The source data to be analyzed are taken from the Psalm of Holy Bible and the selected Psalm is Psalm of David. The writer will be analyzed the data based on Metaphor according to Keraf 1998:19 . Keraf says metaphor is a kind of analogy that compares two things directly, metaphor as a direct compression which does not use the word: like, as, if so that the first thing is directly to relieve to the second.In this paper, the writer found many figurative languages in Psalm of David. That’s why we have to find the figurative meaning to get the proper or suitable understanding of the sentence in verse of Psalm of David. TABLE Data analysis of metaphor in selected verses of Psalm of David NO TEXT SOURCE METAPHOR TARGET MEANING 1 But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts up my head . a shield , My glory and the One who lifts up my head As we know shield is a thing which human use as a instrument to protection from any danger.God is compared with Shield. Shield is a large piece of metal, wood, etc. something that defends or protects someone or something. Metaphorically, God is Shield. God is a place to take shelter. We will be safe in God. He assured our salvation and 33 protects us from all dangerous. It means ability of God to protect us. 2 And He heard me from His holy hill. Holy hill The phrase holy hill is a symbol. It refers to place of God. Where the Lord sits down and lives to watch us. When we see the literal meaning from the Meriam Webster dictionary, hill means a usually rounded area of land that is higher than the land around it but that is not as high as a mountain. Holy hill represent symbol of heaven, place of God.where God stay and live there. The heaven is compared with hill, because as we know, hill represent high and big object, hill also have very strong and sturdy character and very beautiful. Holy means pure, spotless, there is no handicap, it is perfect. This matter show characteristic of very beautiful 34 heaven, holy, big, strength and sturdy. It symbolizes the place full of love; there is no hated mind, grace and mercy. So, the power of lethal cannot touch empire of heaven. 3 Give heed to the voice of my cry, My King and my God My King In this sentence, God is compared with king. As we know, king is the most someone who has big power and has influence, king also a strong man, and represent a leader. It is a symbol of God. He is owner and creator entire of world content. He who has throne in empire of heaven and as government in the world. God top kick arrange life of His people. God have rights of human life and all decision there is in God hand. 4 For there is no faithfulness in their mouth; Their Their inward part is destruction; There are two metaphors in this verse. The first metaphor is Their inward part is destruction. 35 inward part is destruction; Their throat is an open tomb ; Their throat is an open tomb; Metaphorically, This symbolized unrighteous someone and does not has good attitude. Their brain always think bad things.The second metaphor is their throat is an open tomb. Literally, we can see that according to dictionary by Meriam Webster, tomb is a building or chamber above or below the ground in which a dead body is kept. Grave is carcass place or dead body. Meanwhile, throat is the tube inside the neck that leads to the stomach and lungs’ the front part of the neck. But metaphorically it is a symbol about people who take a fancy to rot. Do not like to say downrightly. it device of people who eat ill gotten food and work from illicit way. 5 My defense is of God , Who saves the upright in heart. My defense is of God Literally, according to Oxford dictionary defense means protection against attack, the act 36 of protecting something from attack, criticism, etc. And metaphorically, God is shelter from all danger. He will save His oppressed people. The help will directly solve our problems because God understands and knows what we need and His help never be late. He will make all right in that time. 6 God is a just judge , And God is angry with the wicked every day God is a just judge The word judge means someone who determines right act and wrong act. If we see the literal meaning from the Meriam Webster dictionary, word judge means a person who has the power to make decision on cases brought before a court of law: a person who decides the winner in a contest or competition: a person who makes a decision or judgment. So, in this verse means God has power to make decisions and gives a 37 punishment. He is wise and a fair God in seeing every case. God see what we do, good and or bad. Theres nothing hidden for Him. He knows all truth. 7 You have crowned him with glory and honor. Crowned him with glory and honor. In literal meaning, crown means a decorative object that is shaped like a circle and worn on the head of a king or queen for special ceremony. We know a crown is precious. Not all of people can have it. But figuratively, That clause is compared with the lovingkindness of Lord to human. And in that clause God is crowned us with glory and honor. Our God really love us. He never underestimates His people. He create human being draw with Himself. Even He volunteer gives His soul to redeem human sin and save them from hell. 8 You have put all put all things This clause is also compared 38 things under his feet, under his feet, with the lovingkindness of Lord to human. Metaphorically, this clause means God give right to human to use all His creation. God award brain for human being to think. So that human can explore natural resources to fullfill requirement of human because God is very loves us, His people. 