Data Analysis Triangulation Gender awareness in English textbooks for elementary school.

Category Textbook A Textbook B Textbook C Textbook D F M F M F M F M Activities watching television, coming home after work, and taking daughter to zoo, receiving visitors, ironing, and serving drink, playing football, coming late to the school, and fighting in the library, studying, playing hide and seek, drawing, etc. Place library, school, hospital, police office, etc. Moreover, the interview was also employed to clarify and obtain richer data. The interview questions are presented in the table 3.3. Table 3.4: Interview Questions No. Questions 1. How do you define a textbook? 2. How do you design a textbook? process 3. What are the objectives of your design? 4. In designing a textbook, what are components that you put into your consideration? 5. What is your opinion about gender awareness? 6. Do you consider gender components in designing your book? Why? 7. Do you think it is important to avoid gender stereotyping in a textbook? Why? 8. Do you consider sexism and avoiding gender stereotype in your design? Why? 9. For the illustrations in your book, do you get involved in design it? or do the illustrators consult or confirm it to you after designing it? Do you give any description related to the picture? Confirm certain cases found during analysis.

3.6 Data Analysis

To answer the research questions, both data from table and interview checklists were employed. Then, to analyze the data, codes and categorizations were needed. The codes were all content and attributes related to gender awareness in the textbooks. All contents and attributes which were not associated with the issue were excluded. Besides, the categories were based on the characteristics of the content and attributes, for instance, profession, possession, place, and etc. Thus, the data analyzed were in the form of adjective, action verbs, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI and noun. However, the primary data were only from table checklist. The interview checklists were only supporting data to make the study more valid.

3.7 Triangulation

To make this study valid and reliable, triangulation was employed to make emerge trustworthiness. “Triangulation may be defined as the use of two or more methods of data collection in the study of some aspect of human behaviour” Cohen et al., 2007: 141. According to Guba 1981, trustworthiness can be achieved through considering credibility, reliability, and transferability. In this study, the credibility was having consultation with gender and material designer experts, advisors, and colleague. Then, reliability was depicted in a consistency of coding and categorization. Since the main instrument is the researcher, the table checklists should be understandable. Therefore, it should be piloted. Transferability was confirmation with the authors; in this case, the interview checklists were employed. 35 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This chapter discusses an answer of the research problem. It consists of two sections, namely results and discussion. In the results section, the data in each book are presented and depicted thoroughly. In the discussion, the data are interpreted based on the underlying theories.

4.1 Results