teachers of SMA Dominikus Wonosari and two lecturers of English Language Education of Sanata Dharma University. The feedback would be gathered using questionnaire, and would be used to revise and develop the design of the materials. This step included the sixth step of the writer’s which is (6) Evaluating the design of the materials.

5. Main Product Revision

This is the last step in this study. After evaluating the design of the materials, the writer revised the design of the materials based on the feedback gained in the previous step. This step included the seventh step of the writer which is (7) Revising the design of the materials. The cycle of field-testing and revision would continue until the design of the materials was accepted by the respondents.

The research procedure used in this study would be presented in the last part of this chapter. The research method of this study is shown in Figure 3.1.


R & D Steps Writer’s Model

: Feedback line

Figure 3.1: The Research Method

Research and Information



Development of Preliminary Form of


Preliminary Field Testing

Main Product Revision

Identifying Students’ Characteristics

Revising the Design of the Materials

Evaluating the Design of the Materials

Stating Competency Standards, Basic Competences, and Topics

Listing Indicators

Listing Subject Content

Selecting Teaching-learning Activities


176     Material A ttac hm ents  

My grandmother will come to my house this

afternoon. She will bring me my favorite


I have a new boy/girlfriend.

I’ve just got the scholarship.  Our class win the

football match in ‘class meeting’.   My neighbor was robbed last night. They lost everything

they have.  I couldn’t get the ticket to watch Justin

Bieber concert. 

I passed the National Exam.  

I bring your favorite magazine. I’m grounded for

three days.




Material Attachments

Unit 3 : A or D

Invitation Cards

Watch movie Have dinner Graduation party

Wedding party Music concert


Birthday party

Wayang show Shopping

Beach Computer expo

Education Fair Museum

Hang out Football match




Material Attachments

Response Cards




















t 4 : W


Where t

Map Mas


to go M


ial Attachmen









Youu want to: 

ô enjoy som

ô buy some

ô park your

ô rent a car

ô see the w

ô pray (do s


me paintings 

e meals 

r car 

wild animals 


ial Attachmen







Youu want to: 

ô have a gla

ô buy some

ô go swimm

ô watch a m

ô buy some

ô have your


ass of coffee 

e novels 



e fresh fishes 

r hair cut 

ial Attachmen