9 The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, A refuge in times of trouble. a refuge for the oppressed, A refuge in times of trouble. The Word of refuge is a symbol which is compared with God. According to Meriam Webster dictionary word refuge means shelter or protection from danger or trouble: a place that provides shelter or protection. It is same like personality of our God. God will always become a save place to people who trust and hope to Him. His Kindliness has never changed. He will remain to take care of His people. 10 Sing praises to the who dwells in In this verse, ‘who dwells in 39 Lord, who dwells in Zion Zion Zion symbolizes the heaven, it a place of God to reside. The city that God has prepared for the people trust in God and to the faithful people. Sion is peaceful place for the people of God choice. 11 That I may tell of all Your praise In the gates of the daughter of Zion In the gates of the daughter of Zion This clause is belonging to the metaphor; because this clause is intend to symbolize the gate of Heaven. Daughter of Sion mean all resident of Israel who also represent symbol of God’s people, they are who trust in name of Jesus Christ. 12 They speak idly everyone with his neighbor; with flattering lips and a double heart they speak. Flattering lips and a double heart. There are two metaphors in this verse. Flattering lips is a phrase which is compared to someone cleverness in talk. Metaphorically, flattering lips means someone who can assure others and make people trust to heshe word but heshe do not say as downright as, they tell 40 beautiful things but its fact on the contrary. Meanwhile, double heart is compared to someone that unfaithfully people, someone who has cunning mind and plans bad things and also represent character of unbelievable people. 13 The words of the Lord are pure words pure words As we know pure is clearest condition, it is a clear something, nature and free from dust. According to Meriam Webster dictionary word pure is not mixed with anything else: clean and not harmful in any way: having a smooth and clear sound that is not mixed with other sounds. Metaphorically, Words of God is compared with pure words. Word of God is real correct word, and only containing about truth, it is not defect and God will not impinge His promise. He surely coincide all of His word. 41 14 But the Lord is his refuge Lord is his refuge According to Meriam Webster dictionary word refuge means shelter or protection from danger or trouble: a place that provides shelter or protection As we know the Word of refuge is a protection place. It is a symbol which is compared with God. It is same like personality of our God. God become benefactor for every problem. He always have the way to help, he always have the way of inscrutable in every overcoming the problem of human being. Theres nothing imposible to Him. 15 Oh, that the salvation of Israel would come out of Zion come out of Zion Sion is device for Place of God, or for the people of Allah, where God stay with them. And Place of God shade together with people who love him and following God’s way by their heart and do not manipulate. 16 O Lord, You are the portion of my The phrase portion of my 42 portion of my inheritance and my cup inheritance and my cup inheritance and my cup is a symbol of God. Literally, inheritance means he money, property, etc. that you receive from somebody when they die; the fact of receiving something when somebody dies. And cup means a small container shaped like a bowl, usually with a handle, used for drinking tea, coffe, etc. Metaphorically, God is compared to very precious things. The most valuable thing, uncountable price. This symbolizes God help and God kindliness is very amazing. It is unpredicable price. God is a victory device for every people. When we get Jesus Christ, we have got altogether, if we trust to Him. Even we on a trial, and in difficult adversity, we do not be fear because God along with us. We have to trust in God, He will 43 give abundance blessing for us. 17 I will love You, O Lord, my strength. My strength In this verse, God is symbolized as strength of human. God is strength for every one who require. God have never left His people. He devoted to always help and become arm rest to every weak people. 18 The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer ; My God, my strength , in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. My rock, my fortress, my deliverer, my strength, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. There are seven symbols that are compared with God in this verse. The words rock, fortress, deliever, strength, shield, horn of salvation and stronghold are kinds of symbol of God. The real meaning of rock is the hard solid material that forms part of the surface of the earth and some other planet. Literally, fortress means a building or place that hass been made stronger and protected against attack, deliverer means someone who gives somebody or something to somebody else so that they are 44 under this person’s control. Strength means the quality of being physically strong. Shield means a large piece of metal or leather carried by soldiers in the past to protect the body when fightin. And stronghold means an area in which there is a lot of support for a particular belief or group of people, especially a political party. Metaphorically, tohose symbol means God has strong power and awful. There is nothing can contest strength of God. He is Omnipoten God. It means God always can solve every humans problems. He will not let us in our problem. His Love as devoted as everlasting forever.God is also compared with horn of my salvation. Literally, according to Oxford dictionary horn means a hard pointed part that grows, usually 45 in pairs, on the heads of some animals, such as sheep, and cows. Horns are often curved. Figuratively it means Jesus becomes the Leader of human who brings all the people to the Salvation from the Lord through His suffering in the world. God volunteer give His soul, because He really love us. So that, He is crucified to redeem humans sin and save them from lethal.So, those phrases are to symbolize the action of God. 19 As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the Lord is proven ; He is a shield to all who trust Him. The word of the Lord is proven; Literally, the word proven deals with anything that is good, holy, and honest. It is related to compare the characteristic or quality of word of the Lord. God has never impinged His promise. He surely coincide every His promise. Word of God is never wrong. 20 The Lord lives Blessed be my This metaphor is same with 46 Blessed be my Rock Let the God of my salvation be exalted. Rock metaphor before. As we know our God has strong power and awful. There is nothing can contest strength of God. He is Omnipoten God. He always can solve every humans problem. He will not let us in our problem. 21 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. My heart be acceptable in Your sight, In this verse, if we read the sentence, we will find the clause ‘Be acceptable in Your sight’. If it is interpreted literally, according to Oxford dictionary acceptable means agreed or approved of by most people in a society and sight means the ability to see, when we read the literal meaning of that verse that is our heart will sit down in the God’s sight and also means at God’s part of body, the meaning have no sense. Figuratively, the phrase is a symbol. The phrase ‘acceptable in your sight’ symbolizes the precious position 47 in God’s House that is heaven. So, that clause is the compared with the precious position in the heaven. If we close to God, We will feel happy and full of peace and we will feel His affection in our daylife. 22 May He send you help from the sanctuary , And strengthen you out of Zion; The Sanctuary Again in this verse the word ‘Sanctuary’ is a kind of symbol. Literally, Sanctuary means an area where wild birds or animals are protected and encourage breeding. Here, Sanctuary is compared with the Heaven Palace, which is a place of God. It describes how high and holy the Place of Jesus is. He is nobler than the entire things in the world. 23 The Lord is my shepherd ; I shall not want The Lord is my shepherd Literally shepherd means someone who keeps and takes care of his livestock. A shepherd always gives food to his livestock and save them from 48 dangerous. But metaphorically, for this verse, shepherd explains God personality, Who is Responsible, care us, love us and bring us to right place and keep us from evil. He willingly crucified to atone for human sin. Because Lord does not want us falling in devil’s hand. He likes to save us from death to everlasting life. Our Lord very love us, we are his. 24 Who is this King of Glory ? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory . King of glory The phrase ‘King of glory’ is a symbol. It is to symbolize Gods personality and describe blessing of the Lord for human, so He deliver His only Son, that is Jesus Christ to become human being and crucified as ransom of humans sin.The writer concludes it as metaphor because this verse compares a kind of king king of glory. 49 25 Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation You are the God of my salvation In this verse ‘God of my salvation’ is a kind of symbol. It is symbol of God’s personality. Figuratively, the meaning is Allah comes to the world in the form of human, and He called Jesus Christ. He volunteer deliver His soul and crucified above wood crucify as ransom of human sins, to be they save from lethal hell. 26 All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth , To such as keep His covenant and His testimonies. All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth There are two symbols that are compared with two essential things in God’s paths. The first is mercy; mercy is the symbol of the basic principles of God’s paths. The way to follow God is we have to loving each other. There is no reason to be vindictive and revenge. We have to reciprocate badness with kindliness.The second term that is used is truth. As non-literally, 50 it symbolizes character in following God. God always teach the truth. We have to do good act in our life and follow all His commemoration and do not impinge His order. 27 In whose hands is a sinister scheme , And whose right hand is full of bribes. Whose hands is a sinister scheme, right hand is full of bribes. In this verse, there are two things that symbolising the characteristic wicked people who againts Allah. First, whose hands is a sinister scheme. Figuratively, it means People who like to do lowly deed and everything that God’s hate. Second, right hand is full of bribes. It means act of people who like to conduct inequitable action and insincere. 