Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence Mathematical-Logical Intelligence


5. The Application of Multiple Intelligences Theory to Kindergarten Classes

The theory of multiple intelligences helps children succeed on their own terms. Therefore, forget the standard I.Q. meaning of genius then understand that each child will be a genius in a very different way from another child. There are seven description of multiple intelligences of children written by May Lwin, Adam Khoo, Kenneth Lyen, Caroline Sim in their book How to Multiple your Child’s Multiple Intelligences 2003, and the appropriate activities for each intelligence.

a. Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence

Verbal-Linguistic intelligence refers to the ability to form thoughts clearly and be able to develop these competently through words to express these thoughts in speech, reading, and writing. It involves sensitivity of spoken and written language. A person with high verbal language will not only display a sound command of the language, but also be able to tell stories, debate, discuss, interpret, report, and undertake a variety of other verbal and writing related tasks. The importance of Verbal-Linguistic intelligence is to improve reading skill, writing skill, listening skill, and to build self-presentations and general linguistic skills. Furthermore, there are activities to enhance verbal development to expose children to basic linguistic skills. They are providing opportunities for doing simple conversation, teaching children the joy of reading, exposing children to music, and playing word games. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 26

b. Mathematical-Logical Intelligence

Mathematical-Logical intelligence consists of the capacity to analyze problems logically, carry out mathematical operations, and investigate issues scientifically. In Howard Gardners words, it entails the ability to detect patterns, reason deductively and think logically. This intelligence is most often associated with scientific and mathematical thinking. The importance of Mathematical-Logical intelligence is to enhance logic and strengthen reasoning skills, to discover the working of patterns and relationship, to enhance number sense, to develop problem solving skills, to improve ability to classify and categorize, and to enhance memory. To enhance Mathematical-Logical intelligence, there are some activities like working with patterns, practicing and solving math problem, experimenting and developing a sense of science, using computer, and playing logic and strategy games. The activities for working with patterns can be shaping connection, collecting things in the bag, making fruit sticks, and so forth. Then for practicing and solving math problem, some games such as counting games, making egg cartoon train, hopping and counting can stimulate children’s awareness of numbers and math. Children should be encouraged to conduct their own experiments based on their observation of things around them and gain better awareness of the natural world they live in. The activities that can expose children to the idea of experimentation are making chocolate-dipped frozen bananas, creating colors, and so forth. Additionally, using computer can help children in learning numbers and PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 27 geometric shapes, colors, and movement with the help of many commercially available CD-ROMs with mathematical programs. Furthermore, the activity like playing simple logic games through story telling with children can encourage them to predict what will happen next in the play or story. The example of logic games are puzzle center, mystery story with a riddle, little riddles, and so forth. Children are subconscious learners and can perceive patterns and sequences around us from a young age. Therefore, decorate the wall at home with posters depicting different patterns, shapes, and colors.

c. Visual-Spatial Intelligence

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