Background of the Study

B. Problem Limitation

This study tried to describe the SMA English teachers‟ lived experience in selecting textbooks. According to Murphy 1960:13 in Bradley, 2002 teachers lived experience includes many aspects, namely understanding, desire, intention or expectation, anticipation, relations with others, cultural patterns, feelings, belief or sights, smells, sounds, etc. Because of the time limitation, the study concerns the teachers‟ lived experience covering five main aspects, namely understanding, belief, action, feeling, and intention. Teachers‟ understanding on curriculum and the textbooks evaluation criteria will influence their beliefs or opinions, intention, feelings and action in selecting textbooks used in the classroom. Therefore, the study deals with what the teacher understands, believes or thinks about, intends to, feels about and does with the English textbook selection. The researcher considers the five aspects significant to provide deep insight into what textbooks selection means to SMA English teachers. In selecting participants, the researcher chose two senior SMA English teachers who work for different schools in Yogyakarta and have plentiful experience in teaching. The researcher considered it was better to focus on two teachers‟ lived experience in order to obtain as rich information as needed.

C. Research Question

The question stated in this study is “What is the SMA English teachers’ lived experience in selecting textbooks?” This question became the guideline for the researcher to conduct the study in order to discover the answers. The researcher would like to answer the research question by describing and interpreting the SMA English teachers‟ understanding, belief, action, feeling, and intention related to textbooks selection.

D. Research Goal

The study is aimed at describ ing and interpreting the teachers‟ lived experience in selecting English textbooks for SMA which focuses on understanding, belief, action, feeling, and intention regarding with the English textbook selection.

E. Research Benefits

As the study attempts to address the research question “What is the SMA English teachers’ lived experience in selecting textbooks?” the researcher expects that the study will give beneficial contributions for empowering the teachers. The benefits of the study cover theoretical and practical benefits. They are explained as follow. 1. Theoretical Benefit Theoretically, the descript ion and interpretation of SMA English teachers‟ lived experience functions as English teachers‟ reference in selecting textbooks, which then would positively affect the teachers‟ process in selecting English textbooks. 2. Practical Benefit In practice, the study is expected to be able to help English teachers make decisions and form professional judgments in selecting textbooks, which leads to more autonomy, empowerment, and self-actualization in English teaching in Indonesia.


The purpose of this chapter is to clarify the constructs and concepts used in the study. It will be divided into three parts. The first part includes the theoretical description concerning the constructs and concepts used in this study. It begins with the review of the main words in the study title, lived experience, and it is followed by the review of textbooks. The second part is review of related studies, and the third part is theoretical framework and assumption.

A. Theoretical Review

In the first part, the researcher would like to discuss on senior high school, then followed by senior high school teachers. After that, the discussion would be about teacher cognition, then followed by the four strands. Next, the elaboration about textbooks will be presented. It covers the concept of textbooks, textbooks as an instructional material, textbooks in the 2013 Curriculum, the criteria of good textbooks, textbooks selection. After that, the researcher discusses lived experience, which would cover five aspects of it, namely understanding, belief, action, feeling, and intention. The last part focuses on hermeneutic phenomenology.

1. Senior High School

According to Law No. 20 Year 2003 on the National Education System, the structure of education in Indonesia begins with Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini PAUD or early childhood stage which is not compulsory and is categorized into 8 kindergarten and playgroup starting from the age of 0 to six years old. It is then followed by three levels of formal education namely primary education, secondary education, and tertiary education. The primary education covers Sekolah Dasar SD and Madrasah Ibtida‟iyah MI, as well as Kejar Paket A. Meanwhile, the junior high schools consists of Sekolah Menengah Pertama SMP and Madrasah Tsanawiyah MTs as well as Kejar Paket B. The secondary education covers senior high schools and vocational schools. Senior high schools consist of Sekolah Menengah Atas SMA and Madrasah Aliyah Kejuruan MAK. There is also Kejar Paket C, which is in the same level as SMA and MAK. The last and the highest level is tertiary schools, which consist of several kinds of educational institutions including universities and colleges. In the national education system in Indonesia stated previously, senior high school is three secondary grades 10, 11, 12 of school following junior high school and preceding university. Senior high school students are approximately 16 to 18 years old. Considering the ages, the students of senior high school are mentally independent. Generally, they have experienced learning English in junior high school so that they already have prior knowledge of English.

2. Senior High School English Teachers

Law No. 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers, it is stated that teachers are professional educators whose main duty is to educate, teach, advise, guide, train, and evaluate students in all levels of educations. Furthermore, it is also mentioned that senior high school teachers should be the graduates of four year teaching diploma. Senior high school teachers, especially those who belong to civil servant teachers, have various responsibilities. Still according to Law No. 14