28 A Psalm of David. The Lord is my light and my salvation The Lord is my light and my salvation In this verse, God is symbolized with two things. Light and rescuer.Literary, light means the energy from the sun, a lamp, etc. that makes it possible to see things. Figuratively, it means Light is good thing. So, Allah 51 dissociates light and darkness, goodness with badness. God is indicator of truth and bring us to the kindness for will always give happiness and peace. Second, salvation. This means, God becomes guarantee to human for live in gladness and peaceful life. Because human have been saved from within lethal into everlasting life. 29 Save Your people, And bless Your inheritance; Shepherd them also, And bear them up forever. Shepherd them There is a verb of this verse as a metaphor of God’s work. In dictionary, shepherd is a person whose job is to take care of sheep. Figuratively, it means Jesus; the God will take care of us and bring us to life. He will always look after our life, which bless our life with abundance blessing and take care of us from all devils trouble. 30 The voice of the Lord is powerful; The voice of the Lord is full of There is a symbol that is compared with essential things in 52 The voice of the Lord is full of majesty . majesty. God’s words in this verse. It is majesty, according to the Oxford dictionary, majesty means the impressive and attractive quality that something has. But as non- literally, it is the symbol of the God’s oracles, His words. This verse explains Gods word have power. Every His word will be done. It is the same as like he create world. He neednt be tired to make the perfect world. He is only conducting it just with utterance, hence all of that becoming. 31 For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me; My vitality was turned into the drought of summer. My vitality was turned into the drought of summer. In this verse, My vitality was turned into the drought of summer is compared with feeling of someone who get punishment from God for their sins which they do. 32 You are my hiding place ; You shall preserve me from You are my hiding place In this verse, God is analogy as shelter. It means symbol of God personality. The Safety is only in 53 trouble; You shall surround me with songs of deliverance. God. When we have big problem and despair, God will become entertainer for us and give glad, peace and blessing for us. 33 The young lions lack and suffer hunge r; But those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing. The young lions lack and suffer hunger Literary, in Oxford dictionary Lion means a large wide cat that lives mainly in Africa. Figuratively, the word young lions is a kind of symbol. It refers to people who not afraid to God. They are people who do not have pleasure in God. 34 Lord, how long will You look on? Rescue me from their destructions, My precious Life from the lions . My precious Life from the lions. According to the Meriam Webster dictionary that the meaning of the word lion is a large wide cat that lives mainly in Africa. The lion is a symbol of humans enemy, devil. Devil is arch-enemy of human. He always try to make human become sinner in variously way, the devil often use human who does not follow God seriously to destroy 54 life of Gods people. 35 Your righteousness is like the great mountains; Your judgments are a great deep ; Your judgments are a great deep There is a symbol that is compared with essential things in God’s works in this verse. it is great deep, according to the Meriam Webster dictionary deep means having a large distance to the bottom from the surface or highest point: going far inward from the outside or the front edge of something: located far inside something.But as non-literally, it is the symbol of the God’s works, His judgement.This verse explain God is a fair judge. No one can againt law of God. There is no one who can change it. 36 They are abundantly satisfied with the fullness of Your house, And You give them drink from the river of Your The river of Your pleasures. In this verse, the phrase ‘The river of your pleasure is a kind of symbol of blessed from God. Literally, according to Meriam Webster dictionary, river means a large natural flow of water that crosses an area of land and goes 55 pleasures. into an ocean, a lake, etc. but metaphorically, in this verse it means Gods blessing is always continuing in human life. God will never stop to blessing in human life. He will give all the best for human. 37 For with You are the fountain of life ; In Your light we see light. You are the fountain of life The phrase ‘fountain of life’ is a kind of symbol of God’s personality. In Oxford dictionary fountain means a structure from which water is sent up into the air by a pump, used to decorate parks and gardensyards.. Metaphorically, it means God give a life to human. He exhale his breath to make human live. As we know, God is the creator of human and all things in this world. He create human of dirt, and human get life from soul of God. Human does not live without God in their life. 38 My heart was hot My heart was In this verse, the sentence My 56 within me; While I was musing, the fire burned. hot heart was hot is a device of human soul. Logically, heart of human can not feel heat like human hit by fire. Metaphorically, this means jumpy human because of existing grief in their life. This is a comparison about Feeling of human who does not have peace, because they have so many grief and harsh test in their life. 39 Surely every man is vapor . Every man is vapor. In this verse, word vapor means a device of personality of human. In Oxford Dictionary word vapor means a mass of very smallest drops of liquid in the air, for example steam: water vapour. Metaphorically, this means human is not something without existence of God. Human life is only whereas. All things that human has is nothing, it is not. The endless and everlasting is only God. Human does not need 57 to be arrogant to what they have, because all that things are properties of God. 40 He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, Out of the miry clay, And set my feet upon a rock , And established my steps set my feet upon a rock The clause set my feet upon a rock is a symbol of God’s help. Writer concludes that it is a metaphora. Because clause the set rock a upon feet my is a comparison of way of God in saving human from all dangers.Literally, rock means the hard solid material that forms part of the surface of the earth and some other palnets. Metaphorically, God will always set His people in the most peaceful place.He will never let His people in sorrow. God will strenght our heart and give us peaceful and grace. Because God is always help us. 41 Oh, that the salvation of Israel would come out of tha the salvation of Israel In this verse, Israel is a symbol of selected people of God. Literally, Israel means kingdom in ancient 58 Zion Palestine comprising the lands occupied by the Hebrew people: country SW Asia bordering on the Mediteranian; a republic established 1948, Jesrusa;em area 7993 square miles. Metaphorically Israel means People who follow Jesus and believe Yesus is God, Allah who become human, comes to the world to cath siner and save them from their sin by death in crucifix wood. Israel is device of people who trust to Yesus as God and savior. it is not mean only nation of Israel who get salvation of God but every person who trust in Jesus. 42 The words of his mouth were smoother than butter , But war was in his heart; His Words were The words of his mouth were smoother than butter. His Words were softer than oil. In this verse, there are three things that symbolized word of wicked; those are they who are unconvinced to God. First, The words of his mouth were smoother than butter. Their word 59 softer than oil, Yet they were drawn swords. Yet they were drawn swords. is compared to slipperier than the butter. Second, his Words were softer than oil. This sentence also a symbol of word of people who do not afraid to God. Third, word of people who againt the Lord is compared with drawn sword. Metaphorically, this means they like tell a lie. They are the expert in cheating and tell a lie. They able to influence other by their words. But them have bad intention and destroy others. Their word sounds good but not practically. They are only wishing to drop and make others suffer. 43 Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me For my soul trusts in You; And in the shadow of Your wings I will in the shadow of Your wings The phrase in the shadow of Your wings is a symbol of God. In this verse, God has wings, but it is not mean, if God is like a Bird. This is only a comparison that we will be saved and 60 make my refuge comfort in God protection. We sure can face all problem if God along us. He will help us; God can do it. 44 My soul is among lions ; I lie among the sons of men Who are set on fire , Whose teeth are spears and arrows, And their tongue a sharp sword. My soul is among lions. Sons of men Who are set on fire. In this verse, there are two metaphors which symbolized about demon. First, in fact, the soul of that human is not really among lion. And soul has no figure or form. Metaphorically, it means someone who does not feel peace or happy. Someone who feel fear and jumpy. And in this case, devil does not show its form directly. But they continue to try to make someone suffer by use others human. Second, sons of men who are set on fire, the sons of men which in intention are all team of cruel demons and they are very virulent. They are creature which always wish human fall into sin and propagate grief to human. 61 45 Break out the fangs of the young lions, O Lord the fangs of the young lions Actually, the fangs of the young lion is part of Lion body which in there sharp and sharply tooth. But metaphorically, it is a kind of symbol of Demon weapon. Demon also has weapon and ability to mastering and grinding human. But our God has more power in command to break evil power, demon power and defeat them. God is undefeated and unbeaten. Power of God will break demons. 46 I will wait for You, O You his Strength; For God is my defense God is my defense Literally, in Meriam Webster dictionary defense means the act of defending someone or something from attack: something that is used to protect yourself, your country, etc. In this verse, God is compared with defense. It means human life will be saved in God. Nothing; There is no power of badness which can reach God people. Because God 62 is always with us, surround us. We are never alone in all our problems. God always provide punctual help in the right time. 47 To You, O my Strength, I will sing praises; For God is my defense, My God of mercy. My God of mercy. In this verse, the phrase ‘God of mercy’ is a kind of symbol of God’s characteristic. It symbolizes God is full of love; there is no hated mind, grace and mercy. When we see the literal meaning from the Meriam Webster dictionary, Mercy means kind of forgiving treatment of someone who could be treated harshly: kindness or help given to people who are in a very bad or desperate situation. In conclusion, it is a symbol of the God’s characteristic. God always forgive human sin. Though we are full of sin, we often do despicable deed and impinge all prohibition order of God, God is never hate us. He will always 63 give pardon and teach us so that we do not fall down deeper again. Gods Love is forever and everlasting and there is no love like Jesuss love. 48 Gilead is Mine, and Manasseh is Mine; Ephraim also is the helmet for My head; Judah is My lawgiver. Ephraim also is the helmet for Ephraim also is the helmet for My head; My head; Judah is My lawgiver. Ephraim is the younger son of Joseph; adopted by Jacob Gen 48 : 1ff; ancestor of one of the most powerful of the 12 tribes of Israel. Ephraim is a symbol of human, God’s people. And in this verse, Ephraim is the helmet for My head is a comparison of human for God. Judah is the forth son of Jacob, by Leah Gen 29:31,35; Ancestor of the tribe of Judah. Judah is also a symbol of us, people of Lord. It means we are property of God. We are the part of Christ body andw We are very majesty and precious for Allah. 49 Moab is My washpot ; Over Moab is My washpot. It is same like the previous metaphor; moab is a symbol of 64 Edom I will cast My shoe; Philistia, shout in triumph because of Me. God’s people. Moab is name of a city and a nation who fear and trust in God. it represent the device of people who have the pleasure before Allah, people who is always accept the blessing from God. 50 For You have been a shelter for me, A strong tower from the enemy. You have been a shelter. A strong tower. In this verse, there are two things which is symbolized Gods personality. First, A Shelter. God is compared with A shelter. In Oxford Dictionary word shelter means the fact of having a place to live or stay, considered as a basic human needed. But metaphorically, it means same as like metaphor before, God is a safety place to His people. We will feel peace and happy in God. God always protects His people from all kinds of danger. And help of God is never late. Second, A strong Tower. Literally, according to Oxford 65 dictionary word tower means a tall narrow building or part of a building, especially in church or castle. But in this case, God is not really a tower; it is only a device that God is gallant and strong buttonhole. There is no one can contest His strength. He defeat the demon, He breaking out power of the lethal and we free from devil shackle and our God protect us from all danger. 51 In God is my salvation and my glory; The rock of my strength, And my refuge, is in God. my glory; Word glory is compared with God. Metaphorically, for this verse, glory explains God personality, Who is full of love and mercy and really love us, His child. 52 Surely men of low degree are a vapor , Men of high degree are a lie; If they are Weighed on the scales, They Men of low degree are a vapor. They are altogether lighter than Metaphorically, Wind is device of human. Human is compared with wind. There is no everlasting thing in this world includ of Human. Human has limit for life. Human cant live 66 are altogether lighter than vapor . vapor. forever in this world. They will be dying in a time. Estae and throne are means nothing. Properties, honorary, and greatness which human have is only whereas and will lose when they die. 53 They shall fall by the sword; They shall be a portion for jackals . They shall be a portion for jackals. The senctence They shall be a portion for jackals is a compared with Punishment to wicked people. Cruel people, people who make a bad plan to others. When we interpreted it in literal meaning, God does not really make them become dogfood; the sentence is only a analogy. But metaphorically, it means God punish them by torturing them. God will give circumstantial grief and pain for them. They will feel suffer and sad for punishment which they get. Because God is fair, He will reciprocate according to deed of 67 them. 54 They devise iniquities: We have perfected a shrewd scheme. Both the inward thought and the heart of man are deep . Thought and the heart of man are deep. In this verse, the sentence Thought and the heart of man are deep represent comparison of human. According to Meriam Webster dictionary word deep means having a large distance from the top or surface to the botom. Metaphorically, the meaning of deep is not like in dictionary. Human’s heart is not really has meaning like in dictionary. Humans heart does not measure. It is a symbol of human characteristic. It means, we cant read someone. We have never known what they thinkand what they tell in their heart. we cant guess it. 55 A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows, Is God in His holy A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows. His holy There are three existing metaphor in this verse. First, a father of the fatherless is a symbol God. Literally, in Meriam Webster dictionary word father means a 68 habitation . habitation. male parent of a child. So, metaphorically God is compared with father. It means God always hold responsible for human life. Hold responsible to weak people and keep their life.Second, a defender of widows is also comparison of role of God. According to Meriam Webster dictionary word defender means a person who defends and believes in protecting something. Metaphorically, it is same like previous metaphor, in this case, God is benefactor to poor people, hopelessly. Lord is ta helper for people who feel alone and think they have no a hope. But God see all of His people. He has never missed from His people. He always understands every situation of human. Third, His holy habitation is a symbol of God’s place. It symbolizes the 69 place which is there is no sin there and that place is full of love and kindness; there is no hated mind, grace and mercy. It is a place where There is no badness, there is no inveighing. That place is a very beautiful place and full of dignity. 56 They have seen Your procession, O God, The procession of my God, my King, into The sanctuary . The sanctuary. it is same like metaphor before, word sanctuary is also a symbol of Heaven where God stay.Here, Sanctuary is compared with the place of God. It describes how high and holy the Place of Jesus is. He is nobler than the entire things in the world. Heaven is luxuriant and most beautiful place. 57 Those who hate me without a cause Are more than the hairs of my head ; They are mighty who would Those who hate me without a cause Are more than the hairs of my head In this verse, the sentence Those who hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of my head is a symbol of amount of humans enemy, the demon. Literally, hair means the substance looks like a 70 destroy me, Being my enemies wrongfully mass of thr threads growing especially on the head. Metaphorically, it does not mean the amount of them like a piece of hair. But, it means that human has so many enemies. 58 Those who sit in the gate speak against me, And I am the song of the drunkards. I am the song of the drunkards. I am the song of the drunkards is comparison of someone becoming topic discussion of others.Literally, song means a short piece of music with words that you sing. But metaphorically, this means someone who is always discussed by others. Someone which always become topic discussion for other people because hisher deportment. Everything what heshe makes will always jeered; it is a mistake to others. 59 A perverse heart shall depart from me ; I will not know A perverse heart The phrase A perverse heart is a symbol of human characteristic. Literally, heart means the organ 71 wickedness. in the chest that sends blood around the body. Metaphorically, A perverse heart it is not about form, it does not mean that humans heart has bent form. But it is a comparison of unrighteous human and likes to plan badness things and think of unrighteous things, all things which Gods hate. 60 For He knows our frame;He remembers that we are dust . we are dust. Literally, according to Meriam Webster dictionary word dust means a fine powder that consists of very small pieces of sand, earth, etc. Metaphorically, it means human is nothing. Human is nothing without God in their life. For everything what human human have, everythings what they get is a blessing of God. All of that is God-given. Everything What human get is not because of their strength to obtaining it. But because God wanting it. 72 61 For Your mercy is great above the heavens, And Your truth reaches to the clouds. Your mercy is great above the heavens. There is a kind of metaphor in the sentence Your mercy is great above the heavens. That is the phrase above the heavens. This is a device of earth. Earth is compared with above the heavens, and as we know, position of heaven is above of earth, higher than sky. And earth is in under the heaven. So writer conclude that the phrase is a symbol of earth, a place where human stay. 62 The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool. I make Your enemies Your footstool. The word ‘footstool’ is a kind of symbol. Literally, footstool means a thing that is put under our feet; its use is as the helper for our feet to make us more comfortable in stepping or standing. Here, said that the enemies will be the footstool of Jesus. It describes how high and holy Jesus is. He is nobler than the entire things in the world. So 73 the thing that is used in the foot is used to designate the characteristics of Jesus which holy and high. 63 The Lord shall send the rod of Your strength out of Zion. Rule in the midst of Your enemies rod of Your strength. In this verse, the phrase ‘rod of your strength’ is a kind of symbol of God’s help, where the Lord gives strength and power to human so that the human can face their problem.It symbolizes God helping is very excrutiatingly. It is full of victory and hope.According to Oxford dictionary word rod means a long straight piece of wood, metal, or glass. When we accurate it literally, a rod has never been categorized to some types, it is like rod of strength. As we know, strength does not have form. We do not ever get a power or strength from a rod. A rod cant give a power. Metaphorically, rod of Your strength is a device 74 of help of God. It means a power which God give to us, an ability to fight and against our enemy and frees our life from trouble. Lord gives us salvation and freedom